Alright first time that I'm posting here

alright first time that I'm posting here
>I'm 24 depressed, chronic pain and add
>I didn't do anything in 3 years because of my depression I was in 5 clinics but nobody helped me I was happy 1-2 month after the clinic and after this time the depression said hello ..... I'm on pregabalin (600mg a day) and wellbutrin (150mg) also 5mg Ritalin when I do more I get anxiety
>don't know what I should say to my doctor to get help for a long time ...... still living with my parent's I have a job just to pay my bills for pills ...

Cocaine and weed might ease your decent into heaven?

>Hey doc, these anti-depressants don't fucking work,

Taaa daaaaaaaaaaaa

Smoking weed already but I don't like uppers that much .....

Yeah Robin Williams should definitely be you exampe

I tried like 20 anti depressants

Jump off something really high. 5+ stories. Guaranteed death. Guaranteed adrenaline rush before it.

Should I wear a helm ?

is that at all surprising?

the pharma companies/modern medicine doesn't even understand how anti-depressants work, why would it surprise you to find out that they don't work for you?

Nigga, you should be on atomexetine if Ritalin is making you feel anxious, it's an ADhd medication which also has anitdepressant/anti anxiety effects too.

Also don't worry if you're going through different drugs without it being effective, sometimes it takes a a while to find the right one which does work.

What's your depression like? Do you have anxiety alongside it? Any visual disturbances/weird smells/ or paranoia?

If you've tried a lot of different antidepressants, the next step up is mild neuroleptics - aka schizophrenic mediation

I am allergic to this drug...

Because there can be treatment resistant kinds of depresssion just like other conditions, dipshit

I did seroquel once and I feel like a zombie

I have anxiety every day and panic attacks (3-4 times a week) the panic attacks are because I'm scared off the future

Are you sure you're not just allergic to any of the additive excipients in the drug? Actual real allergies are extremely rare. What happened when you took the atomexetine?

My lips swollen pretty big

Can't tell if you just took it for lulz or were prescribed it. Either way, antipsychotics are sledgehammers really, and trialling a really low dose of something should be alright. Ask your doctor about 0.5mg risperidone

Yeah that sounds like an allergic reaction. Fuck

Most "allergic reactions" are just pussy ass oral allergy syndrome pseudoallergic reactions just involving discomfort and tingling. Actual swelling up is allergy

Prescribed , I will ask him but I scared off antipsychotic's I feel pretty bad on seroquel

dont be afraid of pain. life can be very tough and unpleasant. but don't give up. think about what you really want in life and work towards it. nothing is better than the satisfaction of accomplishing your dreams

Antipsychotics are strong, and risperidone is easier to titrate in smaller doses (it comes in liquid form too).

Risperidone has shown efficacy for OCD style anxiety in particular, so it might be a good one to try if you get anxious and ocd easily