I need help Sup Forumsrothers

I need help Sup Forumsrothers.
I wouldn't ask lest I really did.
Please make him pay.

what's wrong? he fuck your dad?

Well give us some dirt on him first

were not your personal army cucklord, give us a reason

Lame Sup Forums isn't your army for petty bullshit

seems like a cool guy with a great name "Kord"


I have done what I'm asking many times. He fucking completely fucked me on ark, if I'm honest.

Let me guess you are pulling the old bait and switch but we later realize that every one in this picture is your target but all in all you are just another fake copypasta poster and this is from another thread


Dude it's really and I legitimately want to fuck him up

He basically fucking robbed me.

Wait wait wait... lemmie get this straight.

You want real-world ramifications for something a guy did to you in last year's video games?

Fucking reside here too, prick. Don't act like I just popped in because I need something.

No, I want digital ramifications for something he did in a digital world.

Ark? You mean the fucking video game?

your only mutual friend is keegan stewart

so its pretty easy to find out who you are

im too lazy to but someone else will probably do it

asking for personal army usually ends up in self destruction

someone will probably message kord this thread, or a screenshot, and tell them who you are


have fun


Of course I deleted Keegan after I posted this you add.

Go outside and do something productive. Read a book. Call an old friend and get a beer.

Anyone seeking recourse based on actions in a fucking video game needs to do something other than play with their dick or the computer mommy bought them.


I'm gonna message him that me and keegan are gonna fuck him up

someone should screencap op and post this shit in cringe threads

we should harass keegan in a wild twist of events