"My Father believed that if the world found out who I really was they'd reject me"

>"My Father believed that if the world found out who I really was they'd reject me"

Is this meta commentary from Snyder himself about his deconstruction of Superman?

they openly said that MoS and BvS were deconstructed Superheroes, and it was blatantly obvious, which is why i don't get why it triggers sperglords

Snyder unfortunately did have the world reject him

Because its not actually deconstruction, probably.



Snyder understands the core of who these superheroes really are, and how they would act if they existed in the modern world, which triggers nu-males looking for power fantasies.

Thats another of his Jesus analogies.

> He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

> He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.

>she's a bad Elsa they said
>she'll suck they said
>should've gotten that one girl from that photo they said

Sup Forums BTFO

If we want Deconstruction, we have watchmen or Kick Ass or The Incredibles.

If we want a new Superman film about Superman, we're shit out of luck.

Doing a shit job is different than doing a deconstruction.

Dialogue in Snyder films is always layered.

>Kick Ass
fucking awful

Fanboys want Superman to be a boy scout Gary Stu, and Snyder gives them the man inside the suit, his internal conflicts and doubts are projected onto the real world (Superman's film world as well as ours).
Judging by the public's reactions I'd agree with you, OP.

honest to god I hated Frozen, thought it was overrated. I loved that season because of how great they were

Jonathan Kent knew that Superman had to reveal himself when he was ready to face the people's rejection.

Clark proves that he's finally ready during the events of BvS.

The masses of fanboys will be appeased during JL but they'll fail to appreciate the subtleties of Superman's character arc and think that DC panicked and forced Snyder to get rid of the Superman struggling with his place in the world.

i'd welcome a deconstruction of batman or superman. this was a deconstruction of two characters snyder made up and dressed in superman and batman costumes.


It was demonstrated that fanboys are cancer when they'd rather indulge their power fantasy with a boy scout Superman than to enjoy a profound, meaningful story relevant to contemporary society.

>this guy doesn't read comics

>this guy doesn't think this was a good Superman
go read some comics man, deconstructing and reconstructing heroes is common in them.

>"This symbol means something."
>"It did on my world, but my world doesn't exist anymore."

>"This paper stands for something."
>"And so could you if it was 1938."


>People unironically having serious discussions about capeshit

This board was a mistake