Sup Forums, I need some tips: how can I totally destroy a girl? I mean, not physically, but psychologically...

Sup Forums, I need some tips: how can I totally destroy a girl? I mean, not physically, but psychologically. I know her through internet only, I have her on skype and facecuck

Why would you do this?

If you know her and she apreciates you man, killing yourself might just do. Regardless if she does you should do it anyway.

Did she break your little heart? Were you a gentleman and she didn't choose you? Did you actually date her and she cheated on you because you're a boring, pathetic little fuck and she knew it? Or maybe, did she bully you in high school and you have a lot of pent up rage? Come on, tell us, cunt.

No, she false accusated one of my family members of rape. Now some tips please, I can go to another place instead of Sup Forums for this, but you guys maybe useful

How do you know she falsely accused your family member of this and that your family member isn't just lying?

no means no, nigger.

And how can we know that this actually happened? You've no proof. Why the fuck should we help you? For all we know, we could be giving you tips on how to completely destroy a person, psychologically, just because "lol I was gentleman and she didn't date me" or some shit like that.

the fact you don't even know how, and that you think it's a step by step procedure is exactly why you have no GF irl and never will.

>GL beta cuck fag

He's a person of trust. Enough said.

Whatever. You don't want to help me, okay, I'll be doing this no matter what.

Yeah enjoy failing.

cuck faggot you're gonna end up hurting your brain on your own stupidity


You can start with this shit

Post her social media here, dumbfuck. Then, we discuss what we shall do.


do it fag

I will, not now though.


What are you afraid of? Worried someone might doxx you?

I will let the thread die now, be free to post tips or whatever.

OK user I will help you out. I have quite a keen a knowledge on human suffering and in particular females, for whom I have a deep desire to hate or dominate.
This must be a 5 pronged attack, broken into the following categories, or "prongs".
1) Harrassment
2) Mental anguish
3) Suffering
4) Denial of love
5) Success in your life, contrasting to her failures, which will drive her crazy

Ok so let's break it down people, here how we do this shit

1) Harrassment
This can be calling her and calling her "slut", constantly. Give her number out here on Sup Forums and ask the brotherhood of user to help harrass her. I find this is usually a good tactic to work. If you know her in person, know where she lives, goes to school, then use thhis to your advantage, follow her so she knows, make weird noises in the bushes when she's walking home to scare her.

2) Mental anguish
This is similar to the above but more focussed on reminding her of her mistakes, failures, that she's not good enough. I find it usually works really well if you can find out something she has failed at in the past, talk to people she knows, pretend to be a private investigator and find shit out.
Also threaten death on people she loves, her pets etc. Anonoymously of course! And anonymous can help you here if you bait them right.

3) Suffering
When she asks you to stop, make her suffer and keep doing it. Hack her email and just delete important emails, mark things she has already read as "unread" again so she doesn't know wtf is going on her her life. If she has a playstation or xbox live account, hack that also and delete games and achievements, this will cause great suffering.
At this stage you might find she actually starts liking you, it's a weird, fucked up human reaction See Stockholme syndrome. But she will see you have power and dfon't give a fuck, that's confidence

part 2 coming up
