
Shan't be posting in a brit thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


have a (you) for the effort

Prefer this thread desu.

prefer here tbqh

Thanks lads.

>red-pill /éire/ thread
>made by brit
>spouting Sup Forums tier strawmen
So how we going to steal their international businesses now if Brexit fails?

jannies, please delete the other thread, not this one

t. people of /éire/

At this point I don't think they care, we'll either go to archive or stay alive long enough that this will be the new thread when the other one dies.

Can I come too

Of coursh

This thread will die if we don't get some decent banter going.
Just finishing 'Another' got any weeb recommendations?


what makes you guys different from brit though?

If you have to ask, get out

that attitude is probably why even though there's two /èire/ threads they barely have a 100 posts between them while there's 1 active /brit/ thread that's been up for half the time as these with 150+ posts

What makes you different from brit?

every unit of measurement i use. the type of English i speak. i live on a continitent across an entire ocean from that shitty little island.

your turn

And muh heritage


Also your measurements are basically UK measurements which are still used here

>every unit of measurement i use.
Which turned out to be two.

>the type of English i speak.
>ag labhairt Béarla amháin

>i live on a continitent across an entire ocean from that shitty little island.
So are the Falklands.

>that attitude is probably why
That'd be the piss taking and slagging we like to give, grow a thicker skin.
>even though there's two /èire/ threads they barely have a 100 posts between them while there's 1 active /brit/ thread that's been up for half the time as these with 150+ posts
There's also a considerable difference in the populations so (hypothetical) if 1% of a nation chan then a /brit/ thread will get more posts, so it's not surprising it has more posts. The threads started by flags under the union jack tend to get filled with the usual old 'us vs them' BS and some of us just want to have some bantz and as pointed out when the other thread reaches its limits this one will be used.

yet to be told a single distinction between /brit/ and /èire/ except population differences. bit disappointed 2bqh


NEVER bow to west brits

NEVER lose sight of the goal of a united Ireland

ALWAYS stay true to your BROTHER GAEL

A REMINDER that everyone who is sympathetic to THE CAUSE is an asbsolute SOUND CUNT. (including the swiss yank)

>(including the swiss yank)
This was the point you lost me.

I demand an Irish gf.

Anybody else starting to really really hate this country? I'm sick of seeing teenagers wandering around town off their face on sleeping tablets with a can of €2 cider during the middle of the day. I'm tired of seeing all the obese fat scumbag bitches with fake blonde hair eating half the menu at the local chipper. I'm tired of seeing the owner of the local Turkish kebab shop park his €70,000 SUV outside and have 4 shady lads wearing leather jackets follow behind. I'm tired of knackers starting fights with everyone and nobody daring to fight back since they'll get their whole family after ya. I'm tired of driving on country roads and seeing a dozen wheelie bins worth of rubbish dumped on the side of the road. I'm tired of going for walks in the local forest only to see mattresses,fridges and tires dumped in a ditch. I'm tired of hearing boyracers race around town at 2am on a Tuesday night. And most of all,I'm tired of our retarded "drinking culture" that kills 3 people everyday.

I don't know how much longer I can hack this shit. I know every country has its bad people but Christ people here are so fucking selfish and uncaring. I'm really just fucking sick of it. I'm feeling like Travis Bickles these days. I've honestly been thinking of moving to a Scandinavian country or something because I can't stand it here anymore.

Some day a real rain will come down and wash all the scum off the streets.

Just you wait,user. Our day will come.

I'm getting fed up of waiting. We really really need someone to just grab this country by the balls and just fuck our ass into the dirt. All this fucking filth is just appalling.

Most countries are like that, or a lot worse.

I feel ya. I used to hate emigrants for abandoning their homeland but now I just want to leave this scumhole and never speak to any Irish person again.

I've been to Finland,Portugal,Greece,Italy,Germany,Austria and Belgium. Never once have I seen the same level of rubbish being thrown everywhere and I don't see the same disgusting ugly people there either. None of them have as bad of a drink/drug problem with their youth. We're literally one of the worst first world countries there is.

Is it normal to have a friend that you hate?


>never speak to any Irish person again
Not even me?

>worst first world countries there is
Well until a few decades ago we were barely a first world country.
Maybe you should try living abroad for a few years or moving to a different part of the country.

Maybe. I have a friend who I often times fight with and with whom I hold different opinions and views. They are still great craic to be around though, most of the time.

Some of that exist on other countries too.

Well depends which area you go. Maybe Ireland has something decent in it?

It's horrible in my town and the sad thing is that my town isn't even the worst in our county let alone province. It seems this is common in almost every town nowadays.

Sadly whole Europe is changing. I guess Helsinki where I live is nice, but it has it's own negatives too.

feel the same way about this country

Getting real fed up of this shit lad. Just found out about knackers being recognised as an ethnicity now. Watch them claim racism to almost everything in the future.

The world is fucking fucked. It's so far fucked we literally cannot fix it. My only hope is that society collapses and I can go permanently live in my secret bug out spot.

you've taken the Varg pill I see

I've taken many pills and this one is my favourite.

Good lad.

Anyone else hate how they keep trying to push mental health awareness but the people they get to talk are always normies who feel sad after losing a match or some shit?

yeah, plus it's always people with relationship and other normie issues that are the focus

>wahh my bf left me, i'm so lonely and depressed

>hundreds of articles of how to maintain a relationship
>none about how to get one


lol look at this yank. It is almost so funny its ok.

Looks like I'm too late to talk to any of you tonight, so you all sleep well alright?


Shhhhh... it's gonna be ok....

Oíche mhaith (pronounced "eek-ah why")

>tfw no average irish gf

Keepin this thread alive since i guess youse are all in bed