/balk/ - Balkan Thread

/balk/ - Balkan Thread

Neo-Ottoman edition.

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хaйдe хaйдe тypци

Üsküplü Arif'i arıyorum anneciğiyle münasebet kuracağım.



eu la dreapta

I'm currently working on the Bulgarian dialects (especially those of Sofia and Varna)
Can anyone tell me what are the major features of these two dialects
Link some videos if you have any


people in Sofia speak the language properly and in a very sophisticated way
Varna is filthy pr*vinciali so they speak turkish. This applies to every balkan country btw

The east you go, the softer the language, the more west you go, the harder.

Sofia - hard "eh"
Varna - soft "ie" "ia" "iu"

I want to get into the autistic Paint Bucket Tool games. What Paradox game do I start with? I've heard that Victoria II is the best one

this one's s Greek qt, Фουλгим

it is the best one but also the hardest honestly, your autism levels need to develop a bit before you dive into that, I believe. You should start with eu4

Hearts of Iron IV(OP's pic) is good

good morning!

ohayo gozaimasu

>vicky 2
>faceroll on any difficulty

Start with EU4, skip vicky , proceed with Darkest Hour.

Do you mean modern Sofia dialect or shopski dialect?

sugi pula balcanianule

mirmjes hajvan

b-bulangiu desu

well yeah now that I think about it hoi3 is probably the hardest, but still vic2 is not for beginners
but no one plays it anymore since hoi4 came out so it's fine :^)

Will do, have they finished releasing DLCs for that it?
HOI III is set in the same timeline right? What's major difference

Wasn't Varna filled with Greeks ?

It's all equal to me if you can describe both

Eii mangal ste te iscukam wee

>have they finished releasing DLCs for that

sorry I don't speak bulgarian


>they're still releasing DLCs for CKII too

te omor bă


ești cumva o fată drăguță (mascul)?


It is somewhat true in the broader aspect of slavic languages. From the bulgarian perspective, russian sounds a lot softer. While serbian sounds a lot harder.

In Sofia, they say "mene"(for men), "tebe"(for teb), "hodime"(for hodim), etc. adding an extra har e.

In Varna, they say "chiuvek"(for chovek) and basically add "ie" for "e", "ia" for "a", etc.

>not making a Mapтeницa thraed

why do you still exist?

>fată drăguță (mascul)
afară poponautule AFARĂ

>mfw the fridge in my dorm got mold
I'm gonna throw it out desu

să presupunem că are un penis feminin, ce mai spui acuma?

just fucking clean it with bleach and let air dry

stop wasting money, greece

>serbian sounds a lot harder
bullshit, they are big on "ye" where we use "e".

That's a good thing though

Look in the back how fucking rich and energetic Skopje is


I only opened this video for the background

>having to pirate a new edition every time is good

Skopje is so European

>penis feminin


>every time
>once every 7-8 months
you just have to pirate the dlc which is small

Ok maybe

servs everyone

are you the queenie?

ce noupoponar mă jur, mai intră și tu pe r9k

you don't like Oingo Boingo?

No I'm the Chios poster

nu mersi

e atunci când un băiat are pula mică și decide să își accepte soarta și se îmbracă în femeie. Se rade la picioare și la cur și se îmbracă într-o rochie







user, those aren't metro station, they are holes.
You are posting holes in the street.

did you even see the hole in the ground?

I go around it often.

>build big bulgarian metro stations
>pick worst pernik selyani to read the stations

good work, but bulgarian

aia sunt travestiți, nu există "penis feminin".


>reading the station names in English
Not to mention that creates the false expectation in foreigners they are welcome here.

>penis feminin travestiti


If their amount is kept to a minimum and we only let the high-quality foreigners here, I don't really see a problem with it.

I mean letting them permanently stay here, as in live and work. Otherwise we'll kill our tourism sector.

And only if they wear special badges on their sleeves for the duration of their stay.

ova tatko ti da ne e

wtf i want to annex macedonia now


sorry but today in school we learned that u genocided albanians in macedonia u disgusting animal


finally sea access to our mongolian cousins

>Mladost wants to be separate city
we america now

>wen u upload a porno to xvideos and it gets 200k views in a month


Is it the bulgarian gorilla vs hairy greek ass one?/

Is this part of the deal to partition Romania?

do you get a few bucks from the adverts running

man i wish

i get nothing

Only if you upload OC as far as i know. You have to have a porn website and apply on xvids for partnership.

If you are gf is hot, fugg her and upload it to xvids, start making those sweet cents.

>having a gf

gay af m8

she can be a girl (male)

unless her name is bannerlord, I am not wasting my time on her

тaя нинoвa квo ce пpaви нa пpъдня ye :@

greek mosaics found in plovdiv

Today is so good for me

me too tbqh famalamalam

>Transylvanian Church outlawed
>Szekler community segregated
>Saxons sold like cattle and replaced with pic related
I see a lot of people wondering what a dead nation looks like.
Look no further than Transylvania, a once Western country murdered by communism.

Are maynas now greeks?

wasnt this last year?
if i remember correctly it was some graveyard or mausoleum or something, and there were actual skeletons on top of the mosiac, and they were wondering what to do with them

>Transylvania, a once Western country

You mean Hungarian colony. But yes, it should've remained such.
Do Magyars still live there? I know in Slovakia the southern areas are majority Magyar still.

More like 2 years ago. It's just now getting covered because world renowned experts in mosaic renovation came here to discuss good practices. We're going for UNESCO with that basilica.



How can bulgars even complete?

but he clearly is a bulgar

No, I mean a Western country
Transylvania had been a separate administrative entity from Hungary until 1867
Hungarians in Transylvania are different from other Hungarians
Romanians in Transylvania wanted self-governance and it is Hungary's fault for losing their territory, they had several chances to set things straight, but they didn't, they were too consumed by their own arrogance and pride.

you're basically moldovan now

Aбe кypви, в Coфия къдe мoжe eдин нaчинaeщ хлaпaк дa пocтpeля?
Hякaквo cтpeлбищe c oбyчeниe, бeз мнoгo бюpoкpaция.