Why Italian girls are the most beautiful in the world? pic related

Why Italian girls are the most beautiful in the world? pic related



>Posts swedish girl



oh sweet jesus shes the hottest dego guinea wop bastich ayve evah seeyun fugeddaboudit

N shieeiit

But that's a Swede

>clearly icelandic
ok sure kid

OP here i really do like their skin color and their wonderful hair

That's a jew, you nigger

But that's an argentinian user

LOL no white Argentinian reporting her
We have 100% whites (including me) in our country, sure there are niggers as well but ddont forget we are the South American country with the most whites (not dirty mestizos) in it

they are not

>there's always a catch tho

Italian girls nearly always have hairy armpits

jesus argens admitting it
yout shithole is no prize

>South America

that's not even a person

I'm italian. This is sadly true... Let me say porcodio...

as Italian as Mario Balotelli


>damage control swede detected

She's too dark to be Italian you idiot.
Greek maybe?

I know you posted this as a joke, but that african girl, or wherever she's from in pic related is one of the most beautiful women I have ever fucking seen.

That's Kate Menson you faggot. She's from Ghana.

>post says Italian
>actually posts German

No, I'm italian as CĂ©cile Kyenge, our integration minister.
Stop joking, it hurts.

That is a Swedish woman you dumbfuck

Get back to shoving Surströmming up your ass.