Can it ever be adapted?
If so, who would be the ideal director?
Who would be the best person to cast as the Kid? The Judge?
Can it ever be adapted?
If so, who would be the ideal director?
Who would be the best person to cast as the Kid? The Judge?
How is a director supposed to capture McCarthy's wonderful prose and use of language? Tell me
By literally just putting the words on the screen obviously.
If you forced me at gunpoint to produce one though:
Kodi Smit-McPhee as The Kid
The killer from season 1 of True Detective as The Judge
Ben Foster as Toadvine
Matthew McConaughey as Glanton
Omar from the Wire as Black Jackson
Tommy Lee Jones as Tobin the priest.
7 episode miniseries on HBO, directed by Ridley Scott.
Even then I don't think it could capture the essence of the novel well enough. It's the same reason there's never been a good Moby Dick novel, there's too many allegories and shit.
I first read the novel while deployed Iraq. It was surreal.
It would require a 200 minute runtime at the very least, and a blockbuster budget despite being an NC-17 film targeted at a niche audience.
From an artistic standpoint I think it'd be fine, you'd lose out on all the biblical prose of the book which is one of the main attractions but it could still function very well as a film on the cinematic strengths of the book like all the landscapes and the Apache setpiece etc.
Hmm.. You're suggesting a presentation of sorts? Interesting idea. Might even be Kinography to a certain degree.
haven't read the book
someone sell me on it without spoilers of course, i heard its really graphic but is that just overhype ?
Very violent, however it is done with taste. Not just for shock value.
There's a port a potty rape scene, baby head smashing against rocks, lots of sick abo shit
of course it can you memeing fuck, even McCarthy said so. McCarthy is Oprah's Book Club-tier though so we all need to act like he's on the next level or something.
Some dudes piss into a volcano then kill a bunch of savages, also some nigger decapitates another guy with his machete because he sat in his spot.
Haven't read the novel in a long time, can't remember much.
mel gibson could do it
and deakins doing the filming
Director: Chris Nolan
Screen Writers:David Benioff & Dan Weiss
Cinematographer: Mitchell Amundsen
The Kid: Jesse Eisenberg
The Judge: Vin Diesel
true patricun
There's a bit near the beginning where some US army group The Kid joins up with getting ambushed by Indians and there's a whole page of descriptions of them being murdered, disemboweled, scalped etc. That's the worst bit but it's obviously there to set the mood. There's violence all the way through it. Part of the point of the book is to show how violence is a part of human nature, and how life is cheap. There are no 'good guys' in this story at all.
It's deservedly a classic novel, but it's not for everyone, there's no real end to it but I guess it's one of those stories that is more about the journey than the destination.
Ice Cube as Black Jackson
Johnny Depp as Glanton
Kit Harrington as Toadvine
Eugene Levy as Priest Tobin
>Violence in the Blood Meridian
>NOT for the shock value
You haven't read it. Half the meaning of the violence is bring you to shock and then desensitize you to it
these threads are always so funny
five years ago nearly every director suggestion was refn, and considering he likes to glorify violence, he's just about the worst choice ever
should be mel gibson but that will never happen now
Malick, Chivo. With Malick writing the screenplay instead of Cormac (he sucks mad dick these days, his scripts suck dick)
After seeing so many posts about McCarthy's work, especially this, I ordered Blood Meridian, No Country and The Road.
What am I in for?
It's really a shame Mel has been blacklisted. Apocalypto is an underrated masterpiece.
Bait to the extreme
Was hoping you'd say Mel. After seeing Apocalypto, there is no one else better for the job.
probably a novel that you can't appreciate until you've read the most important canon of USA literature.
>No Country
nice pulp
>the Road
dude, fuck right off
Three great stories. A unique style of prose and grammar that you'll either love or hate. And a lot of violence and moral ambiguity.
I loved The Counselor, has he written anymore contemporary crime novels? I saw something about The Border, but didn't look into it further.
That's a shame about The Road. Is the film a faithful adaptation? I enjoyed it.
I just finished Pynchon's Inherent Vice, which had a very... unique prose. Felt like a stoner fever dream. Can't wait to read Blood Meridian the most
Well you got the NCFOM there, which is like the other side of the NCFOM.
The film was very faithful
>which is like the other side of the NCFOM
Mel Gibson
don't know, don't give a shit about kid actors, but Mel Gibson will find one that fits perfectly
Mel Gibson
It's possible but it would be a massive pain in the ass
For starters there's a shitton of violence and disturbing scenes, plus the movie would have to be long as fuck
It would be best as some kind of miniseries, but I don't think it would be done given the nature of the book (the Judge being a child diddler/killer and all)
Dont forget all the rape
Mel Gibson
There'd need to be 2 versions.
A 3 hour version and a 4-5h version with all the extra time just being shots of the landscapes/gang traveling/desert storms.
Nah, you need someone more generic based on that dream team. Maybe Jon Favreau
what you get out of them is largely going to depend on what kind of books you currently read
the road is entry level
blood meridian is mc's best (arguably tied with suttree), but also most difficult read
there's a lot of scalping, stabbing, beheading, and shooting
the judge is also a pretty sick fuck
>It would require a 200 minute runtime at the very least
>A 3 hour version and a 4-5h version
why do people always say this?
huge chunks of the text are dedicated towards characterizing the landscape
depicting these things visually will take a lot less time
Since I'm on an anonymous Vietnamese sounding board: I'm bi-polar and suffered a psychotic break a couple of years ago after battling with drug and alcohol addiction. I've basically had to relearn a few things including discipline. Part of that is picking up reading again. It's so cathartic and helps me sleep.
As I said up thread, I just finished Pynchon's IV and I'll be picking up Gravity's Rainbow. Can't wait to read BM and I'll take your work and get Suttree too. I like a good challenge.
MEL GIBSON is pretty much the only person who could make this movie. maybe PTA, but that'd be fucking iffy.
>I just finished Pynchon's IV
you'll be fine
read The Sisters Brothers.
Thanks senpai. Where should I head with Pynchon next? Gravity's Rainbow?
>The Sisters Brothers.
I'll grab that
Thanks senpai. Any Pynchon recs?
you mean Moby Dick?
gravity's rainbow and mason & dixon are the ones I like best
Director: Uwe Boll
Screen Writers: Leigh Whannell
Cinematographer: Guillermo Navarro
The Kid: Drake Bell
The Judge: Eric Roberts
I'll grab them for sure. That and The Sisters Brothers, by the sounds of it.
Inarritu as director
Casey Affleck as the Kid
Vincent D'Onofrio or John Sharian as the Judge (vince is a meme pick but still solid imo)
Coen brothers did it
Sunset limited was really good though :/
>not Tarantino
Inarritu only knows how to make Oscar bait.
what do you think a movie made out of this pile would be retard?
>wonderful prose and use of language
I'd suggest Crying of Lot 49 or V. before starting Gravity's rainbow desu
His Border Trilogy is pretty damn good too. Ad us Child of God, despite James Franco's shitty film of it. I don't know why he thinks he has the skills as a director to adapt McCarthy. But u agree, Sutrtee and Blood Meridian are his best.
That's EXACTLY what I meant you fucking idiot. Don't tell me what I've read and what I haven't.
Jesus Christ what a retard
A film with genuine artistic merit and not just lousy Oscar bait.
What the fuck was his problem?
Story? Yeah
Visuals? Yeah
Underlying themes? Probably not
The whole thing surrounding the judge isn't definitive and is still debated, I doubt many normies could appreciate his character as well as gratuitous violence as a plot device, not to mention the majority of the characters themselves are intrinsically in the black area of morality as far as the modern day interpretation of it is considered
Also, depicting indians as such violent and degenerate animals as they were in the book probably wouldn't sit well with modern audiences
>le no commas man
>wonderful prose and use of language
>this reductionism
Mel Gibson (first choice)
Terrence Malick (alternate)
Paul Thomas Anderson (alternate)
Emmamuel Lubezki (first choice)
Roger Deakins(altermate)
Robert Elswit (alternate)
Jonny Greenwood (first choice)
Nick Cave & Warren Ellis (alternate)
Ennio Morricone (alternate)
Ben Mendelsohn as Glanton
Clancy Brown as the Judge
Jacob Lofland as the Kid
Jack O'Connell as Toadvine
Michael Shannon as Tobin the Priest
Shea Whigham as Captain White
Make it a miniseries for HBO or Netflix so the rating isn't as much of an issue or make a 3-hour film with a 4+ hour directors cut.
>Ice Cube as Black Jackson
I'd pay money to see that shit lmao
You explicitly said it's not for shock value, which it is.
Well hello IMDb
>recommedning Deashit for anything
>capable of shooting dashed baby skulls and wanton scalping
Why not Robert Rodriguez?
Shit taste confirmed