You know remember when dubstep was relevant

You know remember when dubstep was relevant.

Other urls found in this thread:

still is in the edm community

no I don't.

Trap is the shit and still going strong.

It's been going well if anything, but the problem is originality.


Ultra in 3 hours and no fucking thread. This board is dead.

2 secs

Kind of for like a minute
It truly was the music of the tween years

I hope you get some pussy in Ultra.

get in here


I did it first bud sorry

thats /bleep/ though, mines for Ultra but Sup Forums is too to care this year

/bleep/ is the official dance music threads on Sup Forums though

Not EDM though

same thing

ok but what do we think of this classic

No, it isn't.

not dubstep

hell yeeh neegie

You sound like someone trying hard to say "I DON'T LISTEN TO NEW WAVE I LISTEN TO POST-PUNK". We understand the posture but don't flaunt it.