even if punk is making a comeback, it will never top the classics
Nathan Morales
>he says as he post one of their worst albums
Dominic Myers
>FIRST FOR CRUST >what albums are you listening to/ recommend? hellbastard- ripper crust sacrilege- behind the realms of madness midnight- shox of violence mentors- you axed for it >what's your local scene like? shite numale garage street ska punk about how sexism is violence >is punk making a come back? not really, its stayed pretty cut and dry and whats popular punk and whats underground punk for at least two decades now
Brayden Ramirez
>even if punk is making a comeback
Alexander Howard
>is punk makeing a come back? Absolutely. Just go take a look at the alt-right movement, punk as fuck.
Kevin Rogers
can you drop me some alt-right punk rock made in 2015-2017?