I wish God existed Sup Forums

I wish God existed Sup Forums

I mean, really, why do so many bad things always have to happen?

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Name 3 bad things that happened to you that isn't your fault

Because God engineered it that way. Don't you see, diseases, wars, and natural disasters serve as population balancers. Without them, how do you expect it to balance out?

You have to learn to turn your emotions off. If you worry about every bad thing that happens to everyone in the world, you're only hurting yourself and not actually helping anyone.

You will go crazy if you do this.

it's mostly what my parents did that affects me financially, you can't really stop other people who affect you financially.

no, god is lazy-think

the nietzchean objection to modernity was for germans to use god as an excuse to do good not for the sake of god but because of god

god becomes the void of responsibilities, so that with your lack of responsibility you need god to support your weakness

in the olden days your weakness propels you towards god because a holy person is a morally perfect person so you do everything you can to overcome your weakness

God existing doesn't mean he has to intervene in people's lives.

God is real, he just doesn't intervene. very lousy God i must say

So this is only vaguely on topic, but I seldom get a chance to discuss this:

What if God is not currently real, but could be real?
Only in this instance, what if all the creation myths were wrong, and instead of God creating man, man created God?

What if, through decades of labor and diligence, we created an information singularity, a supersentient AI, that could overcome all of human failings. And unlike all of the dystopian works where the AI proceeds to annihilate/enslave the human race (The Matrix, Terminator, "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream," etc) this omnipotent being could be benevolent.

With sufficiently-advanced technology it could, conceivably, do all of the miracles in the Bible:
Water into wine? Basic nucleosynthesis
Healing the sick? Sufficient genetic advancements could eliminate disease (and even death) all together
Loaves and fishes? See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-scarcity_economy
Life after death? Finding a way to decode/reencode a brain into a new vat-grown body

What if the AI (let's call him/her/it Sigma) guided our species with paternal affection, out of our short-sighted failings and into the stars? Think about it: all attempts at utopias, all attempts at empires, failed because of that which pertains to human nature. The weak link is humans; we're apes with big brains who inevitably succumb to human weakness.

What if the only answer is something that's not human, with none of our faults?

>he exists but there is literally no proof whatsoever
>he's real, but he just doesn't bother

This explanation always strikes me as pathetically lazy, and to a lesser extent cowardly. Like you either haven't given it much thought, or you're an atheist who's afraid to admit it

this is the setting for the foundation series by asimov

so you need a specific question

Faith doesnt require evidence you fedorafuck.

The whole idea of him is being an omniscient being that merely exists in the background, not directly involved in peoples lives.

anyway since it's setting nothing is ruined but basically the ai plays the role of passive guider

they only exist to people as a kind of conspiracy but it basically controls management of resources in the background behind bureaucracy

kind of like what the bletchley park did for brits during ww2 so that the ai is not jeopardized and people still think it is they who have control over their lives

it will propel us technologically but we are still petty greedy and selfish, safer more connected but like the nietzschean last man, lazier and lacking communal ambition, etc etc

>unironically being stupid enough to believe in god

conscious eternity floating around god is not "bliss" it's actually hell squared because you have only one emotion

Does God need to be good person? Should not bite an apple eh.

god himself said he was vengeful and jealous god

The earth is approximately 6000 years old and God exists.

>Evolution Debunked

>Errors in Evolutionary Thinking

>Darwin's god

>Archeological evidence for the Bible

>Evolutionism: The Greatest Deception of All Time

>Refuting Evolution and Bill Nye

>Kent Hovind destroys Evolution

>Evolution is a myth

>The Greatest Lie Ever Told

>Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (chess master) blows Evolutionism out of the water

>The Terror of Evolutionism

>The Pagan Roots of Evolutionism (Darwinism is a religious cult)

>Tracing Genesis Through Ancient Culture

>Overwhelming Evidence for a Global Flood

>Dinosaurs are not "millions" of years old

I'm going to get banned (because fedora mods) so make sure to copy and save this post.

Truth does not fear investigation.

if god was real he wouldn't let me hate myself

Life is cruel, OP and the universe does. not. fucking. care. I wish it did. I miss the comfort of belief every day. I wish there was some meaning, any meaning, other than whatever meaning (You) find meaningful, but it is what it is.

I think the sooner we as a people realize this, and admit that the world we are in RIGHT NOW (rather than the next one) is the one that actually matters, then we can move on as a people. But as long as people think that it's "God's will," or "karma," or "destiny," and not you and everyone around you, shit will continue to happen.

The only way forward is to realize that there is no all-powerful being who can save us. All we have is each other, whether we like it or not.

hmm really made me think

>Faith doesnt require evidence you fedorafuck.

That's the root of the problem. You can believe anything you want based on nothing other than the coincidence that your parents introduced the idea to you, and you don't question it at all. It's sad, but at the same time I'm envious because life was so much easier that way.

But I'm sure you mock other beliefs that are just plain SILLY to you
>72 virgins lmao
>chemtrails lmao
>pineapple belongs on pizza lmao
without seeing the hypocrisy

>72 virgins
I don't mock it, they're just our enemy who must be eradicated ultimately(once the Jew is dealt with).

That's something in the material world, which can be proven / disproven.

>pineapple belongs on pizza
That's a subjective opinion in the material world and is a matter of taste. Irrelevant.

You might be confusing the material world and the spiritual world.

>why do so many bad things always have to happen?
so you can git gud

what? lol, this is bullshit. there are thousands of religions.

>they're [the people whose imaginary friend differs from mine] just our enemy who must be eradicated ultimately
he said without a trace of irony

>You might be confusing the material world and the spiritual world
So because it's in this construct called "the spiritual world" it doesn't require any evidence to justify it's existence? Do you question anything you're told, or do you just run with it?

animals like you have no god

What requires irony here? Man is a creature of War and War is synonymous with man.

it's not
we may be capable of it it doesn't mean that's what define us

chimps are also capable of tribal warfare

are chimps creatures of war?, or are ants and bees, are beers creature of war?

is ant the synonym of war?

Have you ever listened or read about Deism?

>Man has been at war for thousands of years since his creation
>Now, because we have the gift of machinery and technology it will somehow stop and completely go against Man's nature

Really makes me think

If God existed it would be necessary to destroy him

Ray Comfort pls, your place is America now.

I have actually, most of my country's founding fathers were Deists. That was what I think about the idea

>there isn't a single great atheist civilisation

Faithless people have nothing to live for. That's why they're so depressed.

if God isn't real, then how do you explain God?
checkmate atheist

>whats USSR
>whats France

To test your worthiness of His Heaven. You have to earn it. Patience is virtue. You can't earn gold without hard work. You can earn fit body without hard work. He knows your limit.


God is a mean kid sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass, and I’m the ant. He could fix my life in 5 minutes if he wanted to, but he’d rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.

Take some responsibility

Daddy isn't there to fix you big boy