normie hip hop fan here, whats some good alternative hip hop/electronic thats good.
i like a ton of mainstream music, specifically kanye, but i also listen to death grips and bladee (all of sbe/gtb) and some reletivley underground lyrical rappers. what else would i like?
>hip-hop >underground That's like saying EDM is underground.
Bentley Garcia
wow almost fell for the bait
Tyler Gray
Lil Ugly Mane and XXXTENTACION
Ryan Thomas
No bait here friend. Try another river...
Jonathan Howard
Name one underground hip-hop album. It's all mainstream.
Andrew Russell
are you retarded? you can name hundreds of underground hip hop albums
Brody Gray
It's all relative
Ryan Wilson
what is that even supposed to mean
Nathan Nelson
You should give Shabazz Palaces a shot
Jason Martinez
he means its relative in the sense of your knowledge of underground hiphop compared to his intellectual more developed fine taste and actual underground music
Jaxon Smith
eh he sounds like he has no clue what hes talking about. I think hes trying to say that all hip hop has the same mainstream sound, which is total bullshit and hes just being an idiot
Joshua Bailey
I like Ishmael's son What I'm actually saying is that depending on who you ask, your "underground" album might be regarded as mainstream. Undergroundness is in the eye of the beholder
Anthony Price
okay well there are some albums i can think of that pretty much everyone would say is underground because underground in hip hop is almost its own genre because most underground albums have similar unique sound
Angel Cox
In the eye of the beholder
Ian Miller
inb4 you fuckers post lyrical miracle rappers who are fucking monotone and can't make good hooks.
Brandon Jones
wew laddy i memba when u wer such a wee lad
Grayson Diaz
none of them are rapers
Juan Richardson
yeah, i realized that after i posted, he did say hip hop/electronic tho
Joshua Jenkins
That's not even hip hop nigger that's some strait up faggot shit WTF sounds like a high schooler on fruit loops samples some generic female vocals kys wow
Landon Rogers
>trip hop >witch house >not hip hop how much do you know about genres nigger?
Connor Barnes
yea i dont really care what genre it is i just said hip hop because its what i like
Robert Cruz
did you like the tracks tho, or are they some strait up faggot shit wtf
Oliver Gutierrez
Jacob Roberts
i didnt really care for them but i dont think they were faggot shit