Thought on this?

just wrote my first "thinkpiece" its kind of a circlejerk topic, but just hoping to get some opinions.

feel free to bully

Black Ed Sheeran

>just wrote my first "thinkpiece"

>Those best of the best recs

lmao fucking dropped, literally babbys first day on Sup Forums

why don't you dive a little deeper into music before attempting to critique it

lmao fuck off to RYM poseur



This was a really bad read, honestly

tl;dr but I hope you're saying it's trash, because it is. I'm a fan of Take Care, NWtS and IYRTITL and I didn't like a single song on More Life.

just keep writing, it takes time to develop ya voice.

It fucking sucks. Drake doesn't care anymore though, he's shitting projects left and right just to get plays on streaming services. (or at least that's what it seems)

>fuck off to RYM
>recs every single one of RYM's top 100 albums
Yeah, maybe people should be going to RYM over your fucking blog. At least there they don't have to see your "thinkpiece" that you didn't even bother spell checking.

Kind of rambling; I'd say work on your focus in paragraphs, don't be shy about breaking things up, and make one point at a time. That said I certainly know where you're coming from, but not 100% sure you prove your point.

One example of structure for you to consider:

>The fact of the matter is, Graham's music over the past few years has grown increasingly vapid. Let's look at the facts; The average Drake albums contains 15-20 tracks, much more than the average hip-hop album or mixtape. Also, Graham has released at least one full length project every year over the past 3 years, which shows how straightforward his business model is.

The first sentence doesn't tell us a lot - your actual point doesn't come until the last sentence of this quote, which is buried in the middle of a long paragraph. It's probably better to introduce the whole point up front and then prove it than to half-introduce it, throw out some evidence, and then say what you meant to say.

too much pandering.

>food analogy
>'guilty pleasure'

Yeah, not. I seriously hope you're trolling and this isn't actually yours.

I feel embarrassed for you. However, you should keep going. We all suck at first when we try new things. Don't let my first sentence or the other comments in this thread discourage you from what you want to do.

Keep doing it, practice, and you will get good.

You're writing isn't great, but keep at it. I'd also try and start talking about smaller projects than the latest biggest release so you can develop a niche-r group of readers before reviewing more popular stuff; A thousand results come up for More Life thinkpiece, so no one's gonna find this and read it.

In terms of your opinion, I disagree that Drake went downhill after Take Care. NWTS is about on par with Take Care and IYRTITL is better in my opinion. But VIEWS and More Life are trash so you got that part right

I feel like what you're saying is similar to what a lot of Kanye detractors are saying, that regardless of what he releases it's going to get eaten up. I think that it's true for both, but Kanye actually still mostly releases good music (features on other's songs mostly put aside).

Keep at it though, it's not like this took you a lot of time and if you enjoy doing it there really is no downside, you'll just develop you're style more which can only be good

>his fans eat it up
>how many high schoolers froth at the mouth at anything be does

Try not sounding like a pretentious prick, you're not making a post on Sup Forums here.

just to clarify what I was saying about Kanye. I think it's a non-point to say that his fans are going to eat it up, that's true for almost any musician with a fanbase. You should probably just focus on the music itself, which you don't really do that much.

Try using the PEE method (yes the one you learned in highschool)

Point: Drakes music is now boring and repetitive
Explanation: Drake is just making different shades of the same song, he hasn't innovated in years and has in fact lost energy he previously had
Example: Fake Love is just a shittier Hotline Bling, which already wasn't good to begin with


your analysis is bad, but it's a start

You write like a 16 year old