Can we get a Texas Thread?

can we get a Texas Thread?

Other urls found in this thread:

210 stone oak?

any wins?


817 stoned just checking in for I go to sleep

512 Initials MS

Nice trips OP. Bring us the goodluck and all the nudes

It's cold as fuck. I want my 80F back.

any San Antonio girls?

fucking same. Going to a car meet tomorrow morning and I am gonna freeze

409 wya

San Antonio TX user reporting in.

Suh dude

Can we get some south austin girls?

Why is there so much less win in these threads than others? Even fucking north Dakota threads look better. You'd think with UT / TX state the 512/210 area would be flooded with slut selfies.


god i fucking hate seeing this girl all the time

thats what I was thinking man

This bread is just sad..


here's some 210

any houston fags?

210 ex

Never any SSHS

512 plz




Any 210 RRHS? Will trade

holy shit moarr??

At least it helps bump a topic haha




Whats so great about dumb old texas?


this is the last

any 979? Preferably from Brenham?


Nothing. Stay out.

Here is some 512

First name?


better than any other site! a lot of horny southern chicks of your city on

Just took a trip to Ft.Worth to see a buddy. Never been to TX before. What a massive middle class hell hole where everyone lived in identical houses with F250 trucks plowing around. Just my impressions.

Nice, keep that shit coming!

210 NE here

Viva Chile CTM!

Lol the fuck is that pic

Jersey fag here...heard Texas had some hot ass girls...where they at

One more

Any more?



Nobody in Texas likes FW. It's a garbage place


Cute name, kinda sad I don't know her. Looks familiar tho

Another 512

All I got

Ayy gtown represent

Here we go


210 m here looking to suck dick


903 here, whatso that batches name

Hey where you at

Mexican? Love her ass

That's basically every mid to large size city in the whole of Texas. Well, the small towns too, minus the identical houses thing. But those all get knocked down when the jews and faggots eventually want to build something over them. Most small towns are generally too controlled locally to allow the kind of growth they don't want though.

By south park mall you?

Anna Cash went to highschool with her in 512. If you google her you can find tons of good shit. Never found any pussy though. Maybe one of y'all can.

Got a kik?

Nrth Star Mall

Reporting from Dallas the Ketamine is nice here

817 checking in got any chs? Looking for michelle p.

How old are you?

Dude holy shit im in that area

are her initials S M?

any more?

better than any dating site! a lot of horny american sluts of your city on

Do you have a kik? Can trade.



More please

210 closer to South park


You're a fucking retard.

Anyone with stone oak wins I have plenty to trade. Kik garbage210

Yo if anybody in 210 san antonio hmu on kik

210 ppl let's get a meetup going @ an IHOP


This is my Kik if you could not tell

281 baby

Nahhhh more naked

pasadena reporting in


You spelled Fort Worthless wrong


Am down if more are

Shut up stupid

Sugar Land


Add me on Kik

Did you go to John Jay HS?