Ask an Arab Syrian refugee anything

Just please be polite

I'd get the fuck out of syria too if I was you.

Why didn't you stay and fought for your country?

I didn't know Brazil took any refugees. You should marry a local girl, that's the proper way to assimilate into Brazilian society right?

Brazil is full.

When will you go back?

How did you leave? Did you simply buy a plane ticket?

Congrats on making it to the only country where people will think you are white

Brother, because I have a family and because I have no military training I was just a college kid before the war.

When Assad took over Homs his troops were capturing to either arrest or turture anyone who supported the FSA in the city, we fled before this happened to us.

And I see you're from Turkey I have a lot of respect for your country, what do you think about Erdogan? For me, he's the wisest leader of the region.

Post proofs

I hope you are not planning to return because syria is going to be a massive shithole for a very, very, very long time.

Btw what do you think of your fellow tribesmen going apeshit in europe?

They do accept easily actually, is just that Syrians preferred to go to Europe and neighboring Arab countries like Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon. the time we fled Europe already closed its borders and neighboring Arab countries were already full on refugees, Jordan alone is only 30% native, the rest are Syrians, Iraqis and Palestinians.

We fled to the first country that accepted us.

Do you consider yourself white? Also, when will you go back?

Yes, Brazil accepted us, but we have had to pay for the tickets. they accept Croats?

When the war ends, being a refugee taught me humility and to not be afraid of hard work, the intense way I work here wouldn't differ much from working to rebuild Suriya.

Why don't you goys unite with your neighbours? You speak the same language and practice the same religion

How many white women do you plan to ra... I mean "breed"? Will you fight White/Black Americans if you want the best white p*ssy!?


I wish we could unite with Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Kuwait and establish Greater Syria, these modern borders are unatural and made by European Colonialists.

>being a refugee taught me humility and to not be afraid of hard work
Wish that was something common. We recently got a huge wave of afghan refugees where I work. Laziest motherfuckers, can't compete with the mexicans.

No I don't see myself as White, nor the rest of the World I think

Erdoğan is full of shit. He's antidemocratic. He's against almost all of the values came with the republic. He's more of a Muslim than Turkish, which I wouldn't mind if he was NOT a politician. Only reason Sunnis love him because he talks like their caliphate and let's be honest, Arabs and most of Sunnis can be decided with some emotional talking so easily

>greater arab republic becomes real
>it wipes israel from the map

Do it senpai
Brazil is a shithole, you either work or starve there

I am a virgin, I will only ''breed'' when I get married

Decided => **Deceived

Why do your fellow countrymen behave like shit in europe? Why don't they work? Why are they standing around all day? Why do they rape? Why do they steal? Why don't they show respect for the continent they fled to?

Curious since I never thought about it, do you guys see yourself as arabs or something different?

Also, when the fuck are you guys going to release butterlord?

They're not my kinsmen, what is happening is that North African gangbangers and drug dealers took advantage of our situation to enter Europe while pretending to be Syria, not Europe closed the borders because of them, these criminals ruined everything for actual refugees.

Why didn't you go to Argentina?

I see you are religious. In what state are you living in brazil? Some have large Lebanese communities.
see "syrian" is not actually syrian

Because argentinia is white

In San Pablo I think, I actually work for a Lebanese man who owns a rug store

Should of gone to Argentina to get onto that white pussy mate

Because Brazil accepted us first.

As refugees it's not like we have much of a choice.

How is your Portuguese? Are you taking lessons?

Turks are... Turkish. A different ethnicity and culture than arabs. They are closer to central asian countries like Kazakhstan
Never been there eh?
Besides, argentina is so poor that 1 BRL is enough to retire in argentina
São Paulo. Nice. I was going to tell you to look for some lebanese people because they are usually kind and would probably give you a job easily.

It is very basic, but I take lessons from volunteers.

This question is dumber to have asking a English person "Do you see yourself as a German?". Why would we? Even our language families are different.
And sorry I've never been a mount and blade guy

Dumber than***
Fug I can't write for shit on phone :Ddd

>This question is dumber to have asking a English person
Thanks for the response but it is not like I fucking know every ethnicity, specially in places where they are killing each other for every little difference that exists in every tribe.

But mount & blade is the pinnacle of turkish culture

look for the /luso/ thread in Sup Forums, they speak portuguese there, it is a nice way to learn some.

Brazilians see Arabs as Whites?

I don't mind actual Syrian refugees, only "Syrian refugees" from Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Reading this post makes me feel that the spirit of Ataturk is still alive.

Arabs are whiter than the average Brazillian so yes.

Here's the portuguese thread:

Why don't you find a meaningful platform to talk about this instead of a largely racist shitpost board?

I did not think this board was racist, I thought they were all in politically incorrect?

This place isn't racist, it is pure banter here my friendly leaf. If you can't take it, then yes to you it is pure fucking racist.

Or you have never been to a racist website.

Why are the Saudis such shitheads? I mean that act all high and mighty, take the moral highground when it comes to "protecting holy muslim lands" but they refuse to take in any Syrian refugees.

They do however fund the building of 250 mosques in Germany for said refugees. Surely you see how native Europeans percieve this as a hostile act of islamisation?

What do you think about the weather?

aaand the typical american shows agressivity and racism when faced with his ignorance

Oh thank you for the tips.

How hard is learning Portuguese for you?

It's kinda ironic you use the oil """""rightfuly obtained""""" from those barbarians' land, yet you don't know shit about them, isn't it?

It is way hotter than Suriya which is a surprise.

Do you plan on continuing your studies?

So get training. Go back and fight. Stop fleeing to other countries and shitting them up.

If we got the oil, I've not seen a single benefit to it yet. Specially when it is incredibly cheap right now even with the wars.

How can anyone shit up brazil?

Islam isn't a race you stupud leftist fuck. Islam ie a cancer.

I'm not a fan of islam myself, but it is not cancer. In fact we should ally with the muslims to destroy the eternal jew

>Arabs and most of Sunnis can be decided with some emotional talking so easily

funny how feminine they actually are

I mean not that I want to be close to a raging Arab with a knife, but they indeed have an overly lyrical and emotional character, something essentially feminine. They can cut your throat for Allah, and be in tears over some poetic use of language at the same time. Strange people.

The Saudis do accept refugees, but they are very selective and scrict, Syrians have been more successful going there as immigrants than refugees.

It is sad that they accept more Indians and Pakistanis than us tho, I do agree that KSA royal family are scum who deserve the guillotine.

As for the Mosques, nobody is going to ''islamise'' anything that's bullshit propaganda perpetuated by the anti-arab racists like le Pen

Refugees aren't being discriminated solely because of their religion. Also put down the crack pipe, ain't you gotta do anything better than type some angry intolerant shit on a refugee's exchange?

I'm not shitting in any country, I work very hard to rent a kitnet for me and my parents.

I think your family and community will be thankful for that hard work in the future. What kind of work do you do?

It is very hard but I'll learn it eventually

Aren't you guys did that to them in the first place? I mean, destablising Arab countries.

Since I'm not a citizen I have to work while receiving a salary below minimun wage. I work in Downtown for a Lebanese man who owns a rug store.

>not Europe closed the borders because of them, these criminals ruined everything for actual refugees.

It's our own fault. They could have had actual Syrians check on the validity of the claims, for example through the language, but no they first act all naive with their open doors policy, as if there are no criminals in the world, let in a majority of obvious non-Syrians, then they go from denial mode into full panic mode when the expected happens.

They could have handled this much more maturely and efficiently, and there would have been little problems, but the politicians needed to score virtue-signaling points.

This is the most leaf post I've seen even after current year leaf leader.

>It's our own fault.
I mean Europe (politicians)'s fault

motherfucker wtf does that even mean

No Jews aren't problem nor is Islam.

I think Yemeni and Moroccan Jews are our brothers and sisters, it's the zionist european settler colonialists I'm against, in fact, zionism is merely the continuation of European XIX century ethnocratic settler colonialism, they merely use Judaism to justify zionism.

>As for the Mosques, nobody is going to ''islamise'' anything that's bullshit propaganda perpetuated by the anti-arab racists like le Pen

I'd like to believe you, if it wasn't for the no-go areas in several large cities here, the fact that we can't use the term "christmas market" anymore in order "not to offend muslims" amongst other things...

Yes they are actually. We prioritize Christian refugees for a reason.

You are a pussy. Like the rest of your brethern. Your religion is a disease.

We haven't had many troubles with our syrian refugees because they are actually syrian.

So I'm sure you are fine there.

Why did you pick Brazil?

Are the girls as easy in Brazil as people imagine them to be?

We fled to the first country that accepted us, like I said, refugees don't have much of a choice.

I can't speak portuguese yet so I did not notice if any girl hitted on me.

t. some 18 year old spergout who will never fire a gun in his life

retarded leaf
you screened them and handpicked them, ofcourse you aint getting problems that way

how on earth you end up in brazil OP

Hi Syrian.
Why refugee commit so many crimes

OP has lived a harder life and has seen scarier shit than most people on this board

comes here to be berated by sheltered middle class white cat-owning video game addicted teenagers


But I own multiple guns my projecting friend.

>We fled to the first country that accepted us, like I said
Wow I'm a retard who can't read it seems.

Hopefully you'll make it to a non-shit country some day, but Brazil is better than a war zone.

I mean I don't think it's the syrians so much as the Pakistanis and niggers causing the problems in europe right?

I see syrian refugees in papers in europe who look like somalis, while most of the ones we get here look like That doesn't seem like a coincidence.

maybe once

how do i get muslim gf

Uh huh... Well you're Syrian, and Syria is technically still in a state of war with Israel, so your answer is expected i guess

1) Be attractive
2) Talk to muslim girls
3) Get Muslim GF

At least that's what my attractive friend did...

I'm still so alone.

How to tell apart them? I want to stop being ignorant.

Tinder I suppose.

Quick question.. What would you like to happen to these "European colonists"? Kick them out of the Middle East?


I said gf my friend.

4) be forced to convert

no thx

dont be fooled
just because they are from syria it doesnt mean they are automatically better

loads of opportunistic ppl, regardless of where they come from

No, not kicking them out, that would not make us better than them.

Abolish the ethnocratic regime, give the property and homes back to the descendants of the native ppl the colonialists stole from and kicked out to make lebensraum for Europeans, Palestinians and descendants receive right of return. Region of Palestine get integrated into Sham (Greater Syria divided by European and French colonialists).

No actually. Women are pretty submissive.

[spoiler]She quit islam and married him. [/spoiler]

She was Iranian though, they might be different.

what religion are you?

what do you think of assad?

do you plan to stay in brazil or do you want to go back to syria?