Drug thread? Drug thread. What are your favourite drugs Sup Forums?

Drug thread? Drug thread. What are your favourite drugs Sup Forums?

Drinking some cough syrup/pill mix cause why not. Chill as fuckkkkk.

I always like to get high on life, go fuck yourself you dirty drug abusing degenerate.



Also what pills?

Cocaine, codine, zopiclone. My favourites

I smoked like 2.5 bowls of pineapple kush today and i didnt get past a [5], I think it's time for a t-break

How long do you usually take breaks

Xanax is my favorite drug but I'm addicted.
Kava was nice the first time but not nice the last two times I tried it
Weed always.
I want more LSD.

Never taken one, been smoking for 6/7 months. everyone says 1-2 weeks, I'll probably go 2-3

I've been wanting to try acid, do you have advice on what to do for a first time?

I smoke weed all day everyday. Dabs, flower, eat it when I can, all of it.

Op here. I like weed and benzos daily but pyschedelics and coke occionally. Not a big drinker.

Lay down and listen to your favorite music.

What are the best drugs to fuck on?

i just did a weed

mdma and acid, either seperately or at the same time. sometimes it's hard to focus while tripping out though, but once you finish it's 1000x more intense.

Make sure you're with someone you trust and make sure you're in a comfortable environment. Keep a positive attitude!


is it a bad idea to go for a walk at night on acid? Does it make you paranoid like some strains of grass do?

MDMA, herb, and booze. Don't really experiment with drugs like I used too cus I lost my connections when I dumped my thieving druggy friends

Man I miss rolling so much. And human company, but mostly rolling

I have a serious vicodin issue. I try to not keep it in the house because of it. Pretty much any narcotic besides hydrocodone because it makes me vomit.

Go to fucking bed you child


I get really paranoid, just want to know what to expect.

Just stay in your fucking room the first time you do acid. No one can tell you how it will affect you. Even when you've done dozens of trips like I have you still never know what to expect. Every LSD trip is a wildly different experience compared to every other trip you've had. They're always different.

If you are truly curious user, drop acid at home. See what it's like. Then decide. If you still can't make up your mind, then you're a fucking moron.

Pussy fucking stoner.

I'm a 5 foot tall girl and have walked around in the middle of the night on 5 tabs. Quit being a fag and you'll be fine.

Anyone over the age of fourteen knows the answer to that question, don't ever take drug advice or ANY advice from Sup Forums

fuck man, no wonder this generation legitimately seems like it's lacking in critical thinking skills

Anyone else afraid to do any sorta hallucinogenics because they're afraid they will have a bad trip? I've tried a lot of things. But I feel like a fucking pussy because I'm too afraid to try it at all.

on cocaine rn
buying acid
stoned asf

Basically, yeah

Shrooms. Acid is OK too but mushrooms are superior. I haven't tried MDMA yet but I have some coming in from Germany soon.

>I'm a 5 foot tall girl


I love rolling. Don't even wanna think about giving it up yet.

I don't get cocaine. Can you explain it? I've been told it's a lot like adderall. I fucking hate addy. I have a prescription for it and fucking hate it. The crash is horrible. I don't get why people like it. Sure it's nice for a bit. But the crash just isn't worth it.

>I'm a 5 foot tall girl
yeah im gonna need a tits timestamp right now.

In no particular order
LSD, weed, DMT, MDMA

Gabapentin at the moment. Opiates are probably my favorite, but gabbies make me not even miss them. Not enough appreciate for Gabby Gifford

my favorites are lsd mdma and mescaline ive done heroin on and off coke infrequently and basically everyother drug at least once excluding pcp and ketamine

makes you fast. i play counter strike: source on deathmatch surf and rape everybody cause im so fast.
sanic fast.
and you talk a lot
like to the point where they tell you to stop talking
but you cant cause cocaine
man its so fun
buy it when you can

It's all about set and setting. I've tripped on shrooms 8 times and had one bad trip. I've done acid twice and didn't have a bad trip on it.

The bad mushroom trip was after doing them for a third night in a row. YOu can only really get a dank trip once a month or so because you build a tolerance really quick. First night was amazing, second night was fun but weak so the third night I did 7g and wasn't comfortable. I tried them a new way, by putting powder in OJ and drank a quart to get it down. An hour in I had the hershey squirts and spent a lot of the trip on the toilet. Layed in bed the forst two hours super uncomfortable and just wanted to sleep but couldn't. Then sat up for the rest of the trip bawling my eyes out over my ex and my life and thinking of killing myself.

Respect psychs and they'll show you magic, abuse them and you're gonna have a bad trip.

Damn, whats acid like, i didnt think you'd even be able to fuck while on an acid trip

My man

once i ran from the cops on foot on 4 tabs hid in a dumpster cops shined the light over it while i was peaking

I've got no plans to, just reduce it to once a month or even less

Been like four or five years though man. Still haven't forgotten those nights with the binkies and hardstyle and glowsticks everywhere. Fuck

I couldn't stay hard on shrooms but on acid I was horny as fuck and had to beat it in the bathroom of my sisters house like 4 times that night

colors and music is awesome

Meh. I'll stick to my opiods.

anyone got a plug for psychedelics in the kc/913/816 area?

do you dab

Ketamine, meth, and klonopin.


When I was doing it, ketamine, because of the sheer totality of being in a k-hole. Very subtle and fascinating, a dark world. One time I became just a consciousness, manifested as a strange architectural structure folding in on itself. Kind of a mathematical sensibility. If anyone is familiar with the ordinals, after first losing bodily awareness the onset felt like a journey up and out: 1, 2, ..., omega, omega^2.... epsilon_0... And coming back from total dissociation, being so far out of space and time, was really something.

Maybe if I did high dose psys I would feel differently but I don't need to make my life any more complicated right now.

how do you get it

efibals make me puke cant get over the taste even a little

That metallic morning aftertaste from zopiclone sucks though

i ate 4 brownies, a cookie, and a lollipop and felt no effect.
$40 gone.

When im on ice it takes me awhile to get hard and i go soft if the sex gets boring, which it usually does cuz i last so damn long. But when i finally cum its in bucketloads and feels amazing

Not regularly, I don't have a rig. I've dabbed a few times. It was pretty good.

Am day 2 into a t-break from the weed, after smoking 8 months solid... had to be done cos I was smoking nearly 2g a night.

Not as bad as I thought, headache is a pain in the ass and little appetite but I know it's going to be worth it..

Ayyyyyyyy just smoked a J wuddup cunts

you have to make them yourself if you want strong ones. Everytime I've bought edibles that tasted good, they didn't work hardly at all. But one time I got some rice krispies that were super dank, and they had me gone

Give me some from of contact and I'll prove I'm a girl. I made this thread fag I don't want my tits on it

if you got a bong you just need the titanium nail

newfag dosent understand tits gtfo you brought it on your self for saying your a girl



Oh fuck

>newfag dosent understand tits gtfo you brought it on your self for saying your a girl

This sentence is everything that is wrong with Sup Forums.

I don't think I like this website any more. I hate that feeling when I realize I'm talking to/surrounded by children

I'm still living those nights man. I love raves

Had about 6 bowls of loud off pic related, feeling pretty good

bone app the teeth

I have this shitty 3" pipe. My birthday is on teusday, gonna get myself a either a bong or a nicer pipe

Aww bro tell me about it! Mines lasts near enough the full day. No getting used to that

I just wanna talk drugs not tits...

Those pieces just don't last man. Really disappointing.

Had two, said fuck it after the second gave up

there ain't shit you can do to make those taste decent man


I'm hoping mine holds out for a little while, it's holding strong after a couple of months now.

For me my favorite drug of all time is oxycodone, in any form. Lately my connect has been getting OxyContin 80mg which is my favorite, but I also love the 30 IRs and perc 10s as well. I like all opiates though. Also have to throw in an honorable mention for Xanax. An 80 and a bar gets me right where I want to be.

bullshit i eat those every morning before work thank you circle k for your horrible fucking snacks but man those cherry danishes are bomb.
apple one is good too

Oh look someone who's over 13. I'll show HIM my tits

Recently got into krokodil after my dealer skipped town. Started making my own shit. I'm the only one in town that fucks with it so I can't sell it. Favourite drugs being weed, xan, heroin, codeine, and shrooms for sure.

I've switched up to powdering them and putting them in capsules now, fuck the taste of shrooms.

Bullshit. Have you experienced any necrosis or are you actually doing a clean synthesis? Because id love to try pure, clean desomorphine.

That's a lot of fucking Xanax, famalam. Those (benzos in general), alcohol, and cocaine are my favorites, in no particular order. I used to be an acid man but it's been a long time and honestly I don't know how well I'd handle a strong psychedelic anymore.

i hope you fucking die from it


Holy shit, that's a LOT of Xanax bars!

My favourite is always going to be Crack, like H it's got to be respected though or it will pull down your pants and fuck you up the ass

They get clogged with resin beyond all repair after awhile

I never tried soaking mine cus the headshops charge about the fucking same for the cleaning solution as they do proto pipes and I don't know what metal they use

Op are those real or pressed? Or is that just a stock photo? To lazy to reverse image

How do I have a good trip on LSD? Done it twice and it's been bad both times.

And I just looked this shit up, $50? Are you serious? Cost me 30 both times I got mine..

Coke weed alcohol.. on all 3 atm... mdma is nice too

Vyvance weed hydro oxycodone and Xanax but I would love to try some serious physcadelics

I know, right? I think I might legit consider sucking a dick if I could have every last one of those.

I love xans.