What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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Who gives a fuck?
old as fuck. also, based Ford is a longtime Democrat and supports gun control unlike stupid conservatards.
>man is a fan of you
>praises your work
>make fun of him
pick one
That was pretty funny but Trump is vastly better than another fucking Clinton.
this is what it looks like when a celebrity sucks jew cock in public
this is how they get off
>pick one
based democrat. Deal with it.
Hillary Clinton committed worse crimes than Petraeus and no one will touch her. She lied worse than Bill who was literally impeached from office. This scandal is borderline Watergate, but no one gives a shit because of how retarded our media is.
The internet will meme its way against Donald Trump and we'll get literally the most corrupt politician in the history of this country to govern us.
>it's yet another celebrity bringing media attention to a politician that they "hate" and thereby further securing his success
i would hope of all people harrison ford wouldn't be enough of a coward to refrain from mocking someone who deserves it simply because they're a fan. what does he care anyway?
>memeing this hard and wrong on all points
wew lad
I see the typical Shillary shill is being paid his daily 10c for his hard work.
If I was extremely rich I would probably support Democrats. That way I could virtue signal and feel less guilty about making a fortune by doing stuff most people would do for free.
>Oh the FBI let her off the hook so it's okay
They're going after her for perjury now, which if they let her off that charge, there's literally no denying how corrupt this whole situation is.
wtf I hate Harrison Ford now
>buffalo bills winning
>balanced budget
>great economy
Clinton years were GREAT
>he thinks gun control is a good thing
>wahhh people are mean!
Has Harrison Ford been hit with the Trump curse yet?
Did Trump really say that he liked how he stood up for America in Airforce One?
Except for the amount of people they killed to get into office.
>Buffalo Bills winning
You mean losing right?
>Balanced Budget
>Great Economy
Which you have Ronald Reagan to thank for.
I'll admit Bush fucked the economy, but don't think Bill built it.
What a surprise. "Based" Reddit teenagers love Democrats - let me alert the news.
that would feel so bad
to be a fan of someone & say something nice about someone
and then find out they hate you
and they go out of their way to say mean things about you
dont forget this guy who was just killed by a barbell falling on his neck the day before he testified against the Clintons
>all democrats are bad
>letting someone's political stance be the deciding factor on whether or not to like someone.
Yeah KKK is pretty based, thanks Democrats!
Yes all democrats are bad. Did you even watch the House Oversight Committee question the FBI director? Whenever a democrat got the floor they droned on and on about shit like BLM and completely unrelated garbage.
He was only president during the dot com boom, pure luck. The asshole signed NAFTA
Give it time
Supporting Demokkkrats or being a liberal just signals that you are mentally and emotionally delayed and you probably suffer from low self esteem
>just signals that you are mentally and emotionally delayed and you probably suffer from low self esteem
Yeah but that describes all of us
Ford was probably being threatened. These people are evil as fuck
Now you're getting it
Then we'd all be democucks? I've had more confidence and vitality than ever thanks to Trump. I'm getting second hand high energy. Our lives are shit because democucks and their masters have made them that way
That has nothing to do with assassinations and everything to do with meme magic.
The Democrat's ideology is inherently flawed. Does it come as a surprise to anybody that most uneducated teens and poor minority groups that believe that the deck is stacked against them gravitate towards that school of thought?
If you're a Democrat because "Republicans are evil", then I'll lose respect for you. Either have an informed opinion on a topic or don't have one at all. I'm going to go ahead and guess Harisson doesn't have an informed opinion.
>every sane person considers Trump a joke, a dumb as fuck walking embarrassment
>n-no but I know better fuck niggers build wall
Hilarious shit
t. bernie supporter
> I've had more confidence and vitality than ever thanks to Trump. I'm getting second hand high energy. Our lives are shit because democucks and their masters have made them that way
You realize you were just memed into voting for him, right? Trump isn't going to win. Bernie Sanders couldn't even beat Hillary, and the guy had some of the media behind him and America's youth. Trump has NO ONE supporting him in the media. I listen to Conservative radio, and those guys hate Trump. They say they're only voting for him to try and prevent Hillary. Trump will be lucky if he surpasses what Walter Mondale did in 1984.
You voted for a meme candidate who will be slaughtered in November. If you retards actually looked at what was happening and thinking about November and not your stupid fucking primaries, we'd have a REAL chance of beating Hillary with a competent candidate.
Trump retards are the worst because they're literally retarded.
Anyone who forms an opinion on a subject they haven't studied is the highest caliber of ignorant. The democrap party is literally the party of blacks, white woman, and cucks. How they've stayed in power so long is beyond me.
>all of these but hurt libitards
Kek Bernie coulndt no shit he was never gonna win you fucken dumb ass bernie redditor. That was never the plan.
>America's youth
Who can't even vote
There's nothing more disgusting than an old pothead.
I hate Bernie Sanders with a passion. I voted for Cruz.
Ages 18-40 voted for Bernie.
go ahead celebs and members of the establishment you can openly mock whatever candidate you want, but you'll be the one who looks the fool when the American people vote like the English people did and completely fuck you over with a majority vote.
I saw Harrison Ford at a grocery store in Chicago a few weeks ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
yeah all 30 of them
Are these the same sane people that think a pathologically lying money laundering war criminal would be a good president? Trumps IQ is estimated to be 156 and he personally turned $1 million into $10 billion. Imagine what he could do for our country. Hitlary will start WW3 within 2 years
Trumo broke the record for votes for a Republican party candidate against 17 top globalist elite cronie candidates by millions of votes. Bernie couldn't win because he was a weak cuckold commie that could only inspire reddit and underage with his marxist drivel
>mfw a politician literally got killed and the English people still voted to leave the EU
top kek
So your still retard who voted for canuck who is not eligible kek.
Love how they threw that in as well
I have never met a masculine white male Democrat voter in my entire life
You voted for the zodiac killer, good for you christ fag
I have but they were henpecked by their wives
>Trumo broke the record for votes for a Republican party candidate against 17 top globalist elite cronie candidates by millions of votes
>Broke the record for votes
What? Retards like you voted for him, that's why we're in the mess we're in now. I'm not saying Trump was better or worse than Cruz, they're both better than the shit the Democrats have been pushing out the past 16 years.
>Bernie couldn't win because he was a weak cuckold commie that could only inspire reddit and underage with his marxist drivel
I'm not disagreeing with you. My point was that Hillary surpassed his memery, and he had the media behind them. What hope does Trump have?
Guys I recently graduated from college with a STEM degree
I'm a white man
Can anyone tell me the benefits I'd get by being a Democrat voter?
"what hope does Trump have"
Firstly we are still months from election and already every day there are things taking place in the world that will push more voters towards trump.
Secondly the result of Brexit confirms that you can have the media and celebrities parroting whatever establishment drivel you want, the people are sick of it and will vote erratically and boldly because they are sick of seeing no change at all.
Nobody trusts the media. In Florida for like 3 weeka straight they ran attack ads on Trump, and he still one in a landslide, despite it being Rubios state.
And you really can't amount Trumps overwhelming victory to le Sup Forums. He successfully rallied the working class behind him while everybody else got butthurt and called them rednecks
Not to mention the debates for the general election haven't even started
Brexit actually got a fair amount of positive media coverage though. American Media acts like it's the worst thing that everyone hates, but that's just because we have one of the most liberal medias in the world.
We don't even need debates.
The whole Clinton email scandal cost Hillary the election.
Not a whole lot. Democrats support shipping in Indians that will do your job cheaper. Also Hillary wants a 550% increase in "Syrian refugees," who do you think is going to pay for that?
Tell that to Kanjiklub.
I too want to believe that but the democrat voted really don't give a shit if shes a criminal
that makes me feel better
We all know the moderators are only going to throw them softball questions to protect hillary and kiss her ass. Coulter was right, there should only be a time keeper.
It won't matter to the niggers but a lot of the people that are on the fence will shift to trump.
You're so beyond retarded. The noncritical media is shrugging it off saying "See she's innocent".
The "critical" media is saying "Well, she's innocent, but she better take this as a warning!"
People are fucking sheep. They're going to vote for Clinton because the man on the tv told them to.
You might be right here, still not a retort to the point that a bunch of celebs came out of the wood work to endorse a stay vote though
If you know of any who said they'd prefer leave k-keep me posted
Spotted the jew.
Most people don't trust the MSM.
There IS a thing in this country called a silent majority.
How autistic do you have to be that someone having a certain opinion triggers you? So what Ford thinks and says what he did in the vid, he's still a very cool and based actor.
They might, they might not. Republican numbers are up up up, and Democrats were down down down in the primaries. Blue stronghold states like California, Pennsylvania, Florida, and New York are up for grabs
Who voted for a 2nd Obama term.
Most presidents get a 2nd term. Even the bad ones.
See GW Bush.
Shut up Ford
Romney was a plant
Fuck that old cunt right in his liberal Jew pussy.
wqat is this
How is Chappelle always right
>Hating on Indiana Jones and Han Solo
Go away Nazi.
>Romney was a plant
>And Trump is for real!
Trump is/was a business man, it was in his best interest to be friends with everyone
There's a ot of blacks, white women and cucks.
You might be right, you might be wrong all you are doing is speculating with no evidence
>the character and the actor are the same person
Fuck off.
Comey, FBI director did a press release summarizing their investigation into Clintons emails. During his questioning earlier this week into why he did not recommend prosecution and whether or not he was compromised, he let slip to look at the transcript of his release very carefully. user found that
I'm just angry dude. There's literally nothing I can do about any of it, there's nothing anyone can.
I'm just going to show up and vote for Trump, but everyone knows how this election is going to go.
Did Romney ever attack Obongo? Trump is determined af to get in and his policies are rock solid. A stale fart was more inspirable than Romney
Jesus christ dude calm the fuck down, it's a joke. Stop acting like a fucking tumbler landwhale.
I still don't know who this pasta was originally about, but I would believe Harrison Ford would actually do this.
I would have just told him to go fuck himself. Celebrites are still people, don't treat them like they're superior because then they'll think they are.
I disagree, with months to go the entire thing is completely up in the air.
if ISIS attacks America in the coming months and then the media focuses on Hillary Clintons involvement in the germination of ISIS you would basically be handing Trump the presidency.
remember this is in ISIS interest as well as Trump becoming president will help their propaganda and recruitment efforts massively
>His policies are rock solid
>Build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it
Stop it just stop it. He's flip flopped like 8 times in the past 6 months.
>don't treat them like they're superior
They are. Ford is worth a million of you.
On what?