/got/ general
Azor Jon
Azor Jon
Azor Cersei
Why did you lie to me /got/ ? you told me this guy was based and on par with Tywin as a game player but he was a complete bitch and amounted to nothing...
>Daenerys is a crazy woman
Nikolai fucking gets it
Based NCW. Dude's a man's man through and through.
We still haven't learnt that the books mean nothing any more. I think that should be the final lesson of this season. Season 7, all bets are off.
Hes kind of a bitch who amounts to nothing in the books too tbqh
But he has one amazing scene with Cersei
What's pottery measured in?
Septa Nutella of the Most Devout is blessing this thread, even though it's full of heartless assholes who enjoys her suffering.
>my dad is shrewd and smart as fuck
>he read the first book then started watching the show
>he's wanted Dany to sit the throne for ages, like a dirty casual
>I point out that she's had some lunatic tendencies and seems to enjoy burning people a little too much
>nooo, my son. she's just young and naive still
>no father, she's the daughter of the Mad King and is starting to act like him
>episode 9 happens, Dany immediately wants to burn Astapor/Yunkai/etc to the ground
>only thing that stops her is Tyrion telling her she's acting like her father
>mfw my dad is one of our guys now
>>my dad is shrewd and smart as fuck
Apparently not.
who's to say she is suffering? maybe she's a masochist and loves being punished
Azor Puppyfu
Azor Arya
Tbf Dany was one of my favorite POVs too when I was first reading through the series. Can't yet really say how I feel about her story now since I'm in the middle of re-reading.
after book 1 dany goes to shit, her story in book 2 is extremely boring, the astapor scene in book 3 is pretty good, then it goes to shit after that again
Exactly. Those screams weren't necessarily screams of pain.
>Weird Far Essosi people
>Magic and prophecies
Shit's interesting
the princess that was promised
I forgot creep Jorah
Does he support Our Guy?
>loves being raped and tortured in other ways by a rotten zombie
That is only possible in anons' fantasies.
Impaled on Euron's edgethrone are the following gods
>The Seven
>Great Shepard
>Black Goat
>Shota God Bakkalon
>Butterfly God
>The Drowned God
But nothing to represent the Old Gods.
What could it mean?
How is NCW so based 24/7? Also why do I have no jamie in my got folder?
Get nikolai-posting faggots
i'd go full gay for ncw
no homo
Do you think she liked being caressed by Cersei less or more?
the most handsome man in the seven kingdoms
you can tell shes a virgin because she cant 'act' simulated sex
He's working with Bloodraven.
where does this angle come from?
Jon Snow
> secret targ
> friend of wildlings
> a bastard
> probably Azor Ahai reborn
How's this faggot become KitN?
>A lot of people are getting really worked up online about the fact that I’m a white actor. I’m not even playing an Egyptian; I’m an 8-foot-tall god who turns into a falcon. A part of me just wants to freak out, but then I think, ‘There’s nothing you can do about it.’ You can’t win in that sort of discussion
she so fucking disguisting
I agree. Nikolaj is now officially /got/'s guy. I call upon Jonbros, Stannermen, Maceposters and CIAlovers to renounce their characters and rally behind this man instead.
>ywn lick his adam's apple
lol I'm just going to leave you 5 miles away. Don't worry ur swamp gurl can drag you the rest of the way XD.
oh yeah I'm also taking the horse too. Peace
She would prefer to be killed.
benjen is working for the others. he knows there is an army of wights right behind them, he left them there so they don't have time to think about anything, they're just being chased and need to cross the wall as fast as possible.
and then the magical barrier breaks
benjen is rusing
Isn't that just baiting for mindbreak?
cast him /got/
Vargo Hoat.
Oh boy a Nikolaj thread
I'm sorry, user, I don't get what are you trying to say. That she was faking mindbreak?
>Nikolaj knows
ahhaha of course he fucking would, mah nigga
One of the few good casting choices, ol' Nicky.
Too bad they fucked up Jaime's story arc so bad. Would have been fun seeing Nikolaj do the whole redemption thing.
>Would have been fun seeing Nikolaj do the whole redemption thing.
You need everything telegraphed really loudly to get it?
>redemption thing
yet to happen in the books really
He still threatened to launch a baby with a catapult so he could fuck cersei a bit sooner
A year after Cersei's walk of shame and imprisonment and he still hasn't asked what it was for.
>You just gotta start wondering, what the hell is this plot?
don't act like it was in there subtly. It wasn't.
Hopeful when they do it next season (they will) it will be much better
In the books he no longer wants to fuck Cersei. Or were you talking about the show?
>He still threatened to launch a baby with a catapult so he could fuck cersei a bit sooner
Nope, he said that so he could end the siege of riverrun peacefully since he swore to never take up arms agaisnt tully or stark and wants to actually keep it.
You're right actually, I forgot they fucked up the Tysha plotline. But he still threatened to catapult a baby over into his family's castle
He is threatening violence to avoid actual violence. He was done with Cersei at that point.
But yeah, he never really repented for what he did to Bran. And, as nice and compassionate as he is trying to be about it, he is still on the evil side.
I think he knows and he's just being a good goy who doesn't mind getting cucked.
there are autists who actually believe Jaime's interactions in the Riverlands and his subsequent arrival in KL weren't foreshadowing his impending redemption.
I've talked about this with them, and they're really just unable to comprehend the subtext of his scenes.
seekey word is "threatened," he was bluffing.
I haven't read the books in so long, I don't even know if LSH knows he crippled Bran in the books.
Either way, he's fucked because in the book Roose says "JAIME Lannister sends his regards."
>foreshadowing his impending redemption
so it hasn't happened yet then
i wouldnt say bluffing exactly but he was playing up the king slayer angle. if every one thinks your some miserable bastard who is evil then just fucking own it from time to time and people will do as you say
They aren't, they're foreshadowing him killing Cersei. They put the his redemption, identity crisis, and him trying to reinvent himself on hold for the sake of introducing Sand Snakes, and making it more """""shocking"""""" when Jaime kills Cersei in S7.
She knows. She also knows about his threats to Edmure through her spy, making Brienne's story of Jaime's redemption very suspect.
>But yeah, he never really repented for what he did to Bran. And, as nice and compassionate as he is trying to be about it, he is still on my evil side.
Yeah, a completely hamfisted interpretation of the redemption arc. It'll be stupid and painful to watch.
>Hey Nat! Which cock is best cock?
Woah laddie, if you keep shifting those goalposts like that we will run out of field to play on!
20 Good Men vs Sand Snakes
who wins
Yep, most of his 'redemption' is more him publicly regaining his honor than actually repenting for bad things he did in the past. He's concerned about his reputation and how he will be remembered, more than how he acts.
Because except for chucking Bran out the window and I guess being snide, he's hasn't actually done very many bad things. After revealing to someone after all these years that the Kingslayer did it for the city rather than for his family's ambitions, he doesn't feel the need to keep up his spiteful facade of not caring what people say about him. He wants to be Goldenhand the Just.
20 Good Men
no, his character development in the show is non-linear. he had a relapse to asshole Jaime after Myrcella died.
This. Jaime was never "evil". Evil would have followed Mad King with his orders. He was just a spoiled dickhead, daddy's #1 boy. That part of him started to wither away after his hand got lobbed off.
Why do people like Preston's autistic ASOIAF videos?
>shifting goal posts
>turning logical fallacies into a meme
Listen here bud, I haven't been arguing with you, I don't give a shit. But while I'm here I'll tell you that your original post was the actual shifting of goal posts because my original post was about how the redemption arc hasn't happened and you sputtered out a completely arbitrary "b-but they foreshadowed it!"
Who gives a fuck you cunt.
You call this based? He's betraying the white race by portraying us as lame, rhythmless cucks.
Question for future reference anons
How many new X-posters weve had this season 6? and how were they like? if theyre into 1 categroy and more of them like lyannaposters, please do numerate each one and what they were like.
>bookJaime threatens to throw Edmures newborn over the walls of Riverrun to make him surrender
"Wow! Jaime sure handeled this situation nicely! He sure is on the part of righteousness now!"
>showJaime threatens to throw Edmures newborn over the walls of Riverrun to make him surrender AND to keep his world to Brienne to not shed any Tully blood
"Holy shit, why is he such an asshole again? God, this development is so non-linear."
The look in their eyes, you JUST know
>They aren't, they're foreshadowing him killing Cersei
these aren't mutually exclusive
>They put the his redemption, identity crisis, and him trying to reinvent himself on hold for the sake of introducing Sand Snakes
yeah, it's a result of D&D's genius idea to kill off Myrcella
not hamfisted enough for some people apparently, which was my initial point. there were anons who seriously believed that S7 Jaime will stay in "fuck everyone who isn't us" mode
>Eternal Maester poster
>Theon gets his cock back poster
>Theon is Azor Ahai poster
>Carice is in my house poster (Dutchposter)
>Highgarden/Natalie poster
>From the Dusty Mesa
>Azor Jon
>This post is dedicated to Kinvara poster
Too early to tell
Not that user, but we get his motivations for both and they couldn't be more different.
BookJaime has realized that he wants to be remembered as a true knight, not just the Kingslayer. So he intends to keep every oath he swore and let the Tullys surrender.
ShowJaime wants to fug Cersei. In fact, it's even more bizarre because Jaime knows about the walk of shame and how she was arrested by the faith, but still doesn't know why. ShowJaime also watched Myrcella die from the sneks, and yet found nothing wrong with dicking around in the Riverlands when Dornish shit were still breathing. You can't make Jaime all about his incest family and then have him ignore the consequences of his incest family so he can go back to his book arc for a sec.
Except Dorne is all Cogman's fault
His just wanted to leave his own little adorable paw marks on the series :3
>taking events ouf of context
>ignoring character motivations
wow, you sure showed me fampai
>buttplay lovers
maybe she's just bad at sex
lots of women think they should just lie there and take it
Pre-Redemption Jaime would not be sharing those thirsty looks with Brienne, he knows there some something to fight for outside his whore sister or family that does not exist anymore
You do realize his main motivation on threatening Edmure was because of Brienne's plea?
It's easy to say "bookJaime realized XYZ because ABC..." when we get long, detailed inner monologues in the books and in the show we only get the dialogue.
It would've been different if Brienne didn't even show up to begin with, because THEN it would 100% seem that he is doing this only for Cersei, but he is not.
That was a pretty good adaption of "The First Time"
I should know, I have own recorded.
right, I always forget about this. at any rate, it doesn't change the fact that D&D went with it instead of telling Cogman to go fuck himself with a cactus.