i just.....
i can't.
the fucking racism here.
you people are ill
literally shaking right now.....
wow.....just. just wow. literally unbelievable.
ill never understand this......place.
it feels like
after the past 2 weeks i have been here it just seems to get worst and worst.....
blatant racism
child porn spam
animal abuse
anti semitism
holocaust denial
woman hating
fat shaming
off topic adult cartoons
the list goes on and on.......
the n word literally hurled around like it was a casual insult......
are there even moderators to control this insane place??!!!
disgusting.....are you even "humans"? or just jaded pieces of SHIT??!!
i see why you people are callled the sewer of the internet...
I just
>west Africans
>kings of ANYTHING
both alton sterling and philando castile were gang members
alton sterling was a lifetime criminal felon and child diddler with a firearm, instantly not innocent. He resisted arrest and reached for his firearm.
philando castile perfectly matched the video evidence of a man robbing a convenience store 2 days before he was killed. The store was down the street from where the cop stopped him, officers were to be on the look out.
Philando was a crips member.
The reason given by the girlfriend for why he was stopped(broken tail light) was completely false, both tail lights were intact as proven by bystanders taking pictures.
He was stopped because he was identified by the cop. He reached for a gun, you can even make it out in passenger seat in the video she put up.
Both were gangbanger career criminals that resisted arrest and attempted to harm a police officer.
No sympathies.
Sup Forums or Sup Forums
OP your picture seems to be encouraging blacks to return to africa
I think it might be Sup Forums generated
I'll say this, that hysterical, baseless accusations are the fastest and easiest way to identify my enemies
but I thought africans were left to reclaim Africa?
>what is mali
>what is songhai
this is reality, stupid. how old are you? people are scumbags, time to start hitting back. fuck old people
Another Sup Forums false flag post, ladies and gentlemen.
This strategy is among Sup Forums's most effective tactics for taking over boards. It's terribly easy. All they have to do is find a well intentioned, mildly un-PC comment, post a reply telling them to and wait for the chorus of anons (actually more often than not, samefags) saying how Sup Forums is just a boogeyman and does nothing wrong. This is used to reinforce the notion that Sup Forums is never responsible for shitposting, and every bad influence is reddit (despite the overwhelming evidence that reddit completely took over Sup Forums after they sacked the racist subs and made Voat).
>off-topic adult cartoons
What is the Maxim gun?
You did. Why do you think the place is the shittiest place on Earth?
Irrelevant to the argument that West African kingdoms never existed?
Niggers must admit to themselves that they are indeed subhuman. Only then can they begin to heal.
We must always remind them as an act of compassion.
There is nothing white supremacists want more than for us to leave and do exactly that.
Stop being a pussy no one should take this that seriously. Better than the retards who post porn.
Where the fuck was this pleb raised... under a rock?
Welcome to the real world lad
Sup Forums is a board of peace, friend.
>West African kingdoms never existed
What about Mali and Sokoto?
Read the posts you are replying to.
im writing an email to moot right now about Sup Forums's racism.
>not Sup Forumsslam
Kek this shit is off topic fucking hypocrite
If you had half a brain, you'd realize that all of the "SJW"/gender/race crap bledover from fucking Sup Forums, because they have a hardon for such a thing.
More cartoon stuff bleed over also due to Sup Forums. You'd see this started mostly in 2014; more accidental Sup Forums crossposting, more intentional crossposting, more "what if __ was a movie" or "warcraft/etc" that are coming up.
Sup Forums moved in here in 2012; as early as 2011ish due to Big Brother threads "outlawed" due to "poor mean Sup Forums mods" that numerous posted have admitted (back then, not now, before revisionist history newfriends attempt to dissuade), and never left. They use memes to the extreme;, this is their Facebook, they don't care if they piss and shit in the same place they eat.
That's why you see half of this board is spam, also the moderation simply cannot keep up with the massive amount of spam unless you actually send reports. Even then, there seems to be some sort of favoritism with this "fourth round" of moderation (for Sup Forums, since its inception). They delete shit that should be deleted asap (cunny shit, shrek/just/bane [which took forever for them to get on too, the latter memes]), but some things take an awfully long time to delete, like Sup Forums blacked threads.
Stay new.
also fuck back to Sup Forums to get BTFO
ebic spider man spam, Sup Forumseddit!
you're sticking it to the man!!
>but some things take an awfully long time to delete, like Sup Forums blacked threads.
>he thinks the mods don't get around to deleting it
>when in fact they're a bunch of cuckold faggots who get off on it
The even more absolutely hilarious thing about you SJW kikes (I see you mr. "normal person"), is that you encourage more racism by lifting up blacks and shitting on white people.
Black knights splatter.
That's not usually what the WEWUZ meme is about. It's usually more ridiculous. Like claiming Egypt was black (and no, Nubians aren't Ethnic Egyptians, and they only ruled Egypt proper for a short dynasty during an extremely turbulent period). Or Olmecs. Or the Japanese. Or Berbers/Moors. Or the Chinese. Or literally anyone and anything.
That, and most African Americans didn't come from the kings of West Africa, but from the peasantry and the slaves who were sold to the Arabs and Europeans.