As long as they are slaughtering moslems, I'm okay with that

as long as they are slaughtering moslems, I'm okay with that.

Other urls found in this thread:

But they're not

The muslims are growing faster than anything else within Western countries as are other races.

The white race is shrinking every day in their own home.

White people is a mutation from us

And other minorities are a mutation from monkeys.

What's your point?

You do realize that whites make up more than 80% of the US right?

Calm your tits man, we're fine. No darkie is trying to kill you..

Hahahaha, I don't even live there but that is nowhere fucking near close

Try 62%

Generically, the white genes will always come out on top.. if a black guy and a white girl have a child, the kid is lighter than the father then two mixed kids get together and have a kid, that kid is lighter again, and will have more white features, and they only get whiter as the process goes further..

You may say we're a mutation, but our genes are simply stronger..


We suffered slavery during centuries.I don't care if I was born in a free world. Now it's time to take back what should belong to us since long time ago.

It's 72.4% non Hispanic whites..

Dude, white people were slaves for thousands of years. By other white people.. your race wasn't the only one who suffered through slavery, you're not special because your people had a rough 4 centuries.

What the fuck are you reading? It's 72% INCLUDING hispanics that identify as white

Non-white hispanic (fucking hilarious tag for a race) make up only 62% of your country.

Your mentality is the reason why your race is so fucking angry and does nothing but crime all day.

Sure... I was in the US a year ago and most of the people I met were not white.

I don't get why if there's so many illegal people you just let them be. They are criminals just for coming to a country with the proper paperwork done.

>The white race

white is a race?

Stop trolling..

Harvard and Yale cite Wikipedia, so don't give me the whole "anyone can say what they want on there"

You pissed yourself faggot.

i'm white bro, i'm just talking about how we should overcome our burdens and become stronger.

So my country is 62% Hispanic?

I thought Foreign schools were supposed to be better than ours?

SeeWe're not going anywhere, stop worrying

>Non hispanic whites make up 62%
Can you even read?

>suffered slavery

shut the fuck up you ignorant dipshit, this world doesn't belong to anyone and certainly not undeveloped knuckledragging dumbfucks stupid enough to be subjugated and forced into slavery.

The world will never belong to dumbfucks like you because you fail to understand that the entire infrastructure you rely on to actually live is dependent on WHITE INNOVATION.

Modern technology? All white.
Modern medicine? All white
Modern transport? WHITE
Modern agriculture? WHITE
Plumbing? Sewers? Logisitic systems? POWER SYSTEMS? WHITE.

The very thing you claim is your birthright is a ball of fucking dirt, and that's all you'll ever have right to. DIRT.


Its called evolution fagot enjoy you 80 IQ

lmao, I meant non-hispanic whites, not non-white

You are sooo duummbb

Stop looking up hispanic-white inclusion


white losers and betas turning all of Sup Forums into cringe threads. pathetic

Or maybe you haven't looked into any facts about the white gene and wanna stay ignorant and call other people edgy because it tries to flip the level of stupidity from you to them

Man that sucks.

Maybe they feel kinship with mohammed cause he white guy that owned black slaves?

You do realize the average person, no matter the race, is only slightly above retard?

Seriously, if you go by IQ average is 90-109.
>84 and below is mental retardation.


Also called caucasion. Are you simple?

Yeah, that average really does change depending on what race you look at.

Asian IQ average, higher than all
Whites, higher than black

thank god

Oh, it's amazing how these fucking racists pieces of trash aways try to dismiss any minorities concern as just baseless complains and whining.

but when someone talk about white genocide (which is just some racist bullshit paranoia), they go madshit crazy over the fear of being treated as the minorities they insist to say have no reason to complain.

funny huh?

>muh facts about the white gene

is it related to the butthurt gene?

White genocide is real
Pic unrelated

lol nigger

not funny at all, some of them voted for trump. dont underestimate racist paranoia

Oh, it's amazing how some people don't even understand the fucking argument.

I fucking love humanity and all of its cultures but some cultures DO NOT FUCKING MIX.

Why can't we use all the money we sink into helping refugees to help them where they already live? They're killing themselves trying to get over here with dodgy traffickers and boats.

We're spending too much to bring a culture that beheads gays into one that throws parades for them. How the fuck can anyone agree with that?

i lost hard at 2:28, top kek

The world went retarded.

I don't know what's going to happen, but whatever happens it will last for centuries.

this is why trump is president.

>not underserstandig shit about the refugee crisis.

So tell me

Why can't we help them there instead of help them (here)?

how nice of you to pretend to care about refugees and gays. whats next, saying they are cruel to women and animals?

because your fucking government has no interest in doing that.

the US needs to keep manufacturing wars worldwide to only to sustain an increasingly unsustainable empire.

there would be no need to help them if the US wasn't so greedy and imperialistic.

learn to deal with your bullshit, merifat.

Wanna take a look at the figure of rape and murder since Angela Merkel opened the door to literally anybody to come into Germany with no vetting process?

Until you actually understand how bad this "nice gesture" is, you're going to reject anything to do with this

1. Not American
2. You're proving my fucking point (and it's not just the US)

it doesn't matter where you're from, if you're so afraid of refugees, it's because you live in a country that helped destabilize the middle east, so the last line in the post is still true.

learn to deal with your bullshit.

Yes, because it was ALL the citizens fault, just them, they definitely agreed with what happened and knew exactly what was going on.

Do you understand how dumb your argument is?

I'm afraid of refugees (thankfully Scotland is basically untouched) because I've been watching what's going on in Germany and other EU countries that are seeing a HUGE increase in murder, rape and general violence

Super powers bombed the shit out of some countries, made them angry, created refugees from them and then opened their doors to the same people.

aaaand there it is. the only time anyone cares about women on Sup Forums

thanks for proving my piont

who votes?

if you put a war hungry psychopath in charge of things, it's yout fault too.

You know absolutely nothing about how devolved powers work and who actually gets to make the decisions and you have demonstrated that perfectly in this post

If you actually believe what you just wrote, you really need to educate yourself on how governments work.

Oh right, so it's not a real problem then?

after white genocide, what other neckbeard paranoia you're going start to spit? votes don't matter? the system is rigged? (but only when I lose)

the government is just a reflection of the electorate.

boom, roasted.

>the government is just a reflection of the electorate

Please, please, please just leave the thread. You don't know a single thing about this topic.

For example, Americans are forced into either 1 of 2 candidates, think that's totally fair and represents the amount of possible views?

Citizens of a country have protested in the tens of thousands to stop war yet governments never listen and continue to do it anyway. In the UK, a few hundred members of parliament get the only say if we continue bombing, NOT the people.

In the US, their government prioritizes war and their military when their people want the opposite

You're so damn naive on this topic and the worst part is, is that you're too arrogant to believe anything else

fucking samefag lmao

Voldemort was a nigger

please, elucidate me with all your knowledge of conspiracy theories.

i dont know, you tell me. sounds like you are saying that murder and rape is somehow connected to men. i mean immigrants.

is daniel radcliffe a nazi irl?

You're kidding right? You haven't heard a single thing about refugees (not immigrants, learn the difference) committing crime throughout Germany and Sweden?

thats not him, just a guy that looks like him

You truly believe that citizens get to decide on factors of war? You truly believe that if they voted for the other person that war WOULDN'T happen?

it is him, it's from a film..

bitch, dont try to lecture me about refugees and sweden. are you a refugee living in sweden?

aye well it looks like you need one tbh fam

>it's from a film
idiot, there is no harry potter and the final solution


heil hitler