Hey Sup Forumsros What's the most fucked up name to call the race you hate?

hey Sup Forumsros What's the most fucked up name to call the race you hate?



I don't hate any races :)

Waggese for french people. It's very rude. I don't use it because I like the french. Maybe because i life 5 minutes to the border

Peaceful people.


Nascar for car races

We call americans "war criminals"

Go back to tumbler

im just curious on fucked up names because some people are sometimes very clever on insults.

Jungle bunnies


How about calling faggots "op", some get really mad

Black people: Neger, Nigger, Bimbo, Molukke, Mohr, Hottentotten

eh i don't care much for being called a fag. once you accept it you can post anywhere

call them a big doo doo head.


wtf user I know this is Sup Forums but have some fucking human decency.

I can never say nigger as a standalone insult. I prefer saying filthy nigger or spear chucking dindu instead. When insulting niggers you should always amp up the intensity and complexity of the insult because most black people although disturbed would not be enraged simply by hearing nigger.

We call this Mohrenkopf (Niggerhead) or Negerkuss (Niggerkiss). Pc version in Eierschaumspeise mit Scholoadenüberzug (Eggfoamfood with choclateglaze).

Niggers need no embellishment. They're the most worthless group of people ever to walk the earth.

I'm starting to think "porch monkey" is actually much more of a fucked up name to call blacks than "nigger"

i think this is the only time i can say that i want that niggerhead in my mouth.


OP Got his answer already

That 's just dumb thinking. There are dumb fucks everwhere

it does feel like nigger lost its flavor on online. it needs to be changed nigger is kinda overused now

Pavement ape is more accurate.
Monkeys have tails.

you're probably right user. that is hands down the worst name

Jup but it is not allowed to say. Like we are not allowed to use swastikas. I don't want it but i think it should not be banned.


Inselaffe (islandape) for the british

co worker

city baboons
basketball americans

cercenated dicks
carbonized people
Zyklonized people

middle eastern baboons
child bombers

How many jews fit in a small car?

do you guys have those edge lords who try to draw/spray paint a swastika but they mess up and make it look something like this


how many?

Almost everywhere at train/busstations or public toilets. But mire in the eastern part. It's like in the us with nort snd south.

Didn't know Kaathe had such a hard past.

6 million, in the ash tray

Belgians call them ''negerinnentetten" which can be translated to nigger tits :)

10/10 would eat nigger tits

Close. 5 on the seats, 1 in the trunk and 30 in the ashtray


How do you guys call germans? Nazis or krauts?

Long tradition with the jokes

extra keks its from 9gag


That guy


As a non retarded nigglet...

I ask with genuine curoisty why some of you Sup Forumsros hate blacks.... I get some are fucking retarded , lazy , welfare check collecting waste of space. But then you have normal hard working functioning memebers of society...

So i just wanna know is it the fucking retards you hate? Or are you just retarded yourself and hate all of us.

>pic related