How smart is Sup Forums?

How smart is Sup Forums?





A damn good lunch.





24 b


this guy is right

= Get Fucked


Best answer so far

2 peppers


If 2 peppers are 7 then 1 is 3.5

Tacos are 20
Burritos are 10
Chilli are 7
>Omg everything compilates



Go home Facebook your drunk

The burritos are 5 not 10
20 + 5 + 5 = 30

Burritos are 5 you illiterate nigger

How the fuck do you get 30 out of 20+10+10?

Fine gentlemen

this what i got but im dumb

t=20, b=5, p=2

I'm bored



Take a closer look at the chilisn my friend.

You failed to notice that there are 2 peppers in one pic, and only 1 pepper in the second pic.

so you are in kindergarten or what?

We don't have the value of a lone pepper.


If 2 peppers = 2, we can safely assume 1 pepper = 1.

No the value of the 2 peppers cannot be known because they are combined.

We only have the value of peppers sold in pairs, there's no value given for peppers sold separately, you would have to get in contact with the manager to find out. Unless you just assume 1 pepper is half the price of 2 but that is not always the case as they might be in pairs on special offer.

no, the value of 2 peppers IS known, it's 2, but the value of 1 pepper is not defined, so this cannnot be solved

So if 2x = 2, then there's no way to solve for x?

Not according to that retard.

27 maxican foods.

what are you a retard? 2 peppers is a single unit, not 1+1 peppers. There is no + between 2 peppers. Hence, 1 pepper is not defined. Assuming is not mathematics.

Fuck these things. The think you figured it out the first time you see one, then you notice the symbols aren't the same on the last equation. Then all you faggots argue for hours for fuck all who cares

I'd be a fool to argue with that!

case fucking closed.

Those tacos are 20 each one
These burritos are 5 each one, and the peppers should be 2, so one pepper's value is 1.
The solution to this is 26 (1+20+5)

If double pepper is different symbol altogether, then there is no way to solve it. If double pepper is two single pepper then the answer is 26.

The answer is, in other words, conditional on how the symbols are to be understood.

You fucked up

The smart one is right here. Bow down to your intelligent master race /b

do you see + between 2 peppers?

One pepper is not defined because you can easily guess that one pepper is the half of the two above; and seeing that there's no '+' on the third operation, those two peppers must be multiplying (1 pepper x 2 units of them=2), so then you just have to do this (2:2=1) to guess the value of just one pepper.
I'm high as fuck, so I don't care if I'm right or not

I guess like 26.4?
Simple simultaneous equation stuff.
3a =60
60/3 =a
a =20

2b =30-a
b =10/2

b-cc =3
-(c^2) =3-b
c =√2

And so:



Well if you ask me this problem is poorly structured.
First of all, 3 tacos would definitely not equal 60 calories, so that first equation is completely invalid in the grand scheme of the equation.
Second, a taco and two burritos somehow equal less calories than 3 tacos. Inaccuracy of the final amounts aside, a burrito would contain far more calories than a taco, so this is also wrong.
The third equation is a fucking joke, moreso than the rest of this disaster.
So what is red hot chili pepper + taco + burrito?

The answer is Anthony Kiedis shitting lava on stage, ofc.

why c^2
its not chilli^2, its 2*chilli

No, but peppers are not symbol defined by convention (or axiom) to begin with. No reason to discount apple counting type logic is given.


+(2/2)?? no...

= 20+5+2 =27 nigga

Okay so you are saying that cc is the same as 2c?

oh its 1 chili and not 2 ok ok

is this mathematical or philosophical equation? If mathematical, then 2 peppers is defined and 1 pepper is not, hence there is no answer. If philosophical, then we can ASSUME that if 2 peppers are 1+1, then 1 pepper is 1 and then the right answer is 26.

3*taco = 60
taco + 2*burrito = 30
burrito - 2*pepper = 3
pepper + taco + burrito = x

taco = 20
20 + 2*burrito = 30 2*burrito = 10 burrito = 5
5 - 2*pepper = 3 - 2*pepper = -2 pepper = 1
20 + 5 + 1 = 26

its 2 chillis first but at the bottom there is just one
so its not 2 but 2/2 so its 26 not 27

no but 2 chillis are not chilli^2

There it is

This guy gets it. 25 + √2 is the solution.

Is this Big Smokes order?

you have to go back, Pablo, and we're not doing your homework for you, you lazy fuck.

It does not say 2 chilis though, it says chilichili.

You get really spicy diarrhoea


the 2 chillis are in one "number" so only 2 chillis or 22 makes sense

Tacos are 20
Burritos are 5
Burrito - 2 chilis = 3
1 chili = 1

aboot tree fiddy

But that's not how maths works
a+b+c+d is not the same as a+bc+d
When using algebra if two symbols are placed next to each other its an unwritten multiplication.

ya but the 2 chillis are becoming one "number" when they go together so you only need to know one of them

= one banana


25 + x

did you retards even pass sixth grade math?

What is x? 1?

you can't simplify the equation further because there is no variable for one chili pepper. 25+x is a valid answer.

Chili+taco+burrito= A red hot asshole.
