I Sup Forums should have a registration system, your still anonymous but you have to prove your 18 in some way...

I Sup Forums should have a registration system, your still anonymous but you have to prove your 18 in some way, such as showing a picture your passport or license with the names blanked out, this is then sent to the janitors and approved, you then receive an email confirming whether or not you have access, this would remove all the 12 year olds that spam porn everywhere but would be a pain in the ass, any other ideas?

Op is a fag

go fuck yourself
you're not in a command here

Thank you

>still anonymous
>just send a picture of your license to a janitor

FBI pls go

Its an idea not a command you rusty lampshade

I'd rather not send my info out cocksucker. Think of something else.

Youd be allowed to blank out your name in photoshop, so long as you provide date if birth or some way to prove that your 18,do you have any suggestions?

It's a dumb idea that just proves your skull is full of sperm instead of brains you cocksucker

Maybe some more captchas