Metal General: This kills the glamfag edition
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Metal General: This kills the glamfag edition
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first for preacher's faggot hands
I like Atmospheric Metal, sue me
post some
I like pizza thrash. Sue me.
These are nice people
stop insulting the glam
Don't mind me, just posting the best tech death album of this century.
Reminder there would be no Metallica without Lars, he owns credits to almost all Metallica songs because he actually contributed to them while cliff just strummed his bass.
While drunk James wrote a few riffs and high Dliff played a few bass lines, Lars was the one who turned all that shit into songs.
looks like my nuts LOL
Is bullying Glam trannies the newest meme?
they look like school shooters desu
pic related is pretty good
>he doesn't want his schizophrenic czechniggers looking like school shooters
/metal/ has been bullying glam trannies since the early 80's, m8
Why do you always praise the albums with the worst production?
What's the stuff you go to for /metal/ feels?
i fucking love the production on Ordaining The Apocalypse, though
it's raw but every note can be distinguished, the guitar tone is absurdly squeaky in an unique way (the only thing like that on the top of my mind is Eye Of Minerva who have an even weirder guitar tone)
Anyone got any good recs for summer/spring time black metal?
No SUN BAT HER pls. Alcest is the only one that comes to mind.
>summer/spring time black metal
Why would anyone make such a thing?
summer/spring time is GLAM TIME
Thoughts on NSBM?
I swear to god if it's Frühling i'll pop a nerve
Stop rerererereposting it reeeeeee
I really love Kill em all and Show no mercy.
I really don't like Master of Puppets or Ride the Lightning.
Any advice for what to listen to next? Looking for thrash with minimal bullshit. I've already listened to Killing is my business also.
black metal reached it's max capacity with Frühling
wait since when was that the artwork
did they re-release it?
Rust In Peace and Peace Sells is where the real good stuff is, my dude
also check out:
Razor-Violent Restitution
Gammacide-Victims Of Science
Sodom-Persecution Mania
Slayer-Hell Awaits
Evildead-Annihilation Of Civilization
warning, mutiilation
Leviathan, Paysage d'Hiver, Darkspace, Midnight Odyssey, The Ruins of Beverast, Make a change...Kill Yourself(real band name), Wolves In The Throne Room, ColdWorld, Xasthur, Some of Gris, Lustre
>Midnight Odyssey
shit now I wanna listen to Shards of Silver Fade
Venom - Black Metal
Exodus - Bonded By Blood
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Whiplash - Power And Pain
Bathory - Bathory
Hellhammer - Satanic Rites
NME - Unholy Death
Death - Scream Bloody Gore
i fucking love Midnight Odyssey too, user
do you prefer Funerals or Shards?
they're pretty similar musically, but they have different feels to me, different tone (although that might just be me)
Overkill's Under the influence and Years of decay. Also Testament's The legacy
my man
m8l8th's crybaby vocals suck but stuff like satanic warmaster is good
idk. seems like the offcial artwork according to bandcamp
Holy shit I expected a bunch of posts, thanks /metal/ for not disapponting me, I prefer shards btw
Man, Burzum's first album is fucking killer. That and My journey to the stars are some of the best black metal songs ever made
literally me desu
funerals transports me to another dimension, man
but the band overall just feels too amateur for me too really love. shards of silver fade was a step in the right direction in that regard, at least in my opinion, but the songwriting wasn't as good. with a live drummer and better vocalist i'm sure i would prefer the music but then i'm not sure it would carry the same charm or atmosphere
Shards is much more epic in tone, slightly more melancholic too
Dis Pater is such an adorable aussie autist
i was not aware of that video, but i'm glad that i am
t. nu-male
Choose one
oh shit, mang, you posted my fav track from Funerals (either that, or the title track)
i love the amateur feel of it, it's charming and rustic and it gives a personal feeling to the whole cosmic, melancholic feel of the music, which is only appropriate, in my opinion
Metal Archives has spoken.
It's pretty fun dude
>tfw you have money and will eat pizza this weekend
>i love the amateur feel of it, it's charming and rustic and it gives a personal feeling to the whole cosmic, melancholic feel of the music, which is only appropriate, in my opinion
this is a nice way of looking at it and at times i would agree but when i think of his albums on the whole i can't help feeling i would be more satisfied with something more polished, especially given the runtime on them
as it stands i haven't found any substitutes to the atmosphere midnight odyssey creates, though. it's warm and comfortable yet at the same time brooding and expansive. "like the shadows moving in the back seat of your parents' car, on a rainy night when you're five years old, warm and secure."
i think i can only wish i loved the band. i suppose alrakis and lustre are at times pretty close to what i'd be looking for, but the atmosphere produced is too bleak or the music is too bland
I can totally see people enjoying MO more if he reduced his albums to just one hour at most, as it would demand less consistent polish. I'm like preacher and love all that shit though.
I respectfully disagree
How do I write R I F F S ?
elam-un .t
Not even the best Revocation album, laddo
That and Revocation are far from the best, just damn fun.
>trip comes
>actual discussion
really makes you think
put your trip back on, faggot
kek this.
t. glam/vektor shitposters
normally, when i listen to MO i'm pretty ready to listen to two hours of it, ain't any other way to listen to it, it's one of those things one must really sit down to listen to it due to the massive run time
and although that can definitely be frustrating, i always find myself thoroughly satisfied at the end of each listen
i'm literally just a shitposter, the only difference is you can choose to filter me
i literally never took my trip off to talk about said trip, it's ridiculous to do such a thing
i respectfully disagree
nice blog post. kill yourself you retarded faggot
have fun being alone and a virgin on a Friday night
for some reason this general spergs out over every trip except preacher for some odd reason
was this done ironically?
it's called stockholm syndrome
I never said it was you, just some trip.
But Deathless is their worst.
>for some reason
>for some odd reason
I can't English but you faggots know what I mean
ok but for real why do you hate it?
>While drunk James wrote a few riffs
riffs are literally songs. you've got a good riff, you've got a good song. the rest is autopilot
no, it was done to not give that faggot trip any (You)s
It just seems to sacrifice a lot of the fun energy to try and be more clever in the songwriting without much to show for it.
Also I find the drums kinda lackluster and I prioritise drums too much.
i saw them in 2005 with agalloch, still one of my favourite concerts. shame David died. Woods 3 always top5 for me.
> Keep getting reccomended MegaDeth > Can't force myself to try them because I'm a Metallica fanboy
you have to be +18 to post here
r8 my taste
the absolute STATE of this post
not a single good album. impressive
t. newfag
If you have not listened to Megadave you don't belong in this shithole, I mean, general.
t. not even blackie
r8 my taste
>Les hivers de notre époque
my negro
You "r8 my taste" faggots should know by now that this is the standard reaction to any of your posts. Seriously, how long have you been here?
t. nu-male
Applause for Dark Medieval Times. Shit's a masterpiece, IMO.
War Master's alright too. I prefer Mercenary, honestly.
You know good and damn well I'm right, you fucking autist.
t. nu-male
I've never listened to Burzum, give me an album that's good falling asleep to.
hvis lyset or filosofem
Daudi Baldrs
symphonies of sickness is NOT grind
Can anyone recommend something that sounds similar to this?
Before the Dawn and Black Sun Aeon don't count.