It's not even close.
The Dark Knight Rises >>> BvS
Nolan pls
Nolan pls
Nolan didnt want superman to die.
Wonder women should have had more screen time. Fuck you Zack Snyder you fucking hack.
why? her casting was awful.
I like both movies, but prefer BvS Ultimate by quite a bit.
The casting was fine. The character was horrible.
My only complaint is that they included the Justice League shilling and doomsday, which were both obviously forced onto Snyder by Warner Bros. and DC.
>The casting was fine
What was wrong about it?
Do you have any arguments other than snoody greentext and frogposting?
it's true Sup Forums is still trying to fully comprehend the masterpiece that is TDKR
Superman 1 and 2
Batman 89
Batman Returns
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Spider-Man 1 and 2
The Rocketeer
The Incredibles
First Class
Days of Future Past
Iron Man
Captain America 2
Hell Boy 1 and 2
Yeah people say that BVS stills gets discussed a lot but TDKR is going on 5 years and we still have daily threads.
>Gal Gadot
>good casting
>The casting was fine
She needs fucking subtitles
Man, you really did show me why I was wrong with your snarky-unsupported greentext and reaction image. Thanks for showing me the truth based on evidence and reasoning.
They're both total garbage, but BvS is probably a little better.
People rarely talk about the actual movie. It's actually kind of impossible to discuss because of how pervasive the Bane meme is.
why hold a gun on someone who's blindfolded? the subtleties of this masterpiece have yet to be unraveled
not him, but Gal is not Wonder Woman
she's just cosplaying
I don't see anybody outside of Sup Forums complain about Gadot's Wonder Woman. Loved her and can't wait for the standalone movie, desu.
Please show me why that's the case rather than just oneliners.
Wonder Woman is a dull, tall and generic woman who fights crime. She's also supposed to be pretty and seem somewhat foreign.
All of that was covered.
I don't understand how people still have respect for Nolan after he says things like this.
She doesn't have the look or the personality. Not even close.
You're the one claiming she's a good actress. The burden of proof is on you.
The Dark Knight Rises has its flaws, but it's still a mostly competently made movie with likable characters. Despite the gritty and realistic aesthetic, it isn't dark and edgy like BvS and its themes are quite positive and uplifiting.
BvS is pretentious garbage that thinks it has something to say but is ultimately all sound and fury. Your movie loses any illusion of complexity when there's literally a scene where a character watches trailers for the next movie.
She's tall, tan, pretty and visibly "strong." That is the look of Wonder Woman.
She is dull and straight forward. She has a tiny bit of sass but that's about all the personality the character has. That's portrayed fine in the movie.
If that's all there is to Wonder Woman's character, why do people like her?
Who were the soldiers and bug aliens in the post-apocolyptic dream?
I'm not joking when I say I get the Kino memes. I saw this at the dollar theatre last night and certain parts made me laugh out-loud, certain parts were incoherent, but honestly, parts of it it were really strong and interesting, more so than any Marvel flick.
That begining scene with Wayne watching his entire building get destroyed and thousands of employees dying was honestly moving and really set up batman's motivations.
My problems:
>What was the point of lex framing supes in Africa?
>What was the point of setting off the bomb during the hearing? (was it just to eliminate that senator, even though other senators would obviously deny him too?)
>Why did Lex want supes dead when Batman was causing him more trouble?
>If Lex was scared of a being supes, why did he go out of his way to make doomsday?
>Everything with CG was terrible
>Wonderman fighting out of nowhere (she was okay before the reveal)
>Those hamfisted reveals of the other heroes mid fight scene
Someone please help me with this, I'm being serious.
What bane meme? I had no clue this movie was even meme worthy.
Lovely burden of proof fallacy.
You have ZERO evidence. Absolutely none. Therefor you push the task of finding evidence on me in hopes I just stop. You're a dumbass and wrong. The best part is that you know it.
Fuck off.
>BvS produces forced memes like Lex Luthor and Gal Gadot
>TDKR produces the greatest, dankest meme ever born
A strong female character will always sell.
Lots of people like Katy Perry's music. It must be full of unique personality and objective quality!
>People will still fall for this incredibly shitty bait
If this were a courtroom, and you were the defense attorney to my prosecutor, I'd have cleaned your client dry. Every argument relies on proof. If you have no proof, you lose. Period. There's no debating this.
RLM hated her
and I always mindlessly do what they say
Can we all just kill ourselves? It's pathetic how we talk about these movies 24/7. If you frequent Sup Forums longer than a month then you need the draft.
Not thick enough. Sorry, she doesn't cut it at all.
>and visibly "strong."
Top fucking kek.
I understand how you feel, user. People can be such shits.
>evidence for an opinion
>Who were the soldiers and bug aliens in the post-apocolyptic dream?
They were Darkseid's soldiers is what I heard. At the end of the movie in the ultimate cut, Lex summoned Darkseid's uncle(?) to earth, so that would lead to those bug troopers in later movies.
>What was the point of lex framing supes in Africa?
So that Batman would think of him as a threat. Remember that black woman he bribed/threatened to talk shit about Supes?
>What was the point of setting off the bomb during the hearing? (was it just to eliminate that senator, even though other senators would obviously deny him too?)
To eliminate the senator and cause people to suspect Superman of either being involved in the bombing or being negligent in finding and stopping it from going off. Remember how he was trying to prove that god cannot be both all good and all powerful?
Why is Gal Gadot so perfect?
>more so than any Marvel flick
this is incorrect, Marvel makes competent movies.
BvS is not a movie, it's a 3 hour trailer for Justice League.
you have coherently identified all the major problems, there is no help sorry
same here user
Why is it Americans can only handle about 3 different accents and just go brain dead with any other
dirty Kikes don't speak human languages.
>remember the black woman he brided/threatened
>he bribed/threatened
No, because this wasn't in the theatrical cut and it's no wonder I confused people.
When I saw the movie I figured she had genuinely been tricked into believing superman had killed people, but there's nothing to actually indicate that.
A lot of the finer details that people complain about are very valid based of the theatrical cut. It's a real shape the JL shit wasn't cut out instead of the extra stuff from the ultimate cut. Literally all they needed to set up the JL was the bit with Bruce at the funeral at the end.
Marvel makes very good commercials for averages crap for kids to buy.
TDKR was a 'disappointment' because the two moves that preceded it were incredible
BvS was a 'disappointment' because it was supposed to be Avengers-caliber, with all of WB's minds working on the project to deliver to us a real treat, but it turned out awful.
The best analogy I saw was from another user on here: if Civil War was The Black Album, then BvS was St Anger. BvS tried to be different, and failed, while CW played it safer, and succeeded.
>BvS is pretentious garbage
Children opinions are always easy to spot.
>Marvel makes very good commercials for averages crap for kids to buy.
sure thing buddy. whatever you say.
I thought the set-up of having Lex bring the aliens to earth, like he rang a dinner bell, was a really good way to set up worthy adversaries for the JLA to fight. It would be completely nonsensical for them to waste their abilities fighting relative pissants like the joker or whoever else.
>tried to be different
Doomsday was painfully generic monster bullshit.
Putting in Ant-Man and Spider-Man in a movie where the tone is supposed to be slightly darker than usual for that series was a huge risk.
The tone could have been horribly inconsistent but it worked perfectly.
Snyder’s thrillingly intelligent use of interior conflict and political antagonism vastly outclasses Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy: Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises — all noxious — which were bellwethers of our culture’s decline.
Fanboys prefer the Nolan films for their “darkness,” which emphasized the sophomoric, pseudo-tragic elements of the Batman graphic novels. But Snyder’s more adult treatment finds the material’s emotional core. This displeases the fanboy/hipster whose adolescent embarrassment about feelings was exploited through Nolan’s emotionless violence and post–9/11 nihilism.
The pain of post–9/11 as reflected in Nolan’s Batman films was a paradigm shift. But fantasy cannot conscientiously be enjoyed Nolan’s way, without any sense of social, historical, or moral consequence.
It takes just such dreamlike moral clarity to reprove the Nolan trilogy’s chaos.
In this age of petty Marvels, most comic-book movies merely perpetrate fantasies of power, but Snyder, enacting his personal aesthetic, braves a film that examines those fantasies.
I was mostly saying that to avoid the Snyderbots from raging.
Civil War is better in every way, especially themes and exposition. But they'll never admit it.
You are smart man, user. Too smart for this board
>disliked Toy Story 3
>unironically liked Jonah Hex
>ywn be so ashamed of your opinion that you'll feel the need to hide it with spoilers
Toy Story 3 is a shameful cashgrab though.
1 is much better than2
>Doomsday was painfully generic monster bullshit.
yeah, doomsday has always been that
>that ant-man and spider-man risk comment
completely wrong,
spider-man himself has had many dark stories many time, but because people think of him as this joking personality they think there's some type of struggle to put him there
the only hard part about having those characters there is the script reason, why are they here, how did they get here
Civil War was infinilty better movie than BvS.
Iron Man 2 is more competent movie than BvS.
Spider-Man 3 is a more coherent movie than BvS.
BvS is edited by mentally ill retard with absolutly no understanding of cinema.
BvS was so fucking bad it was goddamn insult to the art of editing movies.
What a pile of fucking horseshit.
>story shared similarities to AToTC
>sets were fuck huge like Metropolis
>film depicts a sort of revolution
>is technically an epic for the scale of the production and the actual run time
>is actually the biggest production helmed by Nolan
biguy4u doesn't make TDKR a bad movie, just mediocre. at the very least better than the pile of shit that is BvS
>muh editing
All fixed in the definitive version.
That doesn't fix the horrible script.
Goyer is shit and ruined the DCEU.
A complete reboot or doing Flashpoint to erase BvS and MoS is the only hope for this universe.
Are you implying editing is not an important thing in movies or something?
I'm implying his main complaint is editing, and that's fixed.
How is it fixed?
>Horrible script
how? explain in detail
It is. The esiting was a mess in the Theatrical Cut because storylines were removed, scenes were shortened, etc. If you haven't watched the UC see for yourself.
Or if you don't believe me read any of the numerous reviews of it.
It's posts like this that make me think that some people dislike the writing in BvS simply because of this preconcieved idea that Goyer did it... even though he didn't. At least not for what ended up being filmed.
Which is strange for several reasons, but the biggest being that this movie as a whole does not sound like something that Goyer would write.
It's been picked apart to death, I'm not going to regurgitate this shit.
If you couldn't see massive plot holes like Lois magically figuring out that they needed the spear to kill doomsday without anyone telling her or how Batman figured out Doomsday was kryptonian without any information whatsoever, (You) are not worth my time and are a blind fanboy.
>A complete reboot or doing Flashpoint to erase BvS and MoS is the only hope for this universe.
full steam ahead
Are you retarded?
He came straight from the kryptonian ship. You might be dumb, but Lois and Batman aren't, sorry.
I've heard this Goyer complaint numerous times, without any logical justification. Simply a circular logic trap:
Goyer's script is shit.
Because Goyer wrote it.
People forget that Terrio revised it entirely.
Either way the logic is flawed and simply spouted as if it's absolute and irrefutable truth. To be frank it sounds like how children argue.
>mister skeletal should be WW
neck yourself
to them, shit writing = "not muh characters"
The script is actually quite good in a lot areas as seen in the UC, and the dialogue is some of the best in any capefilm really.
Both of these complaints are addressed with the very public weirdness surrounding the kryptonian ship as doomsday is being created. There's news coverage, power outages, people freaking out. it's not a stretch at all that Batman and Lois would assume that Doomsday came from the kryptonian ship and is probably kryptonian.
She is, and I love it.
Chris Nolan oversaw and supervised Goyer's script for Man of Steel.
>Terrio completely re-wrote BvS from Goyer's script.
It's ridiculous how a big budget movie like this has such an awful script! It's unforgivably stupid.
3 years of fucking hype for this piece of shit.
Fuck Warner Bros, I don't care Stanley Kubrick wrote it. There truly was no quality control for this crap flick.
>MCUck retard with horrible taste
>would assume
stopped reading right there, that's a horrible script.
Don't forget that Batman and Lois were both in contact with people who DID know that doomsday just came out of the Kryptonian ship.
>Superman is an alien
>Kryptonite hurts
>Doomsday is an alien
>Maybe kryptonite hurts him
It doesn't take huge leaps to understand their logic, even if they were complete guesses.
Was the Lex in this movie the son of the dude in MoS? I only ever saw parts of it.
She has nice legs tbph
>If you couldn't see massive plot holes like Lois magically figuring out that they needed the spear to kill doomsday without anyone telling her or how Batman figured out Doomsday was kryptonian without any information whatsoever, (You) are not worth my time and are a blind fanboy.
not that guy but you're the one in the wrong here
>the lois-spear connection
the movie establishes that she knows about the event at the kryptonian ship even if she, like everyone else, isn't aware of what's going on inside
when batman and superman stop fighting, she tells them both about the ship and how it must be lex
later on when doomsday is led back to gotham and superman tackles it, the camera cuts back to lois as she hears the roar then cuts behind her clearly showing that she's watching the shit happen at a distance
so in her mind
ship acting up, now there's a monster, it has laser beams, GEE i wonder if there's a connection here
we know batman knows about lex is generally up to something
after he saves martha, and after doomsday's first explosion, we get a moment of him flying towards metropolis where he asks alfred to fill him in on what's happening
later, when doomsday falls back bruce flies near it at which point it FUCKING SHOOTS LASERS AT HIM with bruce immediately after saying "its kryptonian
no plot holes to be found
How would Lois know anything about Kryptonite?
apparently the pottery came from terrio, as well as the dialogue which is much smoother with a lot of use of different forms of irony
these things stood out to me as being ungoyer like
Why? It's a reasonable assumption for the circumstances. Your confusion seems to mainly stem from neither Batman nor Lois verbally expressing their thoughts, which wasn't needed. At least for me. Maybe for yours and others' sake they should have said something to themselves, like Lois did in the UC's scene where she realizes Wallace didn't plan to blow himself up (I surely would have been a confused if that wasn't made so explicitly clear).
seelearn a thing or two about screenwriting before posting here.
>How would Lois know anything about Kryptonite?
i wonder if it has anything to do with her walking in on a guy that completely fucked clark's shit because of the kryptonite
Did you miss the part where superman is weakened by the spear and she throws it away?
A green rock means nothing to her.
She has no idea what it is.
There is literally wrong with characters making assumptions or leaps in logic. Making you audience assume or jump logically is poor, but that isn't what happened.
Please go back to your Film 101 class before acting pretentious here, thanks.
That doesn't mean she will suddenly know you need it to kill Doomsday.
All she would know is that it makes Superman weak, why would it have any correlation to Doomsday whatsoever?