This is a question to all the immigrants in Britain

this is a question to all the immigrants in Britain
do you also have this weird sense of everything being artificial this sort of sense that all the kindness and all the happy smiles don't mean anything
struggling with mental health and trying to figure out if it's just me being crazy or is it true that people really wouldn't give a shit about you

Beginning of persecutory beliefs, delusions and derealization, slipping into a depressive psychosis

Seek psychiatric help, work out consistently because testosterone deficiency increases your susceptibility to depression and schizophrenia and chill out.

Also I am going to sleep so please don't ask a follow-up question

I wouldn't want to live in Britain despite Poland being like pic, at least we are sincere in our gruffnes.

>is it true that people really wouldn't give a shit about you
it's always true anywhere you go

hi native brit here.
black and asian british are actually overrepresented as a % in mental health problems for some reason.

unfortunately the nhs is stretched and mental health stuff is really underfunded and underreported (read some stat that apparently 20% of brits have some depression/anxiety issues) BUT you should be able to access some CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) stuff online. You might be able to get referred to a pychiatrist for a diagnosis if it's something a bit more complicated.

If you have the £ you might want to try and find a counciller/therapist who specialises in your issues. Gluck

this is something i never realised would be something I'd miss so much
oh yeah definitely feels like it, havent had much sleep and woke up from a nap feeling like a nightmare

can't work out raises stress levels and triggers a ptsd response since I went through trauma here

def feel schizophrenic today if schizophrenia makes you sweat and feel like you're in a disconnected nightmare
culture shock in a bad place fuck man it's like a bad trip
talking to someone who I trust really helps though

yeah went to a gp they told me it will take a fucking month

gonna go privately in the meantime

I have schizophrenia, it feels like drifting.
>disconnected nightmare
that too

sounds like a plan my man.
where are you from originally if you don't mind me asking

Are you the Sudanese Medicbro?

I like you. Keep on shining lad.

I actually managed to convince my therapist that I didn't have nor schizophrenia nor psychosis, across a year long series of debates, it was tough, but once he saw how logical I was he gave up

Slowly arrived at the core problem, social inadequacy from some autism and little to no physical exercise leading to testosterone levels on the low side, easily fixed and I assume the same is applicable to you

It's a more pervasive problem among young males particularly in westernized societies, the sedentary lifestyle and childhood pampering create trouble at this age

Do you hear stuff?

Don't know what compelled you to write that but I am sure glad you did, you've made me week, added to the screencap folder

You're a wonderful lad, Czechbro, never find this level of fulfillment anywhere else


fuck it, since I need help
I live here for now

my mom has schizophrenia so that's cool
but I'm fully like communicative and I've seen her episode and she really wasn't
home alone for now gonna talk to someone about how I feel as soon as they're here

I actually heard stuff once many many years ago when my anxiety got to a point where I was starting to lose my mind at night, alone

That was the most contentious issue, are they auditory hallucinations or are they elements of a tonal processing disorder

I told him about the underlying similarities in neuropathology between autism and schizophrenia and he laughed me off, then I forced family members to recount incidents and they realized they were was always an accompanying sound

There was a childhood encephalitis (brain viral infection) incident that might've fucked up the area of my dominant language center, leading to language processing problems and some autism, or autism itself

Either way the verdict was there were no auditory hallucinations, I got off the ridiculous meds and it was smooth sailing. He's now at depression with psychosis, a massive difference but won't accept Aspergers or HFA

you got a support network here mate? housemates etc?

I hear stuff nearly all the time.
I hope you will get better user.

Oh. I hear shit even with ear plugs stuffed in.

>my mom has schizophrenia
My maternal uncle has it, it has a powerful genetic component, doesn't mean you will have it so don't let the psychiatrist ease you into it.a

Also calm down and modulate or relax your breathing. Your anxiety and jitteriness is clear from your writing it's best if you cooled off and left Sup Forums a bit to gather your thoughts

so I'm not that bad? I definitely feel disconnected right now and like in a nightmare

It's probably derealization due to anxiety, try to relax.

Doesn't mean you can't ease away from them and defeat them. Remember the brilliant John Nash of 'A Beautiful Mind' succumbed to schizophrenia, had paranoid ideation and auditory hallucinations and was subjected to inhuman insulin shock therapy

He abandoned the older meds and applied what he called 'A diet of the mind'. Twenty years later the community had rallied around him and celebrated his economy Nobel in Stockholm.

And engage in regular creativity, believe me the voices have a commanding tone and property to them, it usually afflicts people who constantly feel they're controlled or possessed by others or speech, so start drawing, writing, art or another creative hobby. It is and will always be the greatest deterrent to depression or psychosis even for normal people experiencing stress

You are now one of my favourite posters man.

when I was a kid I would play around with that feeling of driftingness and then I could also snap out of it almost always. it's when I was anxious that it would become an issue.

Thanks bro but you should prioritize yourself and make yourself your own favorite person

Once you lead and be creative the commanding voices will slowly lose power and remember, never take this world too seriously or you'll allow the stress to creep in

You'll eventually learn to accommodate and manipulate it. The illness forces you to take snapshot moments to regain control but you never will

You just slowly need to wax it and let it flow and avoid taking every situation too seriously. Most of the time you'll catch yourself being extremely self-observant and you should know that's a cue for it to return

Less self-observation and criticism (negativity), more outgoingness and go with the flow attitude (positivity)

no I don't really have that feeling anymore

well except for now, because I fucking woke up in the night alone, feels very disconnected
and anxiety comes in from that very feeling because fuck I'm abroad and while this happening at home was no issue, in here it's like a huge danger in here because i can't stop it

actually I got a plan, I'll just try and wait for the morning

Calm down, modulate your breathing and instead of engaging the anxious thoughts try to empty your mind and meditate a bit

Close your eyes and try some progressive muscle relaxation and get a good nights sleep. Sleep tight and tomorrow you'll be in a better place. Don't let the cycle restart and go as slow as you can. Find a family member or friend who can be your confidant and help you through it, trust me, you'll need him or her.

Good night anonpie

ironically the only way for me to start to calm down is to find a quick plan in my head that solves the whatever problem is causing that anxiety. from then on I talk and generally don't run away from my emotions because it just fucks me up.

Just let go and have some faith. Let the brain cycle down a bit, the prompts to tackle the problem or anxiety head on will only lead to more stress and a viscous cycle

Don't feel compelled to respond to this, it won't affect me but you, just let go and have faith