
Redpill edition

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What bench?

>alt-right faggotry


>Alt right
>not a single one of them is alt right

It's on Shop Street in Galway. Oscar Wilde and some Estonian literally who.

>the unelected house or parliament is the only one with the balls to oppose Brexit
Bicameral Legislature working as designed.


>this queer trying to split us when we're /marbh/
>posting collins while callously disregarding our northern brethren

>posting in an anglo edition

what's this from?

>the people that don't have to fear being unelected by their constituents are the only ones to vote against Brexit

He's a Nordie ya eejit.
Can't you tell the Nordie posters from the troll posters?

>Is it the time to strike?
Will our gallant allies in Luxembourg aid us?

Aye, that's why the upper houses of most bicameral legislatures aren't directly elected so as to act as a restraint on the Parliament railroading populist legislation.

Sorta pointless when Parliament can so easily ignore the House of Lords though.

Foreword to his biography, Mein Argument.


it's his gimmick, leave him be

No such thing as nordie, it's an english shitposter.

I'm not sure whether 2000 men of which most of them are either artillery troops or logistical pioneers make much of a difference

The only person you could categorise as all right is the guy above Stefan Mollymeme

Sort yourself out.

>tfw Brexit is being defeated the same way the Home Rule Bills were


>Is it the time to strike?
>You now remember what happened the last time Ireland decided an English civil war was a good time to strike

>antrim and down more Catholic than the rest of ulster



Do you know where Down is?

I love that channel


Do you?

This is nicer than usual, I'll take it.


Literally why

reminder that this is the english political "system"

>The constituency was abolished under the Reform Act 1832.

So as to permanently mark their severance from the main body of the Gaels.
So as to damn us with a perpetually aggrieved minority who we are prevented from reforming (settle the fuck down, stop being criminals, stop ignoring education).
So as to make American narratives about colonialism apply to US - the aggrieved, and turn us against brethren who were maltreated and reduced to poverty by the insidious Anglos and their Anglicised curs who rule us from Dublin.

Legal recognition of the Ireland's racial hierarchy?

~t. electoral college

They're literally just incredibly inbred Irish people though. I wish this Romani gimmick would die.

the electoral college is still a better system than having noblemen and celebrities have unelected political power.
ireland's system is way better than either though.

The new weeb that dislikes nordies is very hurtful lads

but they are the true Irish


Nobody has posted anime in this thread except me though.

>responding to it

there should be a 5 anime pictures per thread post limit твн

As bad as travellers can be, gypsies are a million times worse. Don't understand how r/ireland can hate travellers but not say a peep about the gypsy gangs who fly in from Romania and join Dub junkies on the streets.

I mean they pretend that they're Romani when they aren't at all.

>gypsies have invaded Ireland
a true nightmare indeed

There should be 0 yank posts per thread post limit t bh

>As bad as travellers can be, gypsies are a million times worse.
What's the difference?

I don't know if that's what they do or if they have that line fed to them by the proto-SJWs from TCD or London.
CSPE is an abomination.

Why can't we have a real-life version of the game For Honour with 3-way combat between Travellers, Gypsies, and Junkies?


What accent is this micks?

oh christ i remember them shoving that pro-knacker shite down my throat.
>D4 political agendas

What would that be called ? For Tracksuit with travellers and their signature fighting style : Bare knuckle boxing

It's a matter of principle, you let nordies make threads then you let any brit make threads. Then we'll be back in the days of yanks making threads.

dont reply to the saxon

>What's the difference?
Brits out.

Because travellers are objectively the good guys in that match-up.

>Travellers, Gypsies, and Junkies?
What's the difference

>For Tracksuit
For Benefits.

what's the deal with that anyway, they're always floating around Parnell street and the black market areas

Does r/Ireland hate knacks? I thought they said they were oppressed and so on

>Does r/Ireland hate knacks?
Oddly yes - almost as much as /éire/. Tempered by a vocal minority who bitch about racism any time anybody says anything negative about Travellers though.

>>D4 political agendas
Well yeah, but I think it's a bit underacknowledged how much a certain variety of "muh straight out of Compton" northsiders are complicit in it. They think being "activists" for the D4 agenda will make them "edumacated" or something. Not how it works. Only total West-Brit genocide and enforced decentralisation can remake Ireland. Or at the very least, the de-Dublinisation of Ireland.

Don't know about the city that much desu lad, but they're in every medium-sized town in the Pale I've been to as well as Galway and Limerick.

greater dublin (aka Leinster)

>tfw I remember how pro-Traveller the CSPE course was
Jesus, it was nothing short of Pavee Point propaganda.

There was a poll weeb jr. posted from r/ireland where they beat the RCC out in being disliked. The only thing they hated more were "right wing Nazis".

>hate Nazis
>hate an "ethnic" minority in your own country who are actually disadvantaged and actually entitled to "Irishness"

what's that?

>hate an "ethnic" minority in your own country who are actually disadvantaged
By their own volition.


>By their own volition.
Partially, but also it's because they're allowed to continue as they are.

eh ive never understood the dublin cultural dynamic.
i just know i don't like the agenda the dublin elite pushes.

>CSPE is an important part of a wellbeing programme within junior cycle as it enables students to feel connected to and take responsibility for the wellbeing of others. It also develops students' confidence, agency and engagement which are important characteristics of student wellbeing.

Is this true?

Civic, Social and Political Education, easiest A you can get bar that subject in the LC where you get 70 for basically showing up

civic social and political education AKA dem po' knackas dindu nuffins

shkipped a lot of it, a lot of it was hippie shite and it's probably brainwashing today
or maybe it was then as well

No, it's a doss class with a piss easy exam.

CSPE is a LC subject now?

>i just know i don't like the agenda the dublin elite pushes.
That's the crux of it, but pleb Dubliners are not good either. Nor are Dubliners-at-heart who infest the Pale as they have since the Celts disappeared.


I actually got kicked out of CSPE. There's "developing students' confidence, agency, and engagement" for you.

>bar that subject in the LC where you get 70 for basically showing up

>not ending with varg

>I actually got kicked out of CSPE
Do tell.

no, you can see get an A in JC

i can't remember its name, you either got 0, 30, 50 or 70 in it. you updated your CV and did a couple projects iirc.

if the celts disappeared over 1000 years ago, and the battle of clontarf was 1003 years ago, were the vikings the last celts?

After cleansing nordics celts decided they had fulfilled their purpose on earth and walked into the sea never to be seen again.

>updated your CV and did a couple projects
Forgot about that. Can't remember what it was called.

is it true that they cast a rock into the sea and created tír na nóg where it landed?

I barely remember it, it wasn't anything particularly outrageous I did, I just mocked the subject and disobeyed the teacher.

No, 1014 was when they disappeared. Following the Battle of Clontarf they used profane tools on the Heart of Lorcán and disappeared.

I remember that too.
I don't know if it counted for points towards the CAO.

Good night
>I just mocked the subject and disobeyed the teacher.
A true celt

well 1014 was over 1000 years ago

neither can i. i remember we had to record an individual video on camera as to what we did? i think work experience was part of it too.

it did, the max you could get was 70 points.

And a real hero

Fuck don't remind me that and OSSP existed. Such utter wastes of time especially when LCVP was in the Junior Cert despite the fact you couldn't do it for Leaving. It's just there to distract you from studying actual subjects. Worse yet I hear they want to introduce a new subject that's basically the same bullshit.

i got kicked out of my chemistry class about twice or thrice a week last year.
that class was filled with bydlo.
got 3 in school suspensions for someone trying to start a fight with me in that class (and failing, which is the most pathetic part).

which one was OSSP again? was that the "health" class or am i confused?

Everyone mocked the teacher when we were doing it.

That was it.

That was SPHE.

>LCVP was in the Junior Cert despite the fact you couldn't do it for Leaving

what? did it change? it was only LC when i did it in 2009.

ah right, what's that stand for again, social, political health education right?
and OSSP, i dont think i remember that one. is it senior cycle?

Sorry I mistyped I meant to say CSPE.

never heard of OSSP, must be a more recent one

Aon scéal?