Play Salieri

Play Salieri.

Why would Mozart play some mediocre shit?

>there is an objective scaling of music quality


I was going to post a pic of that farting aardvark-esque thing from the podracing scene in The Phantom Menace, but I don't have it saved.
So just pretend that I posted it.

>How well are you trained in shitpost?

>I know a little. I shitposted in my youth.


>Here on Sup Forums.

>Ah! Then you must know this

>I can't say that I do. What is it?

>It was a very popular meme on its day. I made it.
>Here, how about this?
>"Now THIS is podracing"
>I made it.
>This one brought down the board when we shitposted it...
>"What did he mean this?"

>I regret it is not too familiar.

>Can you recall no meme of mine?
>I was the most famous shitposter in Sup Forums.
>I made 40 memes alone.
>Here! What about this one? "IF I PULL THAT OFF WOULD YOU DIE"-

>Yes, I know that! That's charming!
>I'm sorry, I didn't know you shitposted that.

>I didn't. These were the baneposters...
>Bane Posters.

>The men you accuse yourself of cucking.

The thing is, someone like Mozart proves that some music is somehow, in some way, objectively better than other music.

>Start with the grass. Van first. Masketta man in the driver seat.

Post quentinposts.

>Nine replies! Nine, that's all it's had! And deleted!
>I know, I know, it's outrageous. Still, if the board doesn't like one's meme, one has to accept the fact gracefully.
>But what is it that they don't like?
>I can speak for user. You make too many demands on the brain. The poor man can barely focus on one meme... you gave him four.
>What did you think of it yourself? Did you like it at all?
>I thought it was big.
>Of course! It's the biggest meme since the silent era, I know it... why didn't they reply?
>I think you overestimate our dear user, my friend. You know you didn't even give them a good *bang* at the end of posts, to let them know when to reply?
>I know, I know... maybe you should give me some lessons in that.

It must be such bitter agony to be a Salieri.

>In the video it looked nothing. The beginning simple, almost comic. Just a jeep. Driving through grass, like a rusty squeezebox. And then suddenly, far in front of it, CIA. A single stance, standing there, unwavering. Until a mosquito man took over and sweetened it into a scene of such delight! This was no meme by a performing redditor! This was a meme I'd never seen. Filled with such fire, such rising fire, it had me in wreckage. It seemed to me that I was watching the biggest one since the silent era.

>While my father prayed earnestly to God to protect commerce, I would offer up secretly the proudest prayer a boy could think of: "Lord, make me a great memer. Let me celebrate Your glory through big guys and be celebrated myself. Make me famous through reddit, dear God. Make me immortal. After I die, let people speak my memes forever with love for what I wrote. In return, I will give You my virginity, my hot pockets, my reddit gold, every hour of my life, Amen." And do you know what happened? A miracle!

>In return, I will give You my virginity, my hot pockets, my reddit gold, every hour of my life, Amen.


>From now, we are enemies... You and I. Because you choose for your shitpost a boastful, lustful, smutty, infantile meme and give me for reward only to recognize the meme. Because you are unjust, unfair, unkind, I will ban you, I swear it. I will hinder and harm your memes as far as I am able. I will ruin Your shitposting.

>Leave me alone.

>I cannot leave alone a soul in pain.

>Do you know what i memed?

>It makes no difference. All memes are equal in God's eyes.

>[leans in mockingly] *Are* they?

That emperor was such a pleb.

> you were born just in time for amadeus posting to be a thing

>..too many memes

All I wanted was to crash the plane with no survivors. Bane gave me that longing... and then made me a small guy. Why? Tell me that. If He didn't want me to take his mask off, why implant the desire? Like a lust in my hot headed body! And then deny me the talent?

>Listen you don't know where you are. Here everything goes backwards. People walk backwards, and dance backwards and post backwards and even meme backwards.



>He was my idol. I can't think of a time when I didn't know his name. I was still playing childish games and he was meming on all the boards. Even to Hiro himself! I admit I was jealous when I heard the tales they told about him. Not of the brilliant little prodigy himself, but of his mother's husband, who had taught him everything.

>Music quality is subjective

ITT: Amadeus 2: The Requiememe


>He was my idol. I can't think of a time when I didn't know his tripcode. I was still playing childish games and he was meming on all the boards. Even to Hiro himself! I admit I was jealous when I heard the tales they told about him. Not of the brilliant big guy himself, but of his mother's husband, who had taught him everything.

Slightly better version

Because he can and because he was taking the piss how is this movie even remotely complicated to some people? It's as straightforward as can be.

Play CIA

>Go on, mock me, crash my plane!... That was not Bane crashing my plane, it was Nolan! That was Nolan crashing my plane through that obscene mask... Go on big guy, crash, crash!


correct order


is this the scene where he became a janitor?

I can't fucking convince my friend to watch this film, it's driving me nuts. He doesn't believe me how good it is

don't tell him it's that good
he will expect something better

i felt bad when soliari was getting mocked for making bad music and being ugly. One of the best recommendations from Sup Forums

bump for memes

Someone please photoshop CIA's ass in there.

Disdain him for being a pleb. Tell him he wouldn't get it anyway, and that he should stick to capeshit. He might then want to prove you wrong.

nah, it should have Bane's mask
makes more sense


Top kek user


I love this

Astounding! It was actually, it was beyond belief. But it showed no retakes of any kind. Not one. He had simply directed a scene already finished in his head! Shot after shot of it as if he were just taking dictation. And a scene, finished as no scene is ever finished. Displace one meme and there would be diminishment. Displace one phrase and the structure would fall.