Best way to do cannabutter?

Best way to do cannabutter?

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1. Grind up your green
2. Melt half a block of butter in a pan.
3 stir your green into butter and leave to simmer for a 10 mins on a low heat.
4. Filter out green and set it aside.
5. Pour butter into dish and put in fridge to set

simmer in butter with double boiler (glass bowl sitting on saucepan of boiling water)

Soak ground ingredients in butter for ~40 minutes

Strain through cheesecloth, discard ground ingredients.

Alternatively, use mortar and pestle on ground ingredients beforehand to powder (slightly more wastage, slightly better results)

Refrigerate or use butter immediately.

grinding to fine powder only really feasible with relatively dry product, too moist and it won't be as successful, but still achievable at cost of slightly greater wastage.

But if I ever grind to fine powder, I sometimes mix the finely ground product in the icing, it does have a unique flavor.

Also, if you are working with ABV product, it grinds into a powder extremely easily.

Don't go over 85 Celsius it will kill the canaboids




Decarboxylate your weed first or you will only get about 40-60% of the THC activated

>weed so wet it just clumps together instead of grinding.

I feel your pain, brother.

Quit being a fucking druggie scumbag!
There, problem solved you hippie faggot

i assume you mean 185c

85c is not even enough to decarb

Maybe what you intend is for OP to decarb his weed first and then soak in 85c butter? Not like the temperature needs to be low anyhow at that point either.

Are you fucking retarded? 100c is BOILING (as in 212f for you non britfags), you will fuck your weed up dumbass

I hope the rest of this day will be better for you. Sounds like you need a nap.

Maybe after I fuck your mother! BOOM, roasted!

You should probably study for your seventh grade exams first.

Yes...100c is boiling. 85c isn't even close to boiling. Weed needs at least 116c to sufficiently decarb, and closer to 185c for maximum decarb (butter will smoke here so you probably want to decarb your weed first)

If you're doing straight fresh weed that isn't decarbed already, you want to go over water boiling temperature when making cannabutter. Butter will be fine up to like 170c, and will make a much more potent cannabutter.


delete system32 folder

Just buy a magic butter machine and follow instructions. Youll make better quality butter this way. Especially if you're new at making it. Dont guess and waste your bud. Do it right.

Rather waste 20 dollars on some herbs than waste 180 dollars on that thing

Lol you do you man. I use this thing weekly and I absoluetly love it. But if you're only making edibles once then do however youd like. Im just giving suggestions.

Tbh dude it seems like a good thing but once you get the hand on making it yourself its not worth it

I have a question regarding edibles as well.

Yesterday I vaped maybe like a tablespoon of finely ground ganj. I got nice and toasty, probably the best herb I've ever had. Anyways. I took that abv, ground it up even more. Then I mixed it in my coffee and a half hour later I was unbelievable stoned. Greened out a little as well.

Why did that little bit hit so hard? Is eating different than smoking, because that was my first time eating it.

Ehhh. I dont know. You can definetly make good butter without it. But in all honestly, the best quality stuff ive ever had is all made on these or other machines like it. I live in a legal state and my neighbor sells "baked" goods for a living. He introduced me to this machine and now ill never create it from scratch again. Its done faster and its much more potent compared to doing it manually. Theres alot less room for error aswell which is great. Honnestly, its something you would have to experience first and then youll understand more.

Yes, step one stop doing drugs and become a functional human

If you mean that you used the vaped bud to put in your coffee then that could be why... pre heating weed , activates it. so maybe you bypassed the fat abosbtion... Idk though I'm not 17 anymore so I don't smoke weed

If you're making one batch or two then its not worth it. But if you're planning on making alot of edibles then its worth it in my opinion. There will always be someone whos a master at making butter or oil but the possiblitly of you knowing that person is slim. Its the closest way to make professional butter without being a professional.

You can be a functional person and smoke weed. Not all pot smokers are losers who live in there parents basement. Pot indulgence doesnt make someone unfunctionable. Its the person themselves. If they cant do daily stuff or hold a job because of pot, then they shouldnt be smoking.

ok yes you are right, moderate use of substance does not make someone a degenerate there are just a lot of failure stoners as I'm sure you know, glad you're not one of them

go blow your goat, you reptilian pedo

Spray your buds with everclear after you grind them, but before you put the in the butter. It increases your yeild. Other than that just followone of the recipies user posted

life choices, user..who the fuck are you?

I smoke every day and still hold down a well paying job. Only difference is I have much less motivation to do anything else. However I'd rather be lazy than depressed.

Kek. Yes user, decarboxylation happens when vaporizing your herb. I was just wondering why it was so strong with such little weed. It was probably because I don't get high very often and my tolerance was down.