At one point did he lose his ability to write lyrics?

at one point did he lose his ability to write lyrics?

i was always impressed by some of his lyrics back in the days when he pumped out mixtapes and even in his early days of his career

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hes always been a gimmick.


Drake is terrible!!! FUK HIM!!!

People who relate to or get impressed by Drake's lyrics are the same people who make Drake the type nigga xD jokes. Sorry OP.

t. retards

he actually did interesting stuff back in the days. Thats why he got noticed.

All you are hating on is the commercalized Drake of the last few years who annoys you because normies love him.

I like his pre-Views stuff, but he was never a good lyricist.

i mean i guess he was ok on degrassi

by lyrics i mean he delivered a few good lines per song but nowadays he can't even do that anymore. Even when the overall content of the song was relatively cringey but he had the ability to drop a line here and there.

Like if you listen to Can't have Everything on his more life (((Playlist))) he just does literally nothing but flow. What a missed opportunity.

I like Do Not Disturb thats retro drake i guess but hes flying too high nowadays. Hes riding the "hurr durr im so successful" meme for too long now. This shit got old after Take Care.

>he actually did interesting stuff back in the days

explain what was so interesting about Drake

Drake still putting out decent stuff to be honest

I think it's funny how drake featured on a Eminem track :P

his best lyrics are on versace

i actually enjoyed IYRTITL quite a bit but i havent seen myself go back to it in over a year, it just got too old too fast. trust issues is also one of my favorite songs.

drake is still a gimmick though, everything about him is gimmicky, dont know if he writes his lyrics, he rides every popular rappers wave, he steals styles without a shred of shame or guilt and his fake jamaican accent hes doing is fucking cancer.

Didn't even know about that one.

I used to know a guy who worked at the gas station I'd buy blunts at and he did a Versace remix, that shit was my favorite

im not sure how long you follow hip hop, rap in general but the mid 2000's or even early 2000's were a fucking shit fest because so much money was in it and the scene pretty much became the biggest meme in its history.

Then at the end of the decade the internet became more and more widespread and it was easier to get through. Thats why most of the popular artists that are succesful right now are from that era (late 00's).

Drake, Kendrick filled some gap that related with a lot of people and didn't feel commercial.

Listen to shit like The Calm, Fear, November 18th. People called him a fucking faggot cause he was starting to sing aswell. He jsut did what he wanted and succeeded with it.

He basically invented the "OVO" Tier sound. Now its everywhere and sure people feel annoyed by it but theres a reason many long time Drake fanfucks exist but its hard to distinguish nowadays since hes one of the most popular artists right now.

In the end its about money and i dont really care that much about artists going full sell out. Good for them but it seems like hes not even trying anymore.

Still wearing my ripped up muddy Steph Curries, threw away my jays

They were 1s but like, everyone has had 1s before so I just gave em to some people

not even the orginal 1s like jordan wore

I agree about him not trying anymore. I really can't fucking believe I don't like a single song out of 22 on More Life. I even liked 3 or 4 songs on Views.

How can you hate drake though? He's so charismatic and lovable

This song was pretty good


the lambo thooooo

>white girls will never eye fuck you like that

fuckin hoes >:(

I'd say around Take Care, where he started to fill half of his albums with fillers. He has occasional bursts of lyrical-ness (Tuscan Leather, 6PM in New York, etc) but his days of giving a shit are gone.

>Bills everywhere, trill everything
>And Drake just stans for "Do Right And Kill Everything"

>tfw Drake will never spit bars this good again

wat is u even on about?

Pretty much this.

What're you confused about? Being a newfag?

>Implying Drake writes his own lyrics

Are you guys fucking retarded? Have they really pulled the wool over your eyes that much?


>i heard about drake post 2015

fuck off

Sounds more like you
Drake has always been the butt of the joke

you know how many people do this? who the hell cares. Its just smart.

t. triggered drake kiddy

god this is dumb

what are examples of Drake being lyrical?

this is the best I can think of is 6PM in New York

He got lazy from winning.

I think he was great NWTS and before as a lyricist. But I guess he felt he doesn't have to try as hard

Longevity is a challenge

when he left his wheelchair

He most of lost one of his lead lyricists on his marketing team.

Arguably Cudi and Kanye invented the 'OVO sound' and then snare was added

>I'm just tryna connect with something babe

>But remember, anybody can get it
>The hard part is keeping it motherfucker

Connect is probably his best song.

>dont know if he writes his lyrics

I can't believe people think he has a ghostwriter. His lyrics are shit, you'd think he would at least pay someone to write some good stuff for him.

Yeah back when he had ghost writers