Things that plebs say

>dude why you buying blurays
>let me give free link of 720p stream enjoy ;')

Other urls found in this thread:


>I own a bluray machine
This is so fedora it's almost funny

>The Dark Knight is better than BvS

>dude why you watching streams
>let me give amazon link of overpriced blueray enjoy ;')

>dude I got this great site for movie downloads
>here check it out

>People who say ''Film is supposed to be entertainment!''
>People who have 2001, Seven Samurai, Citizen Kane, other pleb shit on their top lists
>People who have seen 1 film made before the 50s and think they have taste
>People who like Wes Anderson and think they somehow have taste
>People with most movies on list made in last 20 years
>People who have no foreign language movies listed
>People who have movies from Nolan, Tarantino, Aronofsky, Kubrick, Refn,Snyder on their list
>People who have any comic book movie listed

>paying for something you can get for free

>people who only have french movies listed

>not paying for kino and rewarding good kino dirèctors and crèw.


>I'll watch it, if it's on Netflix

Not sure if trolling or actually a huge retard.

>there's literally a thread in the catalog about some user asking what good shows are on amazon prime

Oh the ironing.

>"No worries bro I can torrent it but my internet is really slow"
>"Just pick one with the most seeders"
>blank stare
I was genuinely impressed he managed to torrent so much shit without even knowing what a seeder is.

>"You'll only get the movie if you're high."

I often say this if the movie doesn't sound good enough to invest my time in downloading it

You do know that disks have been deprecated, right?

>invest my time in downloading it

Nice thread, phoneposter.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums, imdb or Sup Forums pleb

Jokes on you, I'm from 9gag

Did you mean to post the gif?

>Ew user, why are you watching black and white movies?

there! there! this is ltcorbis trolling Sup Forums!

>trying this hard on a yemense gravel merchant forum

this so much