I've officially found the perfect female body. Find me a more perfect example of the female form

I've officially found the perfect female body. Find me a more perfect example of the female form.



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Sniff her butt

veiny arms/10

shes good

almost as good as missalice94

it's cool. You're not used to girls that are actually in good physical condition. I get it







not even trimmed

I'm out

you cant say perfect female body
with manly looking arms just saying
body is 9/10
arms are -3/10

it's obviously trimmed. If you get scared off by a little bush then you're beta af nigga

Damn. I agree. Pretty perfect.





>Dismissing legendarylootz based on a bit of (trimmed mind you) pubes.
I think this place is for you:


please more webms!!! omfg



shut the fuck up you little bitch

they're not manly you beta bitch. She's fit.

This is a better example :^)





this thread is full of webms and the 2mb limit on Sup Forums is dumb


I love you so much.

Missalice is better

just admit youre into guys

Omg she has skin. Guys have skin as well. You must be into guys then.

peak missalice was better, current missalice has let herself go

rumour is she accepted a lump sum from some korean businessman for pay-for-play and that led her into the vip escort service for a few months and it took its toll on her mentally

Better: daftsex.com/watch/-81721257_456239141

everyone has veins in their arms you fucking idiot. They're more pronounced if you're in good shape. She literally has the perfect female body.

she's gorgeous but she's a bit short and she won't age well. I'd give quite a lot to fuck her as she is at the moment.

Is there a face pic?


I think she did an AMA where she said she was 5'4 so yea on the short side but not midget status. What makes you think she won't age well? She's in incredible shape. No she hides her face in everything.

>New at 11: When people age they don't like they used to
You must be some kind of genius

>don't look like*





sweetie, not everyone ages in the same way. It's down to genes and how you treat your body.

she's in shape but she has walmart/middle america genes, look at her neck and length of bone

she's one or two generations away from white trash


>she has walmart/middle america genes, look at her neck and length of bone
>she's one or two generations away from white trash

I've never heard a bigger load of bullshit in my life kek you ascertained this information from pictures where you can't even see her face? GTFOH faggot

Rarely anyone ages well and furthermore, physical appearance of the now won't help you predict how someone ages. A better predictor is looking at the mother because they share much of their genetics, but even that is inaccurate.

ah the voice of inexperience

there is such a thing as genetic quality you know

she is in like the top 50%-75% range. The rest of what we're seeing is health/fitness and youth.

what a neck-beard, pseudo-elitest, faggot you are. just kill yourself.

>makes argument from genetics
>gets schooled about genetics
>"ah the voice of inexperience"

Again, appearance now is not a good indicator of appearance later. Genetics are more complicated than that, and as I already said, looking at the mother is a better comparison if you want to look into the future of someone's appearance, but even that is inaccurate.

>A better predictor is looking at the mother

this is exactly right! you can tell how a girl will look when she reaches middle age by looking at her mother 99% of the time. Another useful tactic I've noticed is looking at ankle thickness. If she has slim athletic looking ankles and calves then she will probably age well. Thick shapeless ankles she will most likely be a fat pig. Good example of these gross ankles is pornstar samantha rone. Thick non athletic ankles. she will definitely be fat and gross before 40

Just to let you know, I don't think looking at the mother is an accurate way of predicting someone's appearance when they age, but it's still better than assuming it on the basis of current appearance.

you can't tell anything about her genetics from these pictures you fucking moron. besides the fact that she's european. you are so fucking autistic. do you have a handler to make sure you don't hurt yourself?

sweetie, morphology/looks are absolutely an indicator of genetic quality and how people will age

looking at someone's mother helps too yes but I haven't got a video of her dressed up in cosplay showing her pussy, do you?

Sweetie, I think you need to learn more about morphology. Ever wondered how some ugly children turn out to be beautiful when they reach adulthood? Every wonder how some beautiful women turn out to be ugly elderly women? It's far more complicated than that.

gtfo you autistic retard. it's obviously past your naptime. jfc

that's the transition from pre-pubescent to post-puberty. The girl in question has gone through puberty, I can explain how you can tell that if you need me to

Great work OP.

I´ve got some videos and webms of her but I never came across HR photos of her. Saving all the batch.

Keep posting.

Look at how her face is slightly hollowing out already when she makes that smile.

That's probably through inadequate nutrition when she was young having grown up in a lower socioeconomic group. I mean look at that lightswitch.

shes hot but something aint right about her

You conveniently missed the sentence after the one about children reaching adulthood.
Still, you have not demonstrated any effective way to predict how someone will look at a later stage in life. People change a lot over the course of their life, but I guess this is a concept that's hard for you to understand.

Also, condescension won't change anything about the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about.

MOAR of her!!!

lol yea okay. get your autism checked out retard.

this is where she is headed physically

she's gunna be captain thunder thighs in a few years.

no. she has gross ankles.

is that a tranny? serious question? either way male or female that person is pushing 60 if not 60+ and looks pretty fucking good for they're age.


ITT: user is a psychic who can predict the future


We found some top quality homos in this thread

No she's a woman

Women in america look like this from about 36-50 anyway



my fucking sides



You are obviously a fat, insufferable neckbeard.

thanks to whoever's posting these pics
she's fucking amazing, just haven't gone through many of her posts to save images yet

Don't care about them, she has a fine ass!


If you want to see more of her stuff, her pics are all still up on her reddit account. Frequent gone wild poster and what not. reddit.com/user/legendarylootz/

I like this better

that's an insult to neckbeards!

*hides post* *reports for bestiality*


where do you get her High Resolution pictures, OP?

reddit? or there´s another source?


yeah i know, been meaning to just check out all her posts but haven't gotten around to it yet, these are great though

Op you have found the Holy Grail. Bless you we shall sing your praises long after you shrug off this mortal coil.

I got them all from her reddit. I just discovered this girl yesterday. why would you need another source?

she is amazing. I first saw her yesterday and now I'm obsessed. literally cannot stop fapping to her.

yw user
