do to family issues i can never get any money on my hands and im looking for a cheap knife if anyone could gift me one i will be the most thankful loser ever my steam is

Other urls found in this thread:


i have a key for ac 3

Tried working for money? Instead of asking parents?
Knives are stock in the game
What you're asking for is a luxury.

il take what ever i can
where i live theres no way to get a job its a small town with a total of 3 places to work and im on the border of another town but i cant work there legally because this state is independent

only reason i want a knife is so i can trade up to something with it and make any type of profit to buy a couple things i need for my house

Still haven't answered why you're begging for luxury items.


ndf7kgBgEQJnGwGj6B7Lk k
I'm gay. pls fund my anti-gay meds

i did answer just in another reply

Maybe games isn't the route you're looking for.
Try to stock market.
Or flipping the GE

i flipped like csgo knifes for friends before and made them profit but no one ever helped me with money a csgo knife is all i need then i can trade it up with op skins or csgo lounge and get around 100 dollars with a 30 dollar knife im not good at anything else lol so im just asking for a knife of some sort or any type of skin

Asking for the same thing ad you OP

Id: gehaktballendraaier03

Some user can give me Hotline miami 2 pls


me and you are in the slums of fucking Sup Forums we are the worst type of people on here lol

crack it

Not the worst but we are the most pathetic ones

Fuck off. You faggots should be banned.
This. Work for your own shit and stop asking others.
Same faggot begs in every fucking thread. Noones going to buy you games with their hard earned money.

It's funny cos if you're as good as you say, then it should be really easy for you and most people would have invested in you already as an investment.

we are already ashamed of our selfs for
doing this read all the reply's its just people hating themselves for doing it kek

il look into it then

>Starts beg thread
>Inserts generic sob story
Who cares, go get a job you bum

By your grammar, I can tell you probably are under the age of 14, and you live with your parents. If you're over the age of 18, go the fuck outside, find a job, and stop leeching off your parents you worthless sack of shit.

You care enough to reply

You remind me of that time someone begged for bitcoins. "It's only just one Bitcoin"

if someone is dumb enough to beg for a fucking bit coin not knowing thats 700 dollars they need fucking help

I swear he was serious. Fuck me that guy was as thick as a rock

Samefag here again, just looked at your shitty yt channel, you really have to post an alt to get games? All you do is beg, your channel link is "give me a doller im poor". Go out and work for it your underage faggot. Noone likes beggars and it's sad that people will gift you games believing in your sob fake story.

im fucking dying this shit is gold

main got falsely vacced lol and the channel is shit for a reason the community im in with youtube and twitter shit is all just content that is bad on purpose and annoying

You don't get "falsely vacced" for no reason. You were cheating. Nobody likes a cheater. All you do is beg for games. How low can you be?

i got ddosed by @emmahdorable fans on twitter well i was in a comp game i opend wire shark to see if i was really getting e fucked and i was so i restarted my router next day i was vacced because wire shark is a ip grabber used in csgo alot when i only used it to see if i was getting e nigged

You're completely wrong. Wireshark doesn't edit any files on CS:GO, nor does it affect the game itself. I have WireShark too, and it does not vac you.

i wasn't cheating though thats all i can assume i had alot of skins but i sold 20 bucks worth on op skins the week before but i had skins on the account i wouldn't fucking cheat thats idiotic

You were cheating. Vac doesn't falsely ban people. If they do, they are very quick to fix it.
>20 USD worth of skins
And yet you're still begging for games?

You got several games including both Xenoverses and you're still begging. I knew it. People like you are fucking scumbags, squid included. I hope his sister is back in jail.


I have saints row 4 complete edition with all dlc i will trade it for PSN codes

[email protected]

You're pretty tough do you mind teaching me how to be cool like you?

Use the goddamn stock knife you poor piece of shit! WASTING MONEY ON STUPID SHIT LIKE THIS IS WHY YOURE POOR IN THE FIRST PLACE!
