I'm an A cup tell me honestly, will I attract anyone but closet lolicons?!

I'm an A cup tell me honestly, will I attract anyone but closet lolicons?!

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you attract me c:


Depends, how fat is the ass


tits or gtfo

You know the rules


Ass is all I have


'tits' or gtfo


Depends how cute you are. I don't mind smaller boobs, but it means everything else has to be better. Especially the face.

honestly? no.
my moms an A cup and she's hot.

so is my sister, i just had a wet dream about her last night.

pic semi related.

19 but I look 15, oh well

Why don't you try to atract open lolicons?

I'm sure you could, but hopefully you like lolicons

kek, what the fuck


We gonna see pics of your face then. I couldn't care less about your boobs, all A cups look the same. I got pretty low standards too, so you're on your way to a compliment.

would fuck

Thanks that's all I wanted to know

welcome fam

There's nothing wrong with having small boobs, OP. You're actually luckier than girls with cow tits and I'll tell you why. Your beasts only have so many nerve endinds, and with big boobs they get spread out and become less effective, but will small boobs you keep all the nerves close together for maximum sensitivity and pleasure. If you find a nice guy that knows what he's doing then you could achieve nipple orgasms frequently.

Is that even a possibility irl

Yeah my gf has small boobs maybe size b she won't tell me the size but I really like smaller perky boobs. I think dd are grotesque like too fat and puffy

Fucking thirsty ass mother fucker.

dress like a little girl in public and see what men come up to you and try to take you to their van

Yes. Dress like a loli and go out in public. You'll be able to tell whos a lolicon or not by how long they stare.

Or you could just date me.


Funny thing, I can't feel much in my nipples. I think puffy nipples have this issue wherein sensation is really low. So the worst of both worlds?

fuckin kek

show nips

check my dubs

Post a pic already

why didn't you ask in /adv/

lets see you with clothes or without them and we will rate you

Your nipple will become more sensitive as you continue to play with them. Twist them, pinch them, stretch them. Just do anything and everything too them until you find what you like.

If I dress like a loli people will stare regardless.

the answer is no op. The attraction to very small/flat chested women is an underlying attraction to prepubescance .
pro tip - embrace your natural loli body and roleplay during sex

trips dont lie

Too much sjws can't trust em

Banged a girl for about 9 months that was an A cup. The reason I broke up with her is she wasn't terribly attractive other than her body. No personality basically just abused her holes for a while.

I married a girl with Ds. My wife's tits were fucking perfect before she had our son. I mean perfect. Now after our kid they are still better than 99% of the women out there.

The size of your tits really doesn't matter at all. There's guys out there for every size.

i only see gay threads in Sup Forums

But this thread has given the neckbeard white knights a fucking reason to show their hornyness.


fuck you

You're not the boss of this gym.

You don't have to dress like a crazy anime loli. Just dress cute and playful.

T-that was not my intention

Tried for years, increased sensitivity by a little but not much. I think my boobs are broken

just do stuff in the hentai's

the longer you're on hrt the more sensitive they get

If you're into anal I can overlook the boob shortage.

The only way to make sure they're broken is that broken nipples will come off when sucked too hard. Go ahead and lie down and I'll begin the procedure.

hell yeah

can we see a picture yet or is this thread doomed to be a shitty cocktease

Like the hentai's!!!

I'm a titman I like tits. But I like girls with small tits as well. But as long as you'd have a nice ass I'd totally smash.


lol wut the fuk

Yes men aren't nearly as picky as women. I prefer small boobs tbh, they're more sensitive and hearing you coo while rubbing and pinching your nipples is great fun.

Yes. Guys will fuck almost anything.


Fucking quads and no one gives a shit wtf Sup Forums

Hated those porn of her. Too skinny. Too bony. Just ugh. Too edgy as well.

quad guy here
they are too interested on the loli

kik jonntanaka ask a nigga directly OP

Another "femanon here" thread takes off. It's sad how fast you guys fall for it. Every time.


Everyone pretending to be edgy but as soon as a vagina talks its all white knights and faggotries

I'm not exactly 100% female :3

Thank god some of you are still pure of heart

even better


fuckin white knights nigs

Thanks Sup Forums I feel much better

user, just keep on keepin on


I'm an a-cup, too


wher did grill go?

you're a faggot thats what you are

Everyone who responded to this thread without demanding tits of the cumdumpster, without instructing her to kill herself, or without saging the thread is an omega male.

the actual fuck ....?

got ye fam, always need to check

Amen edgelord

you just did though


I like all boobs, provided they aren't half the size of the person of bigger.


Them quads bigger than OP's tiddies


shut up marv

I'm going to sleep goodnight

no fug off jerry
you fuckin wanka

My girlfriend has wears an A cup and I love her tits so much

good night random girl c:

>Too many sjws can't trust em
You have bigger problems than being part of the itty-bitty-titty brigade.

What did you say to me son? I'm a fucking black belted 6'8 martial arts master and i will rape your entire family starting with your dog, good anal sex till the end, then i'll erradicate your face with my swag :3 xD Im so random but that's me ^_^

Yeah also puffy nipps with little sensation

Haha wow your so silly XD