>retcon Sulu, make him gay
>George Takei disapproves
Well that backfired immediately.
>retcon Sulu, make him gay
>George Takei disapproves
Well that backfired immediately.
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I wished I liked sucking dicks so I could say whatever I wanted in the identity political arena without repercussions.
Any of you guys want to help me practice liking to suck dicks?
why would i care about what george takei thinks?
Takei is a social media whore, of course he'll go counter to what people expect for more retweets
Are you married? The easiest way to learn is if you tell your wife you have a "thinking-man's fetish" and you would like to prep the bull yourself before the encounter
>leftists think faggot is their pet
>faggot turns out to be a person with functioning brain
to be fair, the new guys can deviate from their past selves because of the time warp or whatever
Shut up, Jean!
So this is all Spock's fault for using that red matter. Now people are turning into faggots.
hes right though
Based Takei. He knows the difference between himself and the character he played.
Except given the Trek canon this basically says that Sulu chose to be straight in one universe and chose to be gay in another, which contradicts the supposed assertion that homosexuality is genetic.
Isn't him gay???
>spacetime anomalies can make you a faggot
I really respect it when people call out pandering in media today. It's fucking cancerous and most people just roll with it.
>"Sulu will be shown with his husband raising their daughter"
Wait what? How the fuck did they have a daughter if they're both men? Are the writers fucking retarded?
Don't worry in like 10 years pedos will be the new gays so we'll all be living the high life.
they probably adopted it. I bet it won't even be a human kid
I bet it won't be a human husband.
>Star Trek 4
>the crew set out to find a cure for Sulu's space AIDS
They already have Nazi Sikh Blood.
Oh boy, this is awkward. His reasoning is completely justified.
I get where he's coming from, it's kind of like making Spock gay because Zachary Quinto is.
It's the future, so maybe men can get pregnant.
or more accurately, making him a dog fucker because nimoy was
or giving kirk a child bride because shatner fucks kids
In a weird way I kind of feel like this is almost disrespectful to both Rodenberry and Takei.
>make the only asian male a gay
is this even getting a china release
fucking kek, this. they made him a kickass parachuting samurai acrobat only to alienate the chinks later on. they better hope tumblr pays better than the entirety of China.
jokes aside though, they'll probably just edit the gay stuff out over there.
>In a weird way
it IS disrespectful. its destroying an icon on its anniversary for sjw brownie points with the assumption that gays would be okay with it because gays like gays and want everything to be gay no matter what they were originally. its like if gene was black, so they made everyone black in his honor and made them all talk about social justice and deal with black shootings despite the futuristic setting. if that sounds stupid and insulting, now you understand. a man from such a free future having been married to a man and having a child and then going into the closet just makes no sense
I bet they're going to cut that scene with Sulu and his husband out in the Chinese version.
OR just get her a strap on... this cuck thing is just too much.
Instead of getting straight writers to write about gay characters and their personal issues assuming that the LGBT audience would just eat it up they should just hire LGBT writers that actually know what they're talking about but even then that would be positive discrimination.
Yeah, but the reason they pick sulu might be because he's gay. So it's kinda the only thing based on real life...
It's odd. George siding with Gene seems to make both fans and LGBT happy then.
Being gay is that complicated? : / They fuck the same sex, it's about that simple. Hetero relationships are complex enough to be the inspiration to every single movie and song ever made practically. Just gender swap a person.
*Boop* There you go.
George is completely justified and Sup Forums and Sup Forums should both be happy about it.
He didn't want Sulu to be gay because he's an established character. The actor was gay not the character and Takei understands that, respects that and accepts that. He told them not to make Sulu gay, if they were going to "honor" him he would have rather wanted a brand new unique character instead of retconning established lore (like they've butchered already so many times).
What gets me is the SJW's saying that Takei is wrong, and that he's ungrateful and that he doesn't get that it was a tribute to him. Typical bullshit from those groups that if you don't agree with them it's because your misogynst or it's because you've been marginalized by the system. It couldn't possibly be because they're wrong.
They're also basically saying in an offhand way that gay actors can only play gay characters.
Milo metroprolpolis got you covered
Oh my!
The whole thing is hilarious.
>Lets make Sulu gay
>Here's to you Takei, did u rike it?
>"What the fuck is this? I never asked for this"
I'm already full to bursting from drinking the tears
It's men that are gross, not our awesome dicks n balls. If men, or at least some, looked like women but with dicks instead of a pussy oh boy oh boy oh boy
>future utopia
>homosexuality hasn't been cured yet
Gene Roddenberry confirmed for hack.
Based Takei.
I like it when "minorities" stand up and say that all of this pathetic pandering shit is terrible. A gay character in the new Star Trek? Go nuts, it fits in fine with the post-racial world Roddenberry imagined, and you could have a neat reveal at the end of the movie if you really wanted to be all "haha you thought this guy was a macho hero but he's actually gay!". Altering an existing character for brownie points is fucking pathetic.
>Asian pilot can't drive for shit
I'm getting mixed messages here.
I find it funny that the supposedly Japanese helmsman is being played by a Korean. It's like going backwards.
>implying leftists are aware of ethnic differences within a race
Would be hilarious if Kumar was the husband.
Sulu was always supposed to be just a generic Asian representative, though, rather than any one country.
The real issue is that there are barely any decent Asian American actors, natives can't speak English for shit so they're right out, your only options are Viet scum and Koreaboos, no Japs relocated to the US after the whole internment camp and nuke shit. Chinks don't integrate, so they're out too.
Honestly this is all so fucking irrelevant
I don't give a fuck they made Sulu gay
But then I don't give a fuck Takei doesn't approve either
unless being a homo is somehow integral to the plot or a character's arc, why bother to assign them a sexual orientation in the first place? it's pretty clearly a marketing gimmick since they're throwing this shit out there before the film has even been released. it's stupid.
>I don't care about any of this but I'll post my opinion of not caring to show I don't care
>no Japs relocated to the US after the whole internment camp and nuke shit
But there are loads of Japanese Americans in Hawaii (and other non-state dependencies like Guam)
Tip top kek
>unless being a homo is somehow integral to the plot or a character's arc, why bother to assign them a sexual orientation in the first place?
cause you can have gags and shit around it
you have straight characters flirting in ton of movies even though those kinda scenes are rarely used for plot or arc reasons rather than for comedic relief and shit
In all honesty this is the worst fucking reasoning ever people throw around whenever this kinda shit happens. I'm not the biggest fan of minority quotas in every fucking movie these days but this argument is fucking stupid
Welcome to Sup Forums m8
I just don't get why it's big deal to either direction which it obviously is seeing the thread has 52 replies
>No Asians in Hollywood
>He actually believes this
Just because they don't get cast, doesn't mean they aren't there.
>Except Takeiwasn't overjoyed. He had never asked for Sulu to be gay. In fact, he'd much prefer that he stay straight. "I’m delighted that there’s a gay character," he tellsThe Hollywood Reporter. "Unfortunately, it’s a twisting of Gene’s creation, to which he put in so much thought. I think it’s really unfortunate."
homosexuality has genetic factors. it is not entirely genetic. only about 20% of the human population is genetically locked into straight or gay. everyone else is potentially bisexual.
This is what insane progressives actually think.
citation needed to be quite honest, familia
Proofs, tovarisch?
Mr. Sulu. Warp speed. Directly towards that brown star!
>not warp seed
god id love to see the methodology for that study
No it was due to a bunch of WIMPs passing through his body in one universe and MACHOs passing through his body in another.
I'll be leaving now.
(Mad) scientists are working on developing male eggs and female sperm.
Or maybe the joke is that their daughter just looks like a younger version of him with longer hair, because Asians all look alike.
i thought he always was ghey. they gave him the 50-60's fruity personality in the show not the over the top version... or maybe it was just his accent it didnt sound like a japanese guy was talking but he didnt sound normal
the real spock died in wrath of kahn.
he was retconned back alive in search for clone spock
>space AIDS
This is the best idea to come out of this.
>george takei is gay
>so they have to make a character he played gay
George is able to differentiate himself from his roles.
This shit is just pathetic, its just justification for pandering to a degenerate base
I guess from his point of view they are essentially telling him he didn't play a convincing straight person.
>George is able to differentiate himself from his roles.
His only role in 40 years has been a random appearance in a shit film or show going "oh my!"
>its just justification for pandering to a degenerate base
Well which country was it, Canada?, they found that all the pedos they arrested there were fans of Star Trek. All of them.
If they really wanted to honor Takei they should have had him play a new character who is gay. Fuck this forced diversity. Isnt it about time for a male Wonder Woman or a white Black Panther?
>This shit is just pathetic, its just justification for pandering to a degenerate base
I wonder how many gay Star Trek fans are happy about TOS characters being retconned with SJW garbage.
>make him
he was very obviously already gay in the OS famm
Star Trek fans can be very persnickety, autistic even.
>or a white Black Panther?
There's a male Wonder Woman in the genderbent universe.
So Vulcan being destroyed changed the alignment of the stars and made an already born Zulu gay due to.....
>Black Panther fighting in Rhodesia
Sweet Jesus, would watch so hard
>tfw addicted to girlcock but it doesn't count
It's not fair bros...
>t. tumblr
straight from the institute of pulled out of my ass
>no sorry that was BLACKED widow
>I was black once, briefly
I understood that reference
Based Takei.
He's right. If they want a gay character, make one. Retconning one to being gay is kinda bullshit.
He's right, imagine if in order to make a tribute to Christopher Reeves they made Superman crippled?
He was born in LA and grew up American and his mother was born American, so even if he spoke Japanese at home to his dad, he would have his whole life to not have a Japanese accent. He just has a weird way of talking.
It's epigenetic, actually.
They probably will because he's regenerating/recovering after getting Doomsday'd.
Actually that'd be petty cool. Though getting up and flying/walking after going through that would be a bit depressing.
they're too fucking stupid to write an original gay character, so they just hijack a popular one to appease the gays with their progressive marketing shenanigans. then the gays call them out on their shit and they get btfo.
it's beautiful.
When was Sulu ever established as being straight? He flirted with Uhura a few times, but he was never shown to have a love interest of any note, and it turned out he had *someone* raising a daughter back home, but it was never said to be a wife.
You mean like in Modern Family? Are we going to get the first Star Trek reality sitcom?
Nobody gives a sinlge shit about sulu.
If you would tell most normal people that sulu was gay they would answer "wasn't he always"
That is how uninteresting and unimportant his character.
Also what is wrong with some parallels to the real world?
It is like letting Danerys win the game of thrones because hillary wins the election
The new ST is all about muh born special characters instead of having them earn their skills/abilities. That gets me more mad than the gay thing. How did a change in timeline make Chekov a math genius from birth, for example?
The JJ movie shat(ner) on everything ST stood for. The characters are basically The Eugenics Crew.
China shouldn't like Sulu anyway. Sulu is Japanese.
i don't really care much, but i just don't see the point.
will it add anything to the movie or have anything to do with anything? probably not.
just sounds like stupid marketing gimmick. "hey look at us, we too have gay character"