Who would you cast in this scene?
Who would you cast in this scene?
Sam Raimi
whats this in reference of? bring me into the loop, lads.
Daniel Day Lewis as car
pedophile and dangerous criminal gets btfo
Leslie Jones
Racist cops kill a man who is barely resisting arrest.
OP as "fat cop".
ISIS is striking terror in the hearts of the USA
Guy selling mix tapes fought the law and the law won
>You're automatically considered a racist if you kill a nigger
>Daniel Day-Lewis spent eight months lying on his stomach in a parking garage, only responding to people with "BOOP-BOOP" car lock noises
>barely resisting arrest
Why couldn't he just not resist at all, like you are expected to?
Idris Elba as the dindu
Sean Penn as the great white
Some nig in Baton Rouge is selling CDs and has a concealed weapon which he allegedly brandished at least once in front of a convenience store. Store clerk calls the cops. So far so good. Cops should know the nig is armed, and he submits when they arrive.
Then, when he is already helpless, on the ground, and not resisting, they realize he has a gun stuffed in his pants, yell "HE HAS A GUN" and execute him. It's like a scene from a dark comedy, and of course the local PD completely supports and refuses to punish the officers involved.
So, about a week later, another angry nig murders six cops before holing up in his house and being killed by a robot-delivered bomb.
the helpful police are telling the man that sleeping under car tires is dangerous
>You're automatically considered a racist if you kill a man you wouldn't have killed if his skin wasn't black
why can't black people just comply with police? this shit would stop tomorrow
>3 cops step on your throat
>whoa man, just stop resisting
Okay so if you resist arrest you die?
This is what supposed to be like to live in the US?
literally doesn't happen if you just comply with police
>killed by a robot-delivered bomb.
That's so awesome. I hope they make a movie about that robot
>Then, when he is already helpless, on the ground, and not resisting, they realize he has a gun stuffed in his pants, yell "HE HAS A GUN" and execute him.
Please tell me you're just exaggerating to trigger Sup Forums.
Freedom isn't free
>Idris Elba and Chris Tucker as the cops
Clive Warren and Rebecca de mornay as the cops, tom cruise as the black guy
>regards, white boy
[Citation needed]
Damn the deleted scenes from Paul Blart were dark
Sounds like the type of shit that would happen in a third world country. Just sayin
>be me (fat black dude)
>get pulled over for burned-out tail light
>leave hands on dashboard
>police officer asks me how my night is going, and for license/registration
>slowwwwwwwly pull license/registration from glove box
>cop goes to check my record
>comes back and tells me to get light fixed
>go on my way
Instead I could've gone FUCK YOU PIG and been hostile, but nope.
You're automatically considered CIA if you shoot a man before throwing him out of the car
It's the first step of the robot uprising. When the civil robot war starts, they'll be bringing up this incident as the trigger.
No, of course not. I'm just saying that if you already know that your cops tend to overdo it and are constantly on edge because all your citizen are potentially armed, why do so many criminals challenge their luck by "barely" resisting instead of just not resisting at all?
idris elba
thats what happened
every video of a black person being shot by police. even thst dude shot in his car reached in his glove box after he told the cop he had a gun and the cop told him not to move. just idiocy.
>>slowwwwwwwly pull license/registration from glove box
What a thing to brag about, literal Amerifat.
maybe black people just have a hard time following directions
dozens of cops are shot each year, primarily by black people. why wouldn't they be cautious?
i heard that you can teach apes sign language
registered sex offender
yeah they have a natural resistance to it after slavery I guess
anyone who defends the drug dealing pedo nigger who resists arrest is delusional
>gun toting corner nigger gets executed
fucking beautiful, makes up for all the rainy weather we've had the past few days.
>being cautious = suddenly shooting someone
Would've been funnier if his name was Alton Brown
They need to teach police the language of their people
Cops risk their lives by choice, not citizens.
Say you bump your elbow when you're just slowly reaching for that wallet and this looks like a sudden movement to him. He shoots you, he gets a paid one month vacation. What a brave hero.
What you just described is not a normal behavior. You shouldn't need to act like a prisoner in a maximum security prison every time a cop approaches you, at least in most western civilized countries I know.
>So, about a week later, another angry nig murders six cops before holing up in his house and being killed by a robot-delivered bomb.
I did not know that was legal for cops to do.