How do we save vaporwave?

How do we save vaporwave?

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that boat sunk a long time ago

You don't. It was a trend, not a genre. Just like witch house and seapunk.

It came and went. Time for you to grow up.

we don't. it'll come back someday tho

::n e o v% a$ p @e$ {{:#[r*p(o)w a v e{_&(&$

very carefully

it still has the potential

Take it out back and shoot it

Machine Learning

by letting it die

lads the solution is obvious


Hi James

this desu

It's still being made you know.
There are still some interesting variations coming out.
Produce it yourself and put your own spin on it.
Make something interesting.

"Anti-capitalist" anything is the most autistic regurgitation of pseudo socialist indoctrination I've ever heard. Anyone who says they hate capitalism doesn't fucking know what it is at all.

t. ancap cuck

what's capitalism then smart ass?

What about "future funk" (macross 82-99 and related weeb shit). It has a similar 90s kid aesthetic, but it's listenable

We don't ,let it die. It was great while it was still interesting. Future Funk superior to vaporwave in every way.

Yeah dude fuck capitalism it's killing OUR country!!!! *posts on iphone*

that's a rare jim

This stuff is legit the onle exciting new stuff going on in music right now. Future funk and nu-disco are where it's at.

Not looking for something better than capitalism because its the best thing we got is the dumbest thing one could ever say. Also Anti Capitalism doesn't equate to pro communism.

Vaporwave died somewhere around 2014, 2015.
Back when normies found out it existed by watching those "what is vaporwave" videos made by reddit tier faggots and started spamming the word "Aesthetic" in every video that was vaguely vaporwaveish, and made the people who were actually there to see vaporwave at its peak cringe

lol iphones can still exist under socialism/communism. laughable lack of an argument

Idk about that. I find that the genre's at its best when it's at its most derivative


whats capitalism and how can you explain it using only lazy analogies?

>having commodities is 'liberating'

well, turns out i should've been happy with the world this whole time!

>derivative meme micro genres of a meme micro genre


big word make smart

its just french house for shitty producers

what makes a producer shitty tho

it's 2017 and vaporwave is 7 years old, we need something new


Fucking hell is it really

Is vaporwave cool to hate yet ?

Bring back Saint Pepsi

Rip hep c
Hello Skylar Spence

What was the last good vaporwave album?

>haha you say you want to abolish feudalism but you yourself eat peasant-grown food?!?!?!?!?!??!
>checkmate my good sir!

Nmesh - Dream Sequins®




Capitalism is simply the economic system of a free market where private individuals buy, sell, and produce goods and services. You have a right to property and all the money you can amass legally under capitalism.

Wrong. You just described a generic free market - capitalism also specifically allows individuals to own the means of production and operate them for profit and a robust definition should also mention wage labour as a coercive to voluntary exchange.

That's extremely disingenuous.

Once vaporwave reached reddit it was already dead

>le means of production meme
Commies sound so autistic when they try to be smart

he's right
you described free market (liberalism) while capitalism is something else entirely

I love it! I haven't been on Sup Forums for months. I come on and find a vaporwave thread and, sure enough, autism breaks out about a 1/3 of the way in. I've been having a terrible day so far and this picked me up a bit. So thank you, commie scum!

L e t i t g o

the term "free market" was coined as a pejorative for a market that was out of control and destructive, but you capitalist cucks embrace it because you are too stupid to actually read a book.

>he used a term correctly
>but i don't understand it
I know you are frustrated at your own idiocy but you don't need to throw around insults. Does mom know you are posting here?

t. the ideology that killed 100 million people

Not an argument. Its such a simple, straight to the point term that I don't care about the circumstances of it's conception. Stop throwing ideas like this into a debate though, it doesn't help anyone learn.

Make it interesting. Not just jerking off a one-track creative idea like "80s revivalism"

The original Macintosh Plus album was a parody of contemporary retro-futurism and it took something intentionally tacky and dated and created something new. And then actually did it with good music, it was legitimately a very good album.

Redditors then proceeded to look at the genre and assume that what made it interesting was representing the 1980s (AKA the decade that embodies everything reddit claims they hate turned up to 11) and proceeded to produce a nondescript sea of electronic music with no redeeming or outstanding characteristics beyond sounding like it's from the 80s.

Reviving old things for the sake of being old is dumb and it's such an old hat. Let's just fabricate a style of our own.

>browse mu
>see a post that is slightly incorrect on the first page
>decide to quickly type up a constructive eply detailing what i think his post lacked
>not a commie or anything, just someone who knows a bit about the subject
>get triggered morons replying angrily with zero-effort shitposts

I dont even know why I still come here desu.

Because this board is filled with insecure white boys that use music as a way of projecting their insecurities. They have no actual opinions of their own.

Their opinions are entirely dictated by what they can use to make passing comments and let people know they like slightly obscure or intangible things. They think it's gay to have feelings or aspirations beyond dicking around on the internet and making ambiguous quips about things other people do.

Because "fedora". And "edgy". Or something. They don't know what these words communicate and they don't care, they just think that's what le cool 4chin alpha males do and they just swoop into conversation to drop that vacuous insult and then disappear into the ether so they can feel profound without doing or accomplishing anything that could offend somebody and be deconstructed.

I'd lay off the armchair psychology, you sound pretentious.

best new pasta


To save it spoils the genre. Within the name it was suggesting it's fleeting quality. Let it go, user.

Yea this hit it on the head. So many shitty videoa with an anime gif on loop and some song from the 80's with a new back beat. I guess because it sprung from bedroom core everyone thought they could take part and it still be worth something.

Straight white men. They saved rock, jazz, blues, the list goes on...