Gun safety in TWD

Rick is a fucking trained cop why the fuck does he waives the gun right in front of everybody's faces when speaking to them.

Also why does he holds it in that retarded grip?

because people with no taste think its cool and badass

too cheap to hire a gun adviser on-set probably


Pick one

Because the walking dead is a prime example of terrible weapon logic.

>Its almost impossible to stab through a skull
>Xbow bolts are NOT reusable, if you try that they'll fucking break when you load them again and you'll have several shards of wood completely embedded into your hand like pic related
>Fireworks do not fucking work as mortars
>molotovs are not just liquor bottles with a rag on top
>Katanas cant slice through everytime and they lose their edge after very few numbers of cuts

>implying zombies skin and bones aren't in terrible condition and everything you talked about is by consequence possible

>katanas dull

And they don't fucking cut through bones like butter. You have to be a beast to even approach cutting through a skull and not a skinny ass womanlet.

t. Undiscovered Katana Master

They do it all the time at the very beginning though when the infection had just happened.

Also, dont try to find excuses for ANYTHING zombies do, really, reminder that the series explicitly mentioned that they violate the laws of physics

Well clearly nobody owns guns, in the US so they couldn't possibly know how to handle them.

its because he's too far gone

do you even watch?



Well by this point in the series most walkers are rotting and there's zero bone denisty I'm sure it's easy to cut through them with a sword. Even if it is sorta dull. These zombie are walking mush

Because trigger discipline is actually Hell

Wide nose gorilla bitch

>>Fireworks do not fucking work as mortars
Some do. Depends on how they're set up.

>britbongs in charge of survivng zombie apocalypse in America

He reached his wits end in pretending to continue to play to the alexandria safe zones occupants delusions. It was luck that had them survive that long. And if you continue to watch the series they pretty much make rick their leader.
There evolution post fall of humanity was different to those outside of the walls. They were still in the early stages. Whilst human evolution continued for the worse outside of the walls.

In zomvie apocalypsis it's better to accidently kill an innocent than to not be fast enoguh to kill a bad guy.

>unironically watching this garbage after the first season

>watching this garbage after the first season

>watching this garbage at all