Thoughts on Steve-O?

thoughts on Steve-O?

don't think about him

0 thoughts on that has-been

He's a cool motherfucker

shouldnt be a celebrity. hes cool though


momre like kin-o

He's cool glad he worked through his drug problems

Well o can tell you steve is really just trying to grasp his reality in other ways that he has ever known and he is lately on chill mode as far as I know of. Have a beer.

Noice dentures brosef!

Came to my college once. Was kinda sad really.

Good guy.

What was it about?

dem fake teeth
dat fake celebrity
dat N2O
>he's not a has been, he's a never was

guy gets famous for being a retard, is responsible for the dumbing down of America, but hey, at least he became a millionaire doing it.

He's a legend but his time has passed.

All the Jackass crew will never be the same, it was the beginning of the end when Ryan Dunn was, well, done.

Faggot looks like Squirtle was raped by Tony Robbins and gave birth to a retarded son.

America needs no help "dumbing down"

if it wasn't for steve o Trump would have been elected.

He should use drugs again

Attention whore, tries way too hard to be seen at any cost. Almost as obnoxious now as when he fried his brain with all kinds of drugs

He's become a self-righteous vegan PETA-fag to top it off, probably "found god" too in rehab

All that aside, I'm sure he's a good person and I enjoyed some of his antics in the early 2000's when jackass was relevant

I doubt he was ever a millionare like knoxville or bam. Steve-O used too much drugs and wasted too much money. Latest thing I heard he lives in an okay apartment but nothing fancy, I doubt he has any substantial amount of money saved up

He'll probably inherit his dads fortune, so he's set.


Comedy act.Most of his stories were more depressing than funny.

Why is no one talking about this