Daily reminder if you believe Russians hacked the election, you're fucking retarded

Daily reminder if you believe Russians hacked the election, you're fucking retarded

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Nobody cares faggot. Trump won, and that's all that matters.

Thanks Russian shill. Here's your rubel.

Can I get a loli instead? I hear child trafficking is big in Eastern Europe

Why would they kill the guy if he has already leaked like there is NO point in doing that, either they are retarded or it's just setup to make hillary gain more hate and trump more support.

What if it's all rigged everytime? Not the actual election but they feed us with all this shit to get us to vote for Trump. Now that's a conspiracy HAHA XDDdddddd kill me pls

>there is NO point in doing that
maybe so he doesn't do more shit like that? fuckwit

Because conspiracy theorists are by definition idiots.


It actually makes more sense that the people that bribed him killed him so he couldn't talk.

so ALL conspiracies are ALWAYS wrong?

Clearly you are an unthinkable moron

gravity was a conspiracy too
>still is! ololol

Scientists have determined that conspiracy theorists have a much lower than average IQ.

>someone is a moron
>perhaps it's the conspiracy theorist who cannot properly use the word unthinkable.

Why would we throw a drunk driver in jail if he has already driven drunk. like there is NO point in doing that.


Don't forget, twitter and youtube made it much worse than before. Read; self-proclaimed "experts" a.k.a cancers.

I think they have insufficient data...

Lets see, is it more believable that an insider leaked emails or the russians? Better yet, is it more important to know the source of the leak or their content?

i just took a leak
>Source : my dick
>Content : my piss

Daily reminder: if you're still talking about the election, you're fucking retarded.

>Daily reminder if you believe Russians hacked the election, you're fucking retarded
Nice try PutinTroll. Everyone knows the Russians gimmicked the elections for the Kremlin's hand-picked successor, Trump.

how can assange claim to be a god-tier hacker if people GIVE him all the data he leaks?

Libtard detected

That doesn't even make sense.

I'm a shit poster, JUST LIKE YOU

Wrong. The DNC hacked itself. It's been long known before all of this Russian talk. The gov thinks everyone is an idiot, and they are half right, especially in these liberal circles

When somebody does something that's going to fuck shit up for like, they, by nature, usually die. Just life.

Academic journal or popular press?

daily reminder that if you don't your a butt-sucking faggot who is too stupid and feeble minded to even know what propanganda is anymore. Get fucked faggot.