Dumb boring cunt with no personality in shit """horror""" flicks

>dumb boring cunt with no personality in shit """horror""" flicks
That's why no one likes female protagonists.

I have no problems with cute female protagonists, I have a problem with people who do like a movie just because they like a strong character

>muh empowerment
Seems like some media trick to make people like shitty movies

Your bait is boring and that's why nobody wants to be your friend. Also

>The Passion of Joan D'Arc
>A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night

but, as with any other character, it's more of a matter of it being well written and well acted. Kill yourself.

I liked Slug more than her. I liked her cat more than her. All Sigourney Weaver had was a small white girl ass and smaller panties.

>you disagree with me, so you're baiting
Also, all of those are shit.
Women are inherently boring and don't make for compelling protagonists, deal with it.

That scene where she's in her panties though.

No, you're baiting because you state your opinion (one which, by the way, you know to be inflammatory) as a fact, with a sprinkle of buzzwordish insults, and then reply by just saying "deal with it".

But let's have a disscussion: what is it that makes female characters "inherently boring"? What is it precisely that sets them apart from any other?

That's how it is with most scifi/horror movies. The main protagonist is the most basic bitch in the whole movie.

My favorite female characters (the whorish ones) always die. It's like the creaters of these films have some kind of puritanic agend.

Women are worthless in real life, so they don't work beyond being supporting characters in fiction either. They have no meaningful personalities beyond fake "masks" (not unlike other inherently boring creatures, sociopaths) to trick dumb men into marrying them. They don't have any real intelligence, so when the movie portrays them realistically it's boring, and when it doesn't it's too unbelievable. They have no charisma, so female actors' acting never stands out like it does with male actors.

The fact that Ripley wasn't the first to die is the most fantastical thing about this shit movie.

Who could you say is a actual decent female protagonist.

For me I said the two MCs from Heavenly Creatures their growning obsessive for each other and dividing into their lives to find out why their were such loners and willing to commit murder to keep them together made them quite interesting to me.

>isn't some quippy flaming faggot
>hurr no personality durrr
Sometimes I think there may be something to the theory that governments are using fluoride in the water to dumb people down.

Well, I see you're redpilled and our viewpoints diverge fantastically - I doubt discussion can take place, as for every retort I'd have you'd dismiss and conversely.

But I still want to say that you merely listed a few platitudes that have next to no basis, even observationally, and which rely on your ideological position to have any (even subjective) value of truth.

I'll just say that people like Joan Didion, Hannah Arendt, Cora Diamond and Anne Carson prove you wrong, as on a simpler, more "human" level, do the posts of the femanons inhabiting this site - which you can't distinguish from the other anons', for the most part.

I'll stick with Joan D'Arc in Dreyer's film, I know it's babby's first black and white movie but her eyes and her expression, her silent burning at the stake will stay with me for a long, long time.

Way to try and sound smart as if that would make you more correct.
Nope, women are just plain garbage. They are so bad at existing that you have to rely on a dozen names that ever actually contributed to mankind. There aren't history books about what women have accomplished because they'd be sparse with too many blank pages in between what they did.

If they weren't good enough to be better than us, and not good enough to be equal than us, then they are worse than us.

>Joan Didion, Hannah Arendt, Cora Diamond and Anne Carson
>not dumb whores with nothing intelligent to say
You may as well mention Ayn Rand.

>being a generic actionshit hero is a personality, let alone deserving to be "BEST CHARACTER EVER"
Fuck off. Read something that isn't dumb garbage for plebs like John Carter of Mars or capeshit.

I need to check that film out I heard it's good.

Also I agree with the notion that their are more interesting male protagonist then female.

What's it feel like to have a double digit IQ?

You tell me, if you think Ripley is good.

She can be cute sometimes

Please explain how that's not a dude.

All of the women I listed were writers in the second half of the XX Century - there are plenty more important female figures in history and the arts, but that's secondary.

Just wanted to point out that generally women, like many other social groups in history, have had a more difficult time in accessing those tools which could lead to education, production of cultural artifacts and remembrance by the future generation. Naturally, this has been true or false to a variety of degrees, and nowadays isn't as marked - thus leading to women playing a large role in a lot of fields, as men do; for instance it was an Italian researcher, Ilaria Capua, to isolate for the first time the H5N1 virus (aviary influence).

Why, have you read them? I thought at least Joan Didion would encounter your approval, as she slammed repeatedly a bunch of liberal political moves, as well as the feminist movement of her time.

thats moot you faggot

I think you may like the Neon Demon.

Elle fanning does a good job as Jess when she does a good transformation from shy girl to huge narcissist throughout the movie.

>hating on Sigourney Weaver because you want to bitch about female protagonists because the stupid SJW agenda has you triggered

Fucking Sup Forums is complete shit.

People don't need help being stupid.

>no personality
Ripley is a caring mother, 100% honest and loyal, quick as fuck and always faces her fears, NEVER backs down. OP thinks having a personality means quipping every 5 minutes

So, exactly like every heroic character ever. Good fucking job, great character 10/10.
>muh quips meme
Fuck off.

I don't care for SJWs, you stupid fuck.
I hate that this boring piece of shit is treated like one of the best characters in cinema ever simply because she's a female even though she's no more complex or memorable than your average capeshit character.

But the thing is, she isn't treated like that. What kind of cinema history have you learned, friend? I think you might have been scammed, or you're scamming yourself.

There's no reason not to pick apart Ripley. She's equal to other men, I can pick apart John Matrix all god damn day and you won't ever equate it to "fucking triggered by __________"

Then how come everywhere I go it's "Ripley is the best female character ever" ?

top b8 m8

Because you're going to the same people who'd say "Pink Floyd was the best band ever" or "A Song of Ice and Fire is the best book(series) ever". They're idiots, and I think you should know better than make an argument out of that.

>Pink Floyd was the best band ever
No one says that. No one even thinks those talentless hacks are good. They're Boards of Canada-tier garbage.

Then you've never asked the question to a sizable chunk of the music listening world.

No one listening to shitty dadrock is worth talking to.

That's a moot point, since all female characters are bad characters.
There's a reason the best literary works have male leads.

Thanks you, OP. At least finally someone says it.

I've always found it amusing how 2-dimensional action girls have been so revered by nerds.

Nice bait

Is that moot?

>I disagree with it, so it's bait

>only one to survive in 4 movies