Do you know what the turing test is?

Do you know what the turing test is?

>I'm gonna tear up your motherfucking anus white boy

what did he mean by this?

I know a dickgirl when I see one

This movie made me ask:

Do YOU know what the turing test is?

>Turing proposed that a human evaluator would judge natural language conversations between a human and a machine that is designed to generate human-like responses. The evaluator would be aware that one of the two partners in conversation is a machine, and all participants would be separated from one another. The conversation would be limited to a text-only channel such as a computer keyboard and screen so that the result would not be dependent on the machine's ability to render words as speech.[2] If the evaluator cannot reliably tell the machine from the human (Turing originally suggested that the machine would convince a human 70% of the time after five minutes of conversation), the machine is said to have passed the test. The test does not check the ability to give correct answers to questions, only how closely answers resemble those a human would give.

So I was expecting the twist to be the bearded due was a robot.

Instead it was he was a Chad that made robots.

That's right up there with Interstellar Aliens that blow up the white house, that are allergic to water, that die of human air borne disease.

It's where I fuck the AI, right?

You missed the point that he is trying to make.

He wanted someone to empathise with a robot as one would with a human, in spite of knowing that they were interacting with a robot. He was challenging the Turing test.


There were no aliens in interstellar though. it was the girls father talking from the future.

No there's no aliens in interstellar.

Well he didn nothing of the turing test. It's not a challenge it's just a Chad that happen to be smart enough to make a human, but not have a magnet ring around teh wireless recharge stations for her like my camera has to prevent feedback.

I thought everything in the movie had a meaning.... it was A LOT less.

I still havn't seen a good movie about the turing test, so WHY START NOW!

i believe its when you drive a race car for like 48 hours

He could have made her look human, but didn't, because


Like that was it. It made no sense. It was the biggest let down. The dude got him drunk and hacked his system. WHAT IS THAT FOR SECURITY! it's just a card. there was literally NOTHING more to it.

Honestly I could have done that movie 6 different ways...

>in spite of knowing that they were interacting with a robot

the 'Chad' anticipated it
I'm not making that up because that's what he says

did you even watch the movie?

A what?

It wasn't a Turning Test or any concivable level a test in ANY shape or form. He was not testing SHIT on this.

He was an Alpha who wanted a Beta to make him feel better.

That was it. He just wanted someone to show off his new sex doll at. There was no real other plan he had. He just got drunk, fucked an asian sex doll and abused his Natalie Portman doll.

There was literally no scientific aspect of the movie.

You could redo that movie with a Japense Geisha owner, and replace her putting on skin with putting on clothes.

It feels like someone ripped off the script and modernized it.

It's so trash, 2015 was the WORST for movies.

>Chad whos somehow autistic savant tier
>beta who bumbles around like a retard at all turns
>le segy robot who is very clearly going to kill the beta
>zero actual security measures at any point

It's actually Chad who created their fictional version of Google and then used all of our searches and data to create AI.

This movie didn't sit right with me, and I'm not sure why. Left me feeling uneasy and confused afterward.

What was it about? What were Nathan's motivations?

At first, Caleb won the contest and got to go meet Nathan, take the ascended Turing Test. Okay, that's all good.

Then, it's revealed that Caleb was handpicked. There doesn't seem to be a need for a test because of Kyoko (who I guessed was a robot instantly, not much of a twist there), and the whole thing just devolves into a free-for-all between Nathan, Caleb, and Ava all pushing their own motive.

Nathan wanted to see if Caleb would treat Ava like a human? If he'd have feelings for and romanticise something that's basically a metal box? Why?

Is it supposed to be some sort of lampshaded deconstructed commentary that doesn't have to make sense because of this?


>dat edge
You missed the many points this movie had to make.

Nathan knew that it was inevitable for his creation to overcome humanity once it was a true a.i, that's why he was drinking into oblivion. I don't know how you retards don't get this


>pajeet's fantasy dot png

if only...