Hi, Sup Forums! It's my birthday today yet I feel like shit. How are you today?

Hi, Sup Forums! It's my birthday today yet I feel like shit. How are you today?

timestamp your driver license so we know it's your birthday faggio

happy birthday bud

i didn't request anything so im in no way obligated to, besides im too lazy to go pick it up, if you believe me you can wish me happy bday otherwise i dont give a fuck kek
thanks user!

where are you from ? age ?


I don't even know you so I don't have reasons to want you to be any happier than all the other people I don't even know.


you won't timestamp driver license so I can't wish you anything birthday either.

best I can do is "have a day"

Poland, turned 21

young i see. 45 from uruguay here. why you feel bad in your bday ?

Join a robotics club or something if you need a social life.

Happy birthday faggot.

Well happy birthday then op. Have a good one!

ty, user
no one seems to remember about it, and i dont have friends anyway

i make good friends at my 30 be patient bud

Don't worry bro, my "friends" remember my birthday just because I'm their classmate and they get to eat candies. Anyway bro happy birthday..

Before asking yes, I'm 18, in 12th grade

Hey, we have the same Bday!

ty kind anons

that's cool, happy birthday user!

have a great year!

happy birthday dude !

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a good day, and I hope 2017 is kind to you.

happy birthday man, why dont you celebrate with hookers or something, if you're not married/in a relationship?

got real drunk yesterday and hangover is killing me, but thanks
thank you guys! :^)