So a friend gave me a 1 hitter for free. Mainly because it has a toothpick stuck in it...

So a friend gave me a 1 hitter for free. Mainly because it has a toothpick stuck in it. In typical stoner fasion he got one toothpick stuck asked for advice on a stoner forum and they suggested push it out with another toothpick. So, any self respecting pot smoker who doesnt fall into the burnout cattegory knows that there are now 2 toothpicks stuck in this thing. I am here looking for suggestions on how to clear this bowl. There is no airflow at all so burning the toothpicks out wont work and they seem pretty well wedged in like they shimmed eachother tighter into the bowl.


hot water to loosen the resin and weaken the wood. run it under a hot tap and use some form of metallic tool to try and somehow budge the toothpicks out of their position.

Use another toothpick to push out the other 2. Post results

Titanium dabber as the tool preferably but a paper clip might work with enough effort

Why did you pack a bowl with no airflow?

you've barely tried anything but you're gunna come begging for help online? ughhhh

try soaking it overnight maybe???
soak in alcohol?
boil it?
anything to get the toothpicks mushy and easier to get out
also, after they're mushy try salt/alcohol

you barely tried anything yet nigger

I'm using bass strings to clear it the water might soften the toothpicks enough to get the string through then the raspy edges could wear it away. Nice job team, now go check for an upper respiratory infection causing his epilepsy

toothpicks burn at a lower temperature than glass, TORCH THAT SHIT TILL THERE IS NOTHING LEFT

Wood expands when wet. Don't do it.

thats no the bowl thats my other bowl the one in question is a little marble 1 hitter but i dont have a picture of it and dont feel like taking one

and you dont know what ive tried or how long ive been working at it. I'm looking for suggestions if you dont have one go back to fucking yourself

buy a new pipe and dont stick stupid shit up it maybe?

you got a pic of the situation?
might be easier to find a solution if we had a visual.

oh shi- i think i hurt his feelings guys
forgot Sup Forums is a 'safe space' now

sorry for ruining everyones good time

It will expand but also become more malleable, which will make it easier to displace. As long as the water is sufficiently hot it will also loosen the sticky resin holding them in place. Worst case scenario you let the cunt dry out after and you're back to square one.

..... oh fuck i remember why i quit coming to this breeding ground of stupidity

was gunna say this, just "grow up, toss that pipe and buy a new one" but i knew OP would be like "ughhhhh i still wanted to try and salvage this one hurr durrr" and probably start crying

>i dont have a picture of it and dont feel like taking one
then why ask us at all?
OP is (as always) a faggot

that is a very cool lighter

chief im a bartender, before that i did construction, before that i was in the army, my feelings atrophied about 15 years ago

oh looks, beat me to the punch

cuz we're stupid for not pouring hours into trying to salvage a $10 pipe sold at most gas stations

your logic is flawless mate

do you need to see the pipe with a toothpick inside. I mean i can see how that would be useful if i had an oscilloscope but what can you deduce from a picture of a pipe with something INSIDE IT?

you're stupid for throwing things out that aren't broken.

this need of yours to have the last word is indicitive of a well educated man who has made sound life choices and sticks by them...certaibly not vehimetly defendeding whatever station in life you've tumbled into with little to no planning?

did you learn that in the army?

did they teach you how to clean cheap bowls in the army??

trips demand this

I'm conversing with people im bored waiting to go to work and trying to unclog these things you have something better to do?

in the pooper it goes!

I use steam to clean my pipes. If you aren't intelligent enough to get a fucking toothpick out of a glass pipe without help from the Internet quick smoking pot. FFS

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I'd go for edibles but i don't drink so the 151 is out :/

This might just work.

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The fuck?

>you are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums
>no you are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums
Calm down, I dont see any reason to get upset over something neither of us here cares about.
Bread isn't about money it's just about saving the pipe, it's just what OP wanna do.
surely we can figure this out.

butt with pictures!

Absolute best way to do it
Will Definitely Work

drill & bit smaller than pipe opening
in & out easy (liek w/ yer mom's butt)
not getting it all?
throw that fucker in reverse - repeat
clean bowl & drill bit in rubbing alcohol
denatured if available

thank you a single piece of logic in all this. It's not about money. They are clogged i like them they were free i would like to unclog them. Suggestions please.

make a firecracker then, easiest thing in the world to make too

also if cancer is killing Sup Forums its the longest living cancer patient in history. I used to visit here when i was in highschool.


This for fucks sake, one hitters are shit anyways.

OP I dont know, but that looks like a glass pipe?
Glass is pretty resistent to a lot of acids, if the toothpicks are just cheap shit plastic you just gotta find a acid that wrecks the plastic without harming the glass.

You could also heat up a tiny metal thing and melt the toothpicks out by touch. Either way these methods will take a really long time to do.

>one hitters are shit

you're shit, one hitters are prime for efficiency nearly any other method of smoking apart from a decent vaporizer is going to be much much more inefficient, and if you clean it often and use hemp wick the taste is pretty top tier as well.

just throw it in a fire op, boil it, bleach, rinse