Can someone please explain to me why the FUCK e-cigs are treated equally with cigarettes in most places which ban...

Can someone please explain to me why the FUCK e-cigs are treated equally with cigarettes in most places which ban smoking?

Out of consideration for those who are not addicts.

But the vapor is harmless.
So why be bitches about it?

Because of dumb asses blowing clouds and being inconsiderate.

Why are you being a little bitch about it? Go the fuck outside.

I think it's the smoke that annoys other people.


How is it inconsiderate?

Because it's annoying and autistic and anyone who is neither of those things can't stand it.

Because I don't want some retard vape faggot breathing clouds of second-hand lung mist in my fucking face, you cunt.
How about I breathe right into your fucking mouth, would you enjoy that? Fuck off you autistic fedora-wearing vape cunt.

Right. I see how smoke may bother some pursues.
But what is the argument against the vapor? No tar, no smoke, no carcinogens.

You fucking idiot.
We all breathe all the time.
Vape is just visible.
You can see which air to avoid.

This is why

And this

Nice picture. Not only it hides the actual chemicals, it also doesn't list products of reaction on the atomizer(one of them is formaldehyde, just so you know). Answering your question, tobacco is banned in those places not because it's harmful, it's because people hate smoke.

Yes, BREATHE. Like a small huff/puff

Not blow fucking 300 cubic inches of stinking vape smoke in everyone's fucking faces like a fucking fog-machine at a concert.


I only use organic e-liquid.
Diacetyl free.
Free of other chemical too.
No formaldehyde.


>one of them is formaldehyde, just so you know

are you fucking retarded?

A lung full of moist air, either way. One you can see, the other you can't.

Nice reading comprehension. They are PRODUCED during evaporation.


> having a nice dinner with family
> a fat fedora smelly guys comes in
> sits near us
> takes out his vape and starts vaping some big as clouds
> smoke is getting in my face
> the smell of the smoke is unbearable
> try to ignore it
> this keeps on going for like 15 mind
> kids are starting to cough
> I get up my chair and take out from my back pocket my golden 4 battery powered cloud industrial vape
> challenge him to a vape off
> fedora guy accepts tries to vape but his finger dusted finger can't properly grasp the ecig and his weak lungs and handle it coughs mid inhale...
> My turn I take a swift inhale from my ultra penis shape vape and boom whole restaurant is clouded
> fedora guys walks out
> open the doors
> get on the floor
> everybody walk the dinosaurs
I gave up half way through the story

Wtf. Are you retarded?

Smoking is obnoxious. And it DOES smell. Usually like shit mixed with your breath, which is also terrible.

The smoke or "vapor" as you fags call it is still irritating. Don't blow that shit near me, I don't want to walk through the visible cloud that is your rank breath and burned oil. I don't want to smell like that at all.

It's fucking courteous, like taking your hat off indoors, or taking your shoes off at the door.

>heat over 200C doesn't produce chemicals
Really fires them neurons.


Ever hotbox a car with the buds? You sound like a faggot so I guess not.
When a group of people smoke weed together they don't make your pussy complaint.
Even old fuds that smoke stogies don't complain about other peoples smoke.

So if you don't like red cotton shirts, the restaurants should ban those too?
FUCK off you liberal cunt.


Fuck off you retard, go smoke some more "ganja" and destroy that last brain cell you have, dumb fuck.


Sorry dont dont have any friends, maybe just stop being a pussy.

Because people dislike smokers and faggots equally

>Formaldehyde is an organic compound

When I was quitting cigarettes I vaped in my office. No one knew because I wasn't exhaling gigantic clouds of vapor.

Ever tried eating a steak while you have a scented candle on your table, whereas it's flavor is strawberry? That's irritation you faggot. And people hate it. You know what irritates people who aren't smoking or vaping right now? Your ugly face, blowing clouds of this shit in our face and then smirking because "oh don't be annoyed it's not dangerous"

Do me a favor and drink your vape juice at once

your answer is this

Because the study that Congress cited to pass the indoor clean air act says on the front page that there's no observed link between secondhand smoke and cancer.

This is the same study that everyone references when they say that secondhand smoke is worse than smoking yourself. Nobody reads it.

tl;dr because e-cigs are as dangerous as secondhand smoke

Yes because you need weed to have friends.

I enjoy my life without being a drug addict, thanks.


Because vaping has been scientifically proven to be directly correlated with lighter rates of homosexuality and autism. Kindof a chicken and egg situation though

>tl;dr because e-cigs are as dangerous as secondhand smoke
tin foil hat logic

obviously didn't read


You are pretty fucking stupid if you have to ask that question. It's tobaco, heavy metal virus and bacteria steam pouring out of your stupid lungs. You'll figure out how bad e-ciggy smoke is when sometime in the next decade your lungs turn into two shriveled ballsacs. So I don't give a rat's ass what you do to your ballsac lungs but the rest of us care about our lungs. So do that shit at home or in your car.

>implying you NEED weed to have friends

Bro no needs drugs, but you're just a pussy. Again sorry about your lonely sad life.

Because people who cape are pretentious wannabe faggots and should an hero

You keep repeating yourself, try harder.

Oh, fuck off. Abstaining from conscious altering substances doesn't make you better than other people, you pretentious cunt.

No one wants to breath your faggot fruity clouds.

This image was made by a retarded person who figured out how to use photoshop and holds absolutely no scientific value. The only person more retarded than the person who made this image would be OP posting it to try and support his strawman argument.

It is NOT tobacco!
Now I know why they ban e-cigs.
You idiots think it's tobacco. Quite laughable, really.

>Devil's advocate

What about the cunts that vape nicotine free shit, "just for the flavor".

And you keep responding, which only proves my point of how desperate you are for a friend. I am here man, I will listen.

I don't vape in the same places I didn't smoke. Common sense really.

I agree with other anons. Usually the common vapers that you come across, are pretty inconsiderate with the massive smoke clouds. Some people hate it, and others don't mind. I vape, but I always try to read the people that I'm vaping around. If it looks like they don't like it, I'll just go somewhere else and vape. Also, major nicotine addict so clouds aren't what I care about tbh

OP how are you an expert on this? Are you a respatory therapist? Where did you get your PHD in Pulmonology? Let me guess, you don't have one?

You're just some faggot teenage vaper who think's because he hasn't died yet that he's an expert on something but you don't a single valid fact to stand on for this argument.

Your the idiot that spent 250$ on a vape pen so you can exhale clouds of "cotton candy" flavor chemical on creeped out girls at comic con

noticed and check'd

because nicotine is the addictive poison in cigs and nobody wants to breathe that shit in besides you

As regular cigarette use is declining governments are trying to find new items to tax to make up the lost revenue.

This is literally the only reason.

>wants to make people stop smoking
>bans e cigarettes that help get out of smoking
>Complains about people smoking
This world

Those people are scum and should be sent to jail where, ironically their ass will get traded around for packs of smokes

Right. They tax it like tobacco. But why say you can't vapor ?

tobaco niggerteen, strawberry air freshener who the fuck cares it's some fugazy Chinese chemical shit that makes you want it right? How is that "ignorance". Ever read a chemical analysis report of your e-cig vapor? Ignorant fuck.

I love how no one is aware that ecigs are coating their lungs with a plastic film

Test it yourself. Blow you "vape" into a sealed container a few times a day and after a week or so a viscous plastic-esque liquid will be forming at the base

Good luck!

this is such b8 i bet you dont even vape you fool

To make it seem like it's a health threat like tobacco when it isn't

found the gold fish

Vape indoors near me or my wife and I will punch you in your fucking face. Faggot.

Not all of us like having stuff blown in our face

lel you sound even more pretentious than the other user.

Gj regurgitating the formaldehyde propaganda its good to see you're a sheep.
Formaldehyde is created during combustion of the e juice.
Atomization and combustion are completely different reactions.

But the argument is how the nicotine is regulated, all different brands of juice can use different ingredients and limit the amount of nicotine to whatever the customer wants.

No one in this thread vapes or has even walked into a head shop and talked to someone.

Hahaha but you'd actually need to have wife to make that threat

writing "e-liquid" at the e-cig is literally the equivalent of just writing "tobacco" at the cigarette.

ex-smoker here
anit-smokers are way more annoying than the smokers themselves though.

they're so fucking self righteous it's disgusting.

personally don't really mind it, shit doesn't bother my asthma and as long as its not being blown in my face/ obnoxiously loud I don't mind

Rekt like the faggot you are


Now that you got your little chuckle out off the way why not try and develop and educated opinion on the topic at hand.

>on 4chin
>claims to have a wife


ex smokers are so annoying. its like they want a gold metal for not killing themselves. how does it feel to be tricked into being addicted to a pointless substance? forreeevvveeerrr

OP here.
I vape for nicotine.
No fruity flavors.
Strong tobacco flavor of black coffee flavor only. No sweetener.
Less cloud, more hit.
All organic, no chemicals.

I've been married for 7 years precisely because I don't go out to a bar or a club and keep sucking on a stupid douche flute to try and look cool. Vapers look like massive fedora hat faggots but don't seem to be aware of it.

All these faggots using alternatives. Nothing beats a drag off a cigarette.

"all organic, no chemicals"

Are you really that retarded?

>No Chemicals

Do you even know what a chemical is? Clearly OP dropped out of school before taking a chemistry class. What dumb bastard.

you eat sugar right? ever drank coffe? ever taken a painkiller?

you can't even shitpost right... kys fam

They're not aware of it because that's your opinion towards them.

Fucking kill yourself

They exist, that's what I buy.

OP here, I stand by what I said. There are no chemicals in my nicotine

Because there are so much different aromas, so is it so weird if someone doesn't like a specific smell? My friends vape and I smoke cigs, usually I have no problem with them but sometimes their aroma doesn't have a good smell to me and irritates me. And then there are vape naysh fags who just must vape the fatest rips so fuck them if you can't stand the cig smoke maybe you can't stand some vape flavor and you shouldn't have to put up with it. Just plain logic here.

Someone clearly never took chemistry


You don't make sense. So you've been married because you don't go out to bars and suckle on robot dicks? Not because you like your wife and Carr about her.

>implying people who go to clubs or pubs are all single and miserable
Kys fuck head

See everyone thinks of neckbeards blowing huge clouds into the public, when in reality any average joe can vape and the tend to blow the vape outward and away from anyone that may take offense.

However it is fun to see everyone try to be a troll. Gotta love this board.

Was meant for

>when someone says God does exist