Why does no one ever talk about this 10/10 show?
Life On Mars
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better yet why is no one talking about the better version of Life on Mars??
>Its a US remake that shits the bed with the ending episode
better yet, why is no one talking about Philip Glenister's new show??
I haven't seen it, is it any good??
Both of these shows are pure KINO
it was pretty good, shit ending
LoM 10/10
Ashes 7/10
I have a soft spot for surreal shows
Damn that had brought back all my fantasies of fucking Liz in her uniform...sigh good times
I guess that the ending is that he was dreaming the whole time in his hospital bed. How right am i?
in AtA they reveal that the world is basically cop purgatory, cops that died in the line of duty basically got a second chance to do something worthwhile
I was talking about Life on Mars, but that actually sounds pretty interesting
Well I guess I got a new show to watch. Thanks anons
>in AtA they reveal that the world is basically cop purgatory, cops that died in the line of duty basically got a second chance to do something worthwhile
I remember watching only the last episode of AtA and being like "oh nice the pub has everyone in there"
I heard the US version reveals they are actually on a spaceship going to mars. Is this true?
Niggas don't know about russian version called The Dark side of the Moon.
Yes. That was the ending. They wake up from their sleeping pods and stare at space from their spaceship.
>See program on the tv guide
>'Life on Mars'
>Oh cool is about people living on Mars or something?
>it's just some guy in the 70's
This desu senpai
Ashes got a bit silly though it broke the 4th wall or came very close
LoM is amazing though
Shame poms have lost their ability to make tvkino these days
>british television past 2000
no thank you
Please be joking
Oft overlooked UK drama general?
It gets its title from a Bowie song. Thats why
This is one of the best shows ever user. Trust me.
>ywn wake up from hypersleep having dreams of young girls who sneak into your apartment at night
OH SHIT, my dad's a big fan of that show, didn't connect that it's a Russian version of LoM. I'll have to recommend the Brit series' to him.
Last episode was inevitable rubbish but I think I preferred it overall.
>I'm just going to ignore The Thick of It, I'm Alan Partridge, Peep Show, Black Mirror, Ambassadors, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace etc.
Hmmmm, let me think. because IT'S SHIT.
and so is the us remake
What was the point of the time travel thing?
>sega genesis tier soundtrack
>stock punch soundbite