Well, Sup Forums, I don't know if I should keep on going. Pretty sure I failed college and my only option is to work a shitty food industry job while living with my parents and hoping I can make money from writing. Should I do it?
Well, Sup Forums, I don't know if I should keep on going...
I guess there are worse situations I could be in. My biggest thing is that I don't want to disappoint my parents. For some reason I don't talk to them about my depression but thanks for being there to tell me no, user.
Been there homie...stay strong. You shouldn't even have a gun. Smoke weed and chill the fuck out bro
Yeah why not. Start investing in stocks also
fuck college.
I didn't get a degree and I've had many successful jobs, currently in the video games industry.
Funny thing about the gun, my uncle (lives in another state) gave it to me as a Christmas/birthday gift. No one knows that I've wanted to kill myself the past 9 years. I was really surprised when I unwrapped it and everyone thought that I was happy for it. It was hard not to cry and the few days after I wanted nothing else but to throw it away.
For starters, forget the fucking writing bullshit. Go to a Tech school and learn a useful trade like welding. Make tons of cash. Take disappointed parents to Caribbean.
You can still do what you want even without college. Just make sure you're not a lazy duck
Fucking do it
At least you aren't a nigger!!!
Keep on going, in 20 years laugh at all the useless fucks in 40k+ debt from college, who also have 2 ex wives leaching alimony off them.
Meanwhile you rose through the ranks and are now the manager of wendy's, your rule is law and nobody fucks with you because you make their food.
Sell all your shit and move to a different country. It's just the same as if you killed yourself to everyone around you except you'll spare them the heartache and you'll have another chance at happiness. Repeat until you are happy.
they know, they want you to do it because you're a waste of life. They just didn't have the heart to tell you.
Not to mention you got a gay ass gun too. Aim true, otherwise that little thing will make your life EVEN more miserable.
Seriously, i went to college and my friend worked at wendys. I am now in debt and he makes 40k a year from his self taught stock investments.
>you have a whole life ahead of you
>you have so many opportunities
Hi-Point gonna Hi-Point right when you need it the most.
Don't do it. Death is a given & the universe will fuck you if you force your hand.
just join the army, don't be a fag
>High point
Made some bad life choices huh?
Well, if anything, I learned from this thread that I should get something that's not a High Point.