Itt: films only you have seen

itt: films only you have seen

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but, i love that film. my favorite buscemi film.

it's probably one of the most accurate depictions of the numb daily shuffle of a shiftless alcoholic imo

At Close Range
The Eiger Sanction

I've seen it twice


filibus 1915

Back when IFC was good, they used to show it all the time


Everybody has seen trees lounge

Trees Lounge is brilliant. The Sopranos took a lot of its tone and sense of humour.

i agree. it hit very close to home. very realistic portrayal.

Seen that too, not an obscure movie.

ffs somebody will post ghost world next.

King Rat
Irreconcilable Differences.

TONKA 5900


funniest scene. i watched it a few times in a row for the laughs.


*forgot pic

Do you watch anything with jennifer in it even if it's completely shit and her acting is horrible?

I fucking love that movie. It felt like a Sopranos episode without the mafia aspects. It was drenched in low moral standards.


this thread:

movies a lot of people have seen

Not him, but I'd watch that in hope that she wears that dress and then takes it off. What are you, gay?




N-no I'm not gay. I'm just wanna know how far a person is going to go see his waifu in a movie no matter how bad it is or if she suck in it.

Nobody has seen or heard of this

I loved this and need to see it again.

If he tried to make this today it almost certainly would be considered as a tv show. Not sure if that would make it better or worse. Probably more overtly comedic and less dreary

This scene is something else. I can't find the word for the feel

If I recall it was kind of a problem

Somewhere between a vivid dream and a religious ritual is what I'd call it. The apple falling was amazing too for some reason.


Did the filmmakers not even watch it?


seen it
seen at close range
everybody has seen Ghost World
shaky-cam shit

It was cool when I was 13. Now it's trite.


I saw it, loved Tommy and Mike
Enjoyable but very depressing film

I've seen nearly everything in here. Try this one.

For the horror fans.

>video that was on Best of the Worst
Yeah, you're the only one who's ever seen this.

Went to a screening that had most of the original guys there when it came out (counted as a theatrical showing). Bought the dvd when it came out...only watched it twice.

Didn't spoony do a review for this movie. I still kinda remember the theme song and the part where his first wife got all jelly when reb took another wife.
