Let me start off with this: it wasnt a "great" movie by no means. actually seems that most of the hate it gets is because of it's female cast and the insecurities of males when it comes to women leading in movies...

It wasnt great, like I said in the beginning, but it actually was an enjoyable experience.

Witnessing the backlash it got from the internet without it even being released yet got me thinking that I was about to watch an unforeseeable abomination....but it was actually ok and entertaining at least.

Stop falling for internet hype is my advice...the most prevalent people on the internet are spergs...and that should tell you something

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, that's just, like... your opinion, man.

No baiting here friend...ask me anything.

Yeah, okay buddy.

Spergs' opinions are just as valid as anyone else's.


even if you saw it.

what you saw was a mirage made by sjw wizards.

you were forced to enjoy it.

so no matter what you thought you saw you actually hated it.


Sure but im Sup Forums AS FUCK and I feel like my opinions and preferences represent most of this board....and im telling you, it was OK if not borderline great. Stop this circlejerking

Sadly at most this film is gonna be a 'meh' realistically. Those hoping for something as good as the original of a cinematic abomination are going to be disappointed. It's going to be forgotten as quickly as the Robocop total recall remake.

No, it is because this movie completely erases the original as if it never existed. The original cast, and director were intentionally pushed out of their own creation by a Sony president with an agenda of her own despite fans of the original.


man youre Sup Forums as fuck, huh? What does that even mean? Its the female ghostbusters come on man

This is a remake bro. The whole point of it is to tell the ghostbusters story as it has never happened before...and the main cast has cameos in it...what more do you want? its a reboot/remake not a sequel

do you fucking retard shill even realize you cant copy paste shit that works on reddit and facebook and put it here, stupid fucking idiot no one talks like this here, cocksucker

original poster here ummmm...what?

Riddle me this: Why should I go see a "Meh" movie?

uh you're going to trigger all the man baby Sup Forumsedditors

>Sure but im Sup Forums AS FUCK and I feel like my opinions and preferences represent most of this board
>my opinions and preferences represent most of this board
Fuck yourself

it wasnt "meh" it was good
cant you read? do you only know how to write?

exactly, you stupid faggot

I actually did want a sequel, yes. Had that not been clear?
I would rather have seen the original cast pass on the torch to a new cast either female, male, or a mix of both.

its true though
I've shared a lot of my opinions with /tv through the years and 99% of times the board agrees with me

>It wasnt great
So ultimately it was inferior to the original.

you understand that was their marketing ploy from the beginning right?

It'll be forgotten in a couple of months like most of the movies released in the past years.

It wasn't good, though. You're trying to shill for this shit ass movie.

me too brother, but thats what we got
its dignified at least and if the original havent existed it would be considered awesome

lets be real. even if he started posting on Sup Forums in 2014 thats still longer than you and 90% of the current users ruining this board

>black men in front of their babies

top kek m8

Ellipsis are so goddamn stupid, I don't take anyone who uses them seriously

did you watch it? what parts didnt you like?

>it was OK if not borderline great

Sure it was. Sure it was.

So the new narrative is "it wasn't great, but still not that bad", huh? It's going to be funny watching everyone feebly trying to justify this movie's existence.


>borderline great

nice b8 m8.
most people just hate the idea of remaking a classic, but with all women, because muh girl powah. if they made a new movie with all women about being ghostbusters, no one would care

The acting, the CGI, the wontons, the dick shooting, Slimette, Leslie Jones as a whole, the slime puke bullshit, the men all being portrayed as ignorant.


you actually sound like you have never been here before, and your blatant shitposting and bait are shit. 4/10, try Sup Forums.

so most of your grievances are because of the opposite gender leading in this? got it

daily reminder that everyone on Sup Forums who actually care's about ghostbusters and how it oppresesess men is not from this site but from reddit.

Confirmed movie of the year all years.
Do I hear Oscar buzz?

So obvious bait. At least post some proof, faggot.

whats wrong mate? are you upset that I know where and what you come from?

stop hating on movies before you even see them friendo

You are such a foolish little child.

It was pretty clear considering how many retards thought was real.

Fuck you you cunt jew

watch it
then judge it


Seen it, it sucks, you're a dumb lying shit.

If you're so Sup Forums then post one of our memes

oh wow...who would've thought..

Stop defending a movie that has been intentionally sabotaged with an agenda you apparently haven't taken time to research about.

This fucking guy

youre a big guy

>it wasn't great

do you even realize how ridiculous you sound right now?

eeerrrbody knows movies studios hire people to post postive reviews on the internet. That means all sites that have a certian amount of traffic. like 4choon,reddit,imgur,yahoo ect ect.

Sony is trying hard with this reverse style publicity for this movie. This is called Gili Style of publicity. Blame TNT or whoever it was taht bought the rights to the movie Gili then promoted by saying how shitty it is and that you gotta see it for how shitty it is. It worked. Lots of people tuned in.

I believe you now

Well done Feig, well done

How's that sony-dick mate?

Why is this upsetting people not from this board?

We know how ridiculous YOU sound, that's for sure.


This is regular business in movie making. A conspiracy is when there is no proof to back a claim, but thanks to the Sony hacks, and an angry poorly paid script handler there is proof should you care to look deeper.






I swear - I'm betting shills barely even exist; it's almost all just hugely bored trolls.


Nope. There's a black person in it.

>a conspiracy is when I have no proof of it, but somehow am sure of it u shill

Are anti ghostbusters posters the right side? I think so

Even the slightest squeaker of bad reviews start showing up, and the Sony shills start up in full force. They really are worried...

Late 90's meme, and product promotion all in the same post.
Sony shit paid worker, fuck you.


>the slightest squeaker of bad reviews
you literally can't say anything bad about this movie otherwise a flock of birds will eat your bread and you will starve.

keep fighting these entertainment conspiracies meant to enslave you m8, youre a true soldier


The only enslavement is you not making any sense as a means of distraction.

if you say anything against this movie you will literally have your head cut off by the government..I keep telling everyone we live 1984 BUT NO ONE BELIEVES ME! WAKE UP SHEEPLE


Am I reading this wrong or are you actually tinfoil hatting like never before?

aaaand now youre off the deep end, like most of your kind gets when confronted with reality

Not so deep for a deep end, in my opinion. My kind? What kind is that, conspiracy expert, if I might ask?

You just proved his point

Are you talking about yourself? You can't seem to handle the movie being a shitshow.

insecure males, masquerading their insecurities as "taste" when its nothing more than that: insecurities against women...grow up

>Sure but #imwithher AND A KEK and I feel like my opinions and preferences represent most of this board.

its not, though

>Don't mind my nu male looks, guise. The movie is awesome!

>Don't listen to trolls guys
>Movie is pretty good, not great
>Spend your own money to see it and judge for yourself


Man, if i ever make a shit movie i should make the leading cast women as well, it'll be the perfect smokescreen to use whenever i get called out on it and i'll just shame people into watching it.

and you just proved mine


Now you're project lies about me disliking women.
All people have insecurities, and it only depends on how much, and what of.
You're making assumptions you have no proof of, as well as arguments to have no basis of.
Again, more distractions, and nothing about what was posted about, followed by more of your insults.

You are the robot slave.

>shilling this hard

What do I have to do to get on sonys marketing and shitpost for money?

Is the Pope Catholic?

I've watched the movie too.
Cant say much but it was truly great.
Most people just have nostalgia goggles on and keep comparing it to the old Ghostbusters which is a mistake.

This movie is a stand-alone. Its the new Ghostbusters and you should watch it like this story has never been told before.

Its the 2016 Ghostbusters...and its 2016
nuff said