Hey I'm about to go snowboarding for the first time. Any advice you can give a newbie?

Hey I'm about to go snowboarding for the first time. Any advice you can give a newbie?

If you start going too fast, aim for a tree to help slow yourself down.

If a small child tries to pass you for going to slow, intentionally fall and trip them. Bonus points if you throw their skis into the woods.

Dont give up! At first it is kinda boring but the fun will increase

bend ya knees and try to be as cool as possible

Try not to drown in the pussy on your way down the hill.

Jump off the ski lift for a fast start

Keep your knee's bent, dont be afraid of speed, get comfortable fast and dont be a pussy.

drink a lot of water and take motrin, the elevation sickness is a bitch. Also take up as much area as possible unless you want to fly down the mountain and break your legs catching an edge

If you do end up going to the park, take jumps with speed. Landing on the flat sucks so much cock.

It gets easier the faster you go.
Not bait. I live on a resort.

Keep your center of gravity low, but knees springy. Don't steer with your back foot like rutter or you will catch a toe edge and faceplant. When in doubt, ass plant and lift the board so you don't put your knee into your face.

All I can say for now, I'm an instructor in the USA, northeast.

Just have fun and remember there is probably a bar at the bottom of the mountain so that should be encouragement enough to make it.

You will fall a lot. Might as well land on your ass as opposed to landing on your face.

I just started too. Prepare to get hurt. I wear padding on my tailbone because I'm a pussy.

OP here would you recommend lessons to learn basics?

First get high, second have a few drinks after because your knees and ass or going to be sore. Drink water in between.

you're going to fall a lot, get used to it. keep your weight centered between our feet, if you lean back (uphill) you can't turn.


Absolutely, just do a day or two though

I only plan on doing two hours of lessons, one hour for learning, one for practicing

Are you going alone, or do you have friends who aren't new?

Ask yourself how simple-minded you have to be to find sliding down hill on a board entertaining enough to occupy an entire week.

I am going with my neighbors who don't know how either

1. Start practicing edge control, toe side and heel side. Face down the slope (fall line) with the board, your hips and shoulders perpendicular to the fall line. Lift your toes and stand on your heel edge. Practice lowering your toes to allow the board to slide down the hill then stopping by lifting your toes to push the heel edge into the snow. Repeat this on your toe edge, facing up the slope.

dont be afraid of falling, but learn how to fall without harming yourself. also have fun, itt: its one of the best things to do in the world i know

2. Stand on your heel edge facing down the slope, shoulders and hips square to the slope. (I'm regular - left foot forward, so my descriptions are for this. If you're goofy - right foot forward, just do the same but mirror image)
Turn your left (front) shoulder down the fall line and the board will turn down the slope. Keep your shoulders turned and the board will continue to turn until you have made a 180degree turn, and you will be on your toe edge. Use your edge control (1) to come to a stop.
Repeat this, but the other side, and you will have turned from your toe edge to your heel edge.

3. Congratulations you have now learnt how to do a front side turn and a back side turn.
Now, link the two.
Stand on heel edge, shoulders square, turn front shoulder down the fall line, KEEP SHOULDERS TURNED, board turns down the hill and then onto toe edge. Now turn shoulders back the other way and the board turns back onto the heel edge. Edge control to come to a stop.
Congratulations, you've just made two turns in a row.

but tje ass hurts after a while, making your hand fists and fslling to the front is the best, at least imo

thats not nearly enough, you will need way more time to practice

4. That's basic lesson. Practice this fort a day and you'll be getting a feel for the board.
Newbies always try and force the board to do what they want, and fail. It's all about rotating your weight by turning your shoulders.
Pic is me, back in the day in Breckenridge in 1993
Have fun user!

Took me aroud 2.5-3 hours to learn not to fall every 5 meters. By the fourth hour i ride down the hill with with pleasure.
Be patient

Thanks! Really appreciated

welcome user.
FYI when you're practising edge control (1) you will catch the edge and eat it. Catch front side edge and knees hit the snow, back side and arse hits the snow. Fine when it's soft, painful when it's icy! Knee pads are not a bad idea! Persist and it comes quickly (much quicker than skiing as you only have two edges to control and your feet are locked together.
Pic me Peak 8 breck 1993